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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

Lexi Faunce

Lexi Faunce, Investigative Editor

Lexi Faunce is a junior studying journalism and politics, and she will be joining WSN this semester as the Investigative News Editor. She hails from the glamorous town of Gainesville, Florida (also known as Tim Tebow Land). When everyone else is out trying to score Hamilton tickets, you can catch her watching the Gators demolish the SEC. An avid lover of the Second Amendment, you’ll want to stay on the good side of this curly-headed Cuban. Peep her Twitter to check out all the right-wing news NYU kids aren’t talking about.

All content by Lexi Faunce
Joey Onwughalu

Joey Onwughalu

The International Opportunist
Lexi Faunce, Investigative Editor December 8, 2016

At 9 a.m., while some NYU students are still fast asleep, Stern senior Joey Onwughalu is wide awake and raring to go to his University Senate meeting with members of the administration,...

Mayor De Blasio continued to show his support for the Democratic Party by declaring New York as a sanctuary city.

Thanksgiving News Update

Diamond Naga Siu and Lexi Faunce November 28, 2016

While NYU students decompressed after midterms and stuffed their faces with turkey over Thanksgiving break, the news cycle had a number of breaking stories develop during the start...

A Trump supporter stands outside of the Hilton in New York on the night of the Election.

Southern Voters Fret Over Trump’s Legacy

Lexi Faunce, Investigative News Editor November 9, 2016

The crude commentary surrounding this election has left many first time voters disillusioned, with some feeling that the rampant name calling and blatant contempt the candidates...

Health Leads

Lexi Faunce, Investigative News Editor October 24, 2016

NYU students looking to gain experience in the medical field while making a difference in their community can work with Health Leads, a national volunteer program that connects...

NYU provides many resources for the LGBTQ community, but some students feel as if it lacks trans-specific initiatives.

Q&A: T-Party and Trans Visibility on Campus

Lexi Faunce and Diamond Naga Siu October 12, 2016
In the wake of LGBT History Month, WSN talked with two transgender students to better understand their experiences at NYU.
NYU Reacts: Second Presidential Debate

NYU Reacts: Second Presidential Debate

NYU students weigh in on last night's presidential debate.

A Struggle Between Productive and Destructive Conversation

Lexi Faunce, Investigative Editor October 11, 2016

In light of Milo Yiannopoulos’ scheduled event to NYU next month, a new debate has been sparked on campus regarding where the university should draw the line between productive...

NYU has set up a whole week of events preceding President Hamilton’s inauguration.

Inaugural Week Marks New Era

Diamond Naga Siu, Lexi Faunce and Abraham Gross September 19, 2016
For Hamilton, inauguration week is less a celebration of him than a reconciliation and celebration of NYU as a whole.

Crime Log: Sept. 1-11

Lexi Faunce, Investigative News Editor September 12, 2016
A weekly roundup of campus crime.
Two bright beams shine from the 9/11 Memorial’s reflecting pools, marking the sky with a ghost of where the Twin Towers once stood.

How NYU Remembers 9/11

Diamond Naga Siu, Lexi Faunce and Abraham Gross September 12, 2016
NYU students discuss how they commemorate Sept. 11 fifteen years after the tragedy.
Processed with VSCO with a6 preset

NYU Sued Over Retirement Plan Fees

Lexi Faunce, Investigative News Editor August 28, 2016

New York University is facing a class-action lawsuit after allegedly allowing a number of participants in its retirement plans to pay millions of dollars in excessive fees.  The...

Top 5 News Stories This Spring

Top 5 News Stories This Spring

Lexi Faunce, News Writer May 2, 2016
WSN reflects on the most popular news stories of the 2016 spring semester.
A 33 hour sit-in in March seems to have persuaded the university to change its policy regarding asking applicants about criminal background.

IEC Gets Previously-Promised Meeting with President Hamilton

Lexi Faunce and Anne Cruz April 26, 2016
The Incarceration to Education Coalition spoke with NYU President Andrew Hamilton, discussing higher education accessibility for those with criminal or disciplinary records.
NYU Divest members occupied part of the first floor of Bobst Library, blocking the elevator that leads to executive offices on Monday, April 18, demanding to meet with the Board of Trustees who would vote on divestment at their next meeting.

Divest Meets Hamilton with Faculty Support

Diamond Naga Siu and Lexi Faunce April 22, 2016
NYU Divest met with President Hamilton to discuss possible fossil fuel divestment at NYU.
Canadian Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, spoke to NYU students on April 21.

Justin Trudeau Talks Politics at Kimmel

Lexi Faunce and Greta Chevance April 22, 2016
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau came to NYU for a Q&A on the Paris climate change agreement to be signed today.
Updates on IEC, SLAM, and Divest movements and their post-Spring/Summer developments.

Divest Occupation Ends Amidst Threat of Suspension

Lexi Faunce, News Editor April 19, 2016
Members of NYU Divest ended their 33-hour occupation of a Bobst elevator after administrators threatened to suspend them if they stayed past 5 p.m.
NYU Divest members occupied part of the first floor of Bobst Library, blocking the elevator that leads to executive offices on Monday, April 18, demanding to meet with the Board of Trustees who would vote on divestment at their next meeting.

NYU Divest Elevator Occupation to Continue Past Bobst Closure

Anne Cruz and Lexi Faunce April 19, 2016
NYU Divest plans on staying overnight in Bobst library to continue their protest of NYU investing in fossil fuels.

What You Need to Know About the Syrian Refugee Crisis

Lexi Faunce, News Editor April 18, 2016
Your guide to the Syrian Refugee Crisis.
Face-to-Face at the Rally With Bernie Supporters

Face-to-Face at the Rally With Bernie Supporters

Lexi Faunce, News Editor April 18, 2016
WSN looked at who showed up to the Bernie Sanders rally in Washington Square Park on Wednesday.
Here's Why Bernie Sanders Has the Youth Vote on Lockdown

Here’s Why Bernie Sanders Has the Youth Vote on Lockdown

Anne Cruz and Lexi Faunce April 14, 2016
A breakdown of Bernie Sanders' speech and reasons for his movement being favorable among millennials.
Bernie Sanders  is rallying for support in Washington Square Park ahead of next week's New York primary.

LIVE: Bernie Sanders Brings the Bern to Washington Square Park

Anne Cruz and Lexi Faunce April 13, 2016
NYU students prepare to "feel the Bern" as Presidential Candidate Bernie Sanders will hold a rally in Washington Square Park tonight.
Hillary Clinton will take her sizable lead over Bernie Sanders to New York next week, where 291 delegates are up for grabs.

What You Need to Know Before Next Week’s Primary

Lexi Faunce and Anne Cruz April 12, 2016
Whatever your party preferences, here's what you need to know before you head to the New York presidential primaries next Tuesday.
Hilary Clinton’s metrocard incident was one of the many funny moments political candidates have had in New York.

Candidates Doze in City That Never Sleeps

Lexi Faunce, News Editor April 11, 2016
A collection of all the hilarious things the presidential candidates have done while campaigning in NYC.
Five students came together to create a film for the HeForShe campaign in hopes to showcase NYU as a place for gender equality.

HeForShe Student Film Encourages Discussion Around Gender Equality Movement

Lexi Faunce, News Editor April 8, 2016
NYU filmmakers highlights NYU's involvement in gender equality movements in the HeForShe film.
NYU has named Katherine Fleming as the new Provost after David McLaughlin stepped down.

NYU Announces Who the New Provost Is Going to Be

Anne Cruz and Lexi Faunce April 5, 2016
President Hamilton announced Deputy Provost Katherine Fleming will succeed David McLaughlin as the new NYU provost.
After receiving a donation of $30 million, the College of Nursing will be renamed after Rose Mary “Rory” Meyers and her husband Howard. A majority of the funds will aid nursing students in need.

NYU to Rename Nursing School After $30 Million Donation

Lexi Faunce and Anne Cruz April 4, 2016
Howard and Rory Meyers donated $30 million to NYU's College of Nursing to be used for scholarships and support.
Ban the Box: The Fight at NYU

Ban the Box: The Fight at NYU

Lexi Faunce and Anne Cruz March 28, 2016

This weekend, the Incarceration to Education Coalition held the longest student sit-in since Take Back NYU’s occupation of the Kimmel Center for Student Life in 2009. WSN...

All You Need to Know About the IEC Sit-In

Lexi Faunce, News Editor March 28, 2016
The Incarceration to Education Coalition won a recorded meeting with Common Application CEO Paul Mott for this coming Tuesday.
Students continued to protest in Kimmel throughout Saturday for NYU to abolish the box.

TIMELINE: IEC negotiations with NYU administration

Anne Cruz and Lexi Faunce March 26, 2016
IEC and NYU continue negotiating about future meetings to ban the box.
Students remain in Kimmel after staying overnight in protest of the box.

UPDATE: Incarceration to Education Coalition Occupation Reaches 24 Hours

Anne Cruz and Lexi Faunce March 26, 2016

More than 20 Incarceration to Education Coalition organizers and supporters have occupied the Kimmel Center for Student Life since Friday afternoon and are in the process of negotiating...

UPDATE: Incarceration to Education Coalition Sits-In At Kimmel

Lexi Faunce, News Editor March 26, 2016
Students remain inside the Kimmel Center past midnight to continue protesting against questions of criminal history on NYU's application.
Students remain in Kimmel after staying overnight in protest of the box.

BREAKING: Incarceration to Education Coalition Sits-In at Kimmel

Lexi Faunce, News Editor March 25, 2016
The Incarceration to Education Coalition hosted a sit with the Black and Brown Coalition, Black Student Union and other student activist groups on Kimmel's staircases to get NYU administration to make a statement that the school will not use applicant incarceration histories when considering them.
NYU Reacts: Student Minimum Wage Raised to $15

NYU Reacts: Student Minimum Wage Raised to $15

Lexi Faunce, News Editor March 25, 2016
President Hamilton announced the new $15 per hour minimum wage for student workers with NYU jobs.
NYU Mobile 3.0 has a whole new look with features such as access to NYU Classes.

How to Get the Most Out Of NYU’s Mobile App

Lexi Faunce, News Editor March 22, 2016
NYU Mobile has launched its third version with some significant improvements and essential features for students on-the-go.
Isabelle Klinghoffer

Isabelle Klinghoffer

Lexi Faunce, News Editor March 10, 2016

Most students feel uncomfortable speaking in public, but CAS senior Isabelle Klinghoffer is able to persuade more than 100 Model United Nations delegates to support her diplomatic...

The NYU Student Labor Action Movement recently protested from Bobst to NYU’s Law School regarding NYU’s low student pay.

SLAM Protests to Rename Moelis Institute

Lexi Faunce, News Editor March 7, 2016
Protesters from the Student Labor Action Movement gathered this weekend to fight for student worker rights.
The NYPD will now overlook minor misdemeanors committed in Manhattan in order to focus on larger crimes.

Wasted in Public? You’re Probably Okay, Says NYPD Enforcement Policy

Lexi Faunce and Anne Cruz March 4, 2016
The NYPD will no longer arrest violators of low-level offenses such as public urination. Here's what you need to know.
Founding CTO of Audible To Be Final Entrepreneurs Festival Keynote Speaker

Founding CTO of Audible To Be Final Entrepreneurs Festival Keynote Speaker

Lexi Faunce, News Editor February 26, 2016
Guy Story was announced as the third and final speaker for the upcoming NYU Entrepreneurs Festival.
Othmer Hall

Othmer Hall

Lexi Faunce, News Editor February 25, 2016

Residency: Upperclassmen, Freshmen Estimated yearly cost: $9,190 - $16,912 Low-cost rooms available: Yes Commute to class: 1 minute from Tandon, 20 minutes from main campus...

Ragy Thomas has been announced as the second speaker for the NYU Entrepreneurs Festival.

Ragy Thomas Named as Second Keynote Speaker for Entrepreneurs Festival

Lexi Faunce, News Editor February 19, 2016
Ragy Thomas will join Libby Edelman as the second of three keynote speaker at the NYU Entrepreneurs Festival.
RoadWatch, an road safety app developed by 5 NYU Abu Dhabi students, has won a competition netting them 272 thousand US dollars.

NYU Abu Dhabi Students Win $200k for Innovative Traffic App

Lexi Faunce and Anne Cruz February 17, 2016
RoadWatch, an app designed by NYU Abu Dhabi students, won 1 million Dhs and top honors at the World Government Summit in Dubai.
Studies reveal that people who speak two languages are able to better focus with distractions.

Abu Dhabi Language Lab: Bilingual People Are Smarter

Lexi Faunce and Anne Cruz February 16, 2016
Neuroscience of Language Lab at NYUAD found that bilingual people's brains are better able to focus on specific tasks and tune out distracting stimuli.
Libby Edelman is the first of three keynote speakers to be announced for the NYU Entrepreneurs Festival.

Libby Edelman Announced as First Entrepreneurs Festival Keynote Speaker

Lexi Faunce and Anne Cruz February 12, 2016
NYU Entrepreneurs Festival has announced one of their keynote speakers for this year's student-organized entrepreneurial event.
Future will be performing a concert exclusively for NYU students later this month.

How NYU Twitter Reacted to Future at the Violet 100 Concert

Anne Cruz and Lexi Faunce February 10, 2016
NYU students react to announcement of Future as headliner for Violet 100 concert.
Left to Right: Politics at NYU

Left to Right: Politics at NYU

Lexi Faunce and Anne Cruz February 8, 2016

Depending on who you ask, young people are either uninterested in politics, or leading a democratic revolution. According to the Pew Research Center, millennials are less interested...

The Incarceration to Education Coalition has urged NYU to remove the criminal conviction box from their undergraduate application.

Talking With the People Behind the Ban the Box Movement

Anne Cruz and Lexi Faunce February 8, 2016
Washington Square News sat down with a few members of the Incarceration to Education Coalition to discuss NYU's letter to the Common App.

UPDATE: 4 Things You Need to Know About Banning the Box at NYU

Lexi Faunce and Anne Cruz February 8, 2016
There's been a lot of talk about banning the box recently. But, what is the box?
International Socialist Organization at NYU

International Socialist Organization at NYU

Lexi Faunce, News Editor February 8, 2016
Meet the NYU's chapter of the International Socialist Organization.

NYU Calls Out Common App on Criminal Convictions Checkbox

Lexi Faunce and Anne Cruz February 1, 2016
After student urging, NYU sent Common App a letter requesting it to research and to consider the harmful effects of marking a box signifying prior incarcerations.
Support for Sanders Soars With Social Media, Rally on Saturday

Support for Sanders Soars With Social Media, Rally on Saturday

Lexi Faunce, News Editor January 30, 2016
Bernie Sanders supporters rallied around the presidential candidate's message in major U.S. cities on Saturday.
Students Upset at NYU in Wake of Storm Jonas

Students Upset at NYU in Wake of Storm Jonas

Anne Cruz and Lexi Faunce January 26, 2016
NYU students were up in arms after the university did not close down on Monday as countless members of the community could not make it into NYC following winter storm Jonas.
The Embedded Master of Arts program is set to launch in summer of 2016, pending state approval.

Steinhardt to Offer Online Teaching Program

Lexi Faunce, News Editor January 25, 2016
The Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development is launching a new master's teaching program that will pair online coursework with classroom residencies in New York City schools.
NYU Divest members sit-in on the 12th floor of Bobst Library waiting to confront university administrators.

Divest sit-in lands meeting with Board of Trustees subcomittee

Lexi Faunce, Deputy News Editor December 16, 2015
NYU divest held a sit-in in Bobst Library to secure a meeting with the Board of Trustees that has been promised to them since April 2015.
Darren Yee

Darren Yee

Lexi Faunce, Deputy News Editor December 10, 2015

In a mob of voracious students hovering over food preparation stands and waiting for their cheeseburgers and chicken salads, one student stands out from the pack. Tandon senior...

NYU's Dance Marathon raised over $300 for the B+ foundation, which seeks to find a cure and treat childhood cancer.

12 hours of dancing raise $333,703.34 for charity

Lexi Faunce, Deputy News Editor November 30, 2015
After 12 hours of dancing, NYU students raised over $300,000 for the Andrew McDonough B+ Foundation.
NYU Senior, Madison McCormick, is currently working on a sticker series titled “#crumblingborders” in a bid to raise awareness of the Syrian Refugee Crisis.

GCASL spotlights Syrian refugee crisis this week

Lexi Faunce, Deputy News Editor November 30, 2015
NYU is hosting Syrian Refugee Awareness Week to collect funds and supplies for Syrian Refugees living in the U.S.

Crime Log: Nov. 19 to 23

Lexi Faunce, Deputy News Editor November 30, 2015
An in-depth look at campus crime between Nov. 19 and Nov. 23.

Transparency of student government still not entirely clear

Lexi Faunce, Deputy News Editor November 23, 2015

While attempting to be more transparent this semester, the Students Senators Council has fallen short on some promises. In September, the SSC launched Project 49 in an effort...

ohn Sexton gave an opening speech for the University-wide conversation on issues of race and diversity on campus in the Coles Sports and Recreation Center on November 18, 2015.

Talks on diversity receive mixed feedback from students

Lexi Faunce and Christine Wang November 23, 2015
NYU students have mixed feelings about the university's actions in the wake of last Wednesday's forum on race and inclusion.
Spiritual leaders and student representatives spoke at the entrance of Kimmel on Tuesday November 17 to commemorate victims of the past week’s tragedies including the Paris attacks, Beirut bombings, and Baghdad incident.

NYU holds vigil for victims of terrorist attacks in Paris, Beirut, Baghdad

Lexi Faunce, Deputy News Editor November 18, 2015
NYU held a vigil for the victims of the weekends terrorist attacks.
The NYU Coles sports center before the construction.

Coles closing date finally announced

Lexi Faunce, Deputy News Editor November 17, 2015
Friday, January 22, has been announced as the final closure date for the Jerome S. Coles Sports Center.

Wellness Center Leaves Students Wanting More

Lexi Faunce, Deputy News Editor November 16, 2015
The NYU Wellness Center's take on dealing with mental illness has been given mixed reviews by both graduates and undergraduates.
Hundreds gathered in Washington Square Park on Saturday, waving French flags and signs of solidarity with Paris.

[PHOTOS] NYC shows solidarity with Paris following terrorist attacks

Lexi Faunce and Christine Wang November 14, 2015
People across New York gathered this weekend to show support for Paris following terrorist attacks that killed over 100.
Remains found in a burial vault near Washington Square Park are believed to date back to the 19th century.

More coffins found in Washington Square construction site

Lexi Faunce, Deputy News Editor November 9, 2015
Archaeologists uncover a second burial tomb in Washington Square Park.
A club that supports students in the military was in the process of creation, but ended up being rejected

Group hosts week in honor of veterans

Lexi Faunce, Deputy News Editor November 9, 2015
NYU Military Alliance is hosting its First Annual Veterans Appreciation Week.

Where candidates stand on our concerns

Lexi Faunce, Deputy News Editor November 2, 2015
Presidential candidates' stance on issues that matter most to NYU students.
Colleges Against Cancer at NYU launches Paint the Campus Purple week today, to commemorate those who have lost their lives in the battle against cancer and continue to fight against the disease.

Relay for Life to paint Violets purple

Lexi Faunce, Deputy News Editor November 2, 2015
Colleges Against Cancer at NYU is fundraising for Relay for Life by "painting the campus purple."
Nahal Toosi moderates a discussion about America’s use of drone strikes with panelists Jameel Jafer, Scott Shane, and Jeremy Waldren.

Panel stirs public debate about drone program

Lexi Faunce, Deputy News Editor October 28, 2015
NYU Law hosts panel with professors and academics about U.S. drone policy over the past few years.
How NYU Deals with Drug Infractions

How NYU Deals with Drug Infractions

Lexi Faunce, Deputy News Editor October 26, 2015
An examination of NYU policies regarding drugs.

Crime Log: October 16-25

Lexi Faunce, Deputy News Editor October 26, 2015
A weekly round-up of campus crime.
 NYU Faculty Against the Sexton Plan (FASP) claims the univeristy does not have a sufficient alternative space ahead of the Coles closure.

FASP says better Coles replacement is needed

Lexi Faunce, Deputy News Editor October 19, 2015
NYU Faculty Against the Sexton Plan claims the university does not have a sufficient alternative space to replace Coles Sports Center.

College Democrats, Republicans talk immigration, education

Lexi Faunce, Deputy News Editor October 9, 2015
The NYU College Democrats and Republicans hold their fall debate on the topics of Economics of Immigration and School Vouchers.
NYU ranks 30th in the World University Rankings for Journalism.

NYU impresses in World University rankings

Lexi Faunce, Deputy News Editor October 5, 2015
A look at how NYU ranks among the most competitive universities in the world.

Crime Log: Sept. 28-Oct. 4

Lexi Faunce, Deputy News Editor October 5, 2015
A weekly round-up of crime at NYU.
The NYU community will prepare for disruption in their commute due to the start of city construction on 4th street.

University hopes campus construction won’t disrupt community

Lexi Faunce, Deputy News Editor September 28, 2015
Washington Square Park and the surrounding areas will undergo construction to restore roadways and update water mains.
 After threatening to expel Freshman Nia Mirza NYU is now offering to pay her full housing costs.

Mirza gets financial aid after housing fight

Lexi Faunce, Deputy News Editor September 28, 2015
An update on the story of Nia Mirza, who after initially being allowed to live off campus was told to move back on campus or she would face expulsion.
Professor Bruce Bueno de Mesquita discusses the Iran Nuclear deal with the NYU Politics Society

Politics Society discusses Iran nuclear deal

Lexi Faunce, Deputy News Editor September 18, 2015
The NYU Politics Society held a presentation on the Iran nuclear deal with renowned professor Bruce Bueno de Mesquita.
New report shows 96.6% of NYU class of 2018 are employed or attending graduate school.

NYU endowment fails to meet financial needs of poorest students

Alex Bazeley and Lexi Faunce September 15, 2015
New data shows students from low-income families graduate from NYU saddled with huge federal loans while the university spends its billion-dollar endowment on expansion.
Boy Pouring Liquid into Conical Flask in Classroom.

Steinhardt receives grant to create STEM curriculum

Lexi Faunce, Deputy News Editor September 14, 2015
Researchers at NYU Steinhardt and Stanford received a $3 million grant from the National Science Foundation to develop STEM curriculum for 5th graders.

A guide to 2031 NYU expansion plan

Lexi Faunce, Deputy News Editor September 8, 2015
The NYU 2031 expansion plan moves forward in spite of recent controversy.
Community members rally against the expansion of NYU and the destruction of the Coles Sports Center.

Activist groups rally against NYU expansion

Alex Bazeley and Lexi Faunce September 2, 2015
Students and faculty protested NYU's impending expansion plan on Tuesday.
Veteran Entrepreneur Training program graduates first class

Veteran Entrepreneur Training program graduates first class

Lexi Faunce, Deputy News Editor August 28, 2015
The first Veteran Entrepreneur Training Program class graduated from the Polytechnic School of Engineering.
Left to right: Andreas Kraemer, Chris King, Michael Mehling, Eleanor Stein and moderator Justin Gillis.

Experts discuss carbon dioxide, renewable energy

Lexi Faunce, Contributing Writer April 30, 2015

Leaders in the sustainable energy industry discussed New York State’s transition from relying on fossil fuels to implementing a renewable energy plan at a panel titled “The...

A judge says that NYU must bargain with the union workers at Bobst regarding the school’s decision to change job duties and descriptions.

NYU, Bobst workers clash over job changes

Lexi Faunce, Staff Writer April 28, 2015
A National Labor Relations Board judge ordered the university to bargain with the union representing workers at Bobst Library over changes in job duties.

Crime Log: April 17 to 22

Lexi Faunce, Staff Writer April 26, 2015
A weekly roundup of crime from around campus.
The TEDxNYU event held on April 20th at the NYU Abu Dhabi building featured screenings of presentations given in order to promote connection across all global sites.

NYUAD hosts global TEDx event

Lexi Faunce, Staff Writer April 21, 2015
TEDxNYU New York presented a screening of TEDxNYUAD's first annual conference.

Crime Log: April 8-16

Lexi Faunce, Staff Writer April 19, 2015
A weekly round-up of crime from around campus.
Students listen during a vigil for the Kenyan students slain at Garissa University College last Thursday. The vigil started on the steps of Kimmel, where mourners took a five minute moment of silence and heard from a number of religious groups. Following the speeches, the group walked quietly to the square to set candles in the fountain.

Students mourn massacre victims

Lexi Faunce, Staff Writer April 14, 2015
A vigil was held on the Kimmel staircase Monday for the students in Kenya killed by terrorists.
Joe Wang, center, presents on domestic policy. His team’s presentation won the final round of NYU’s second Public Policy Case Competition on Saturday.

NYU team wins public policy competition

Lexi Faunce, Staff Writer April 12, 2015
NYU participated in a policy case conference.
Panel examines sex crimes laws, registry

Panel examines sex crimes laws, registry

Lexi Faunce, Staff Writer April 7, 2015
A panel of experts discussed how sex offender registration laws impact the lives of those registered and what possible reform looks like.

Crime Log: March 26 to April 1

Lexi Faunce, Staff Writer April 6, 2015
A weekly round-up of crime from around campus.
Missed the Point performed standup during New York University’s Beta Xi Chapter of Delta Lambda Phi's sixth annual drag race.

Drag race raises awareness, entertains

Lexi Faunce, Contributing Writer March 30, 2015
NYU's Beta Xi Chapter of Delta Lambda Phi hosted their sixth annual drag event to benefit Health Outreach To Teens.

Report: homeless rates increased

Lexi Faunce, Contributing Writer March 24, 2015
The Coalition for the Homeless released their State of the Homeless report for NYC, showing that more children than ever are sleeping in homeless shelters.
Gerardo Porteny Backal talks about the HeForShe movement in GCASL on Monday.

HeForShe promotes gender equality

Lexi Faunce, Contributing Writer March 3, 2015
Male and female NYU students gathered to stand up against the inequalities faced by women worldwide.
Sunday marked the start of NYU National Eating Disorder Awareness & Body Positivity week.

Students discuss body image

Lexi Faunce, Contributing Writer February 24, 2015
A review of the National Eating Disorder Awareness and Body Positivity Week at NYU.

60% of Ebola aid not reaching affected region

Lexi Faunce, Contributing Writer February 10, 2015
An NYU assistant professor of global health policy published a study in the British Medical Journal that says that only 40 percent of funds raised to combat ebola reached affected countries.
(From left to right) Scott Korb, Leslie Jamison, Jen Percy and Ben Ratliff discuss sensitive reporting.

Journalists discuss reporting sensitive topics

Lexi Faunce, Contributing Writer February 3, 2015
Writers spoke at the Arthur L. Carter Journalism Institute on how they report pain, trauma, violence and poverty.