Finley Muratova, Under the Arch Managing Editor
All content by Finley Muratova
Two NYU Students on Running Depop Shops
In these Q&As, two Liberal Studies sophomores discuss their fashion journeys, how they run their independent businesses via Depop and the way they use their shops to fight for the causes they hold dear.
Mandie Montes and Anna-Dmitry Muratova
• September 28, 2020

Safety Tips for Protesters and Student Journalists
With mass protests across the U.S., a lot of information can be confusing and scrambled. WSN has compiled guides and tips that could be of use to the NYU community for protesting safely. Email [email protected] to help expand this list.
Abby Hofstetter, Alexandra Chan, Alexandria Johnson, Anna-Dmitry Muratova and Mandie Montes
• September 24, 2020

Staff Rants: Parties
From tailgates to sobriety, our staff has a lot of opinions on parties.
Helen Wajda, Anna-Dmitry Muratova, Bianca de Ayala and Alexandra Chan
• September 17, 2020

Coming to University and Into Their Own
A lot can happen in four years of college. These three students have been on the journey of coming out as transgender, and socially or medically transitioning in order to become their most authentic selves.
Anna-Dmitry Muratova, Deputy Managing Editor
• May 8, 2020

Staff Rants and Raves: The Last of the Semester
Here's our staff’s random thoughts before we finish the end of the semester.
Abby Hofstetter, Kim Rice, Anna-Dmitry Muratova and Nicole Chiarella
• May 7, 2020

NYU Student Belongings Returned and Damaged
This Tisch senior thought his belongings were safely stored in his former Carlyle Court dorm room, until he was surprised with the severely damaged boxes on his doorstep.
Anna-Dmitry Muratova, Deputy Managing Editor
• April 29, 2020

Clive Davis Junior Returns With Music During Quarantine
Against the backdrop of mass social isolation, Cam Franklin has released a fresh batch of vulnerable music to tell their story of young love and lessons learned through heartbreak.
Anna-Dmitry Muratova, Deputy Managing Editor
• April 27, 2020

When Sharing Becomes Healing
Dedicated to April being Sexual Assault Awareness Month, this personal essay details one person’s path from unlocking memories of their sexual trauma to pursuing and finding healing through compassion and understanding.
Anna-Dmitry Muratova, Deputy Managing Editor
• April 27, 2020

COVID-19 Coalition Begins ‘Virtual Week of Action’
The NYU COVID-19 Coalition advocated for graduate student support, tuition refunds and protection for the essential workers during the inaugural event of its Virtual Week of Action.
Anna-Dmitry Muratova, Deputy Managing Editor
• April 21, 2020

Staff Rants and Raves: Movies
From Lizzie McGuire to Lady Bird — here’s what our staff thinks about movies.
Anna-Dmitry Muratova, Helen Wajda, Jake Capriotti, Gabby Lozano and Emily Dai
• April 16, 2020

Staff Rants and Raves: Fruit
From durians to watermelon — here’s what our staff thinks about fruit.
Anna-Dmitry Muratova, Kim Rice, Helen Wajda, Lisa Cochran, Mandie Montes, Gabby Lozano and Alexandra Chan
• April 9, 2020

Staff Rants and Raves: Self-Quarantine
Here’s our staff’s struggles and joys while in isolation.
Jake Capriotti, Helen Wajda, Vanessa Handy, Gabby Lozano and Anna-Dmitry Muratova
• March 26, 2020

Coronavirus Outbreak Resources for the NYU Community
In the wake of the coronavirus outbreak, a lot of information can get lost in the panic. WSN has compiled a list of resources that could possibly be of use to the NYU community. Email [email protected] to help expand this list.
Abby Hofstetter, Alexandra Chan, Anna-Dmitry Muratova, Bella Gil, Paul Kim and Vanessa Handy
• March 23, 2020

Believing Survivors Still Matters
If predators believe in each other’s innocence in the public’s eye, why can’t we believe survivors who accuse those predators?
Anna-Dmitry Muratova, Deputy Managing Editor
• March 9, 2020

Staff Rants and Raves: Language
From the unnecessary and stupid rules to the struggles of learning and speaking, here’s what our staff has to say on languages.
Anna-Dmitry Muratova, Sasha Cohen, Paul Kim, Kim Rice, Arvind Sriram, Helen Wajda, Gabby Lozano and Mandie Montes
• February 27, 2020

Staff Rants: Super Bowl
The Super Bowl — whether you care about the game or not — draws parties, commercials and more. Hear our staff’s take on the subject.
Mandie Montes, Helen Wajda, Gabby Lozano, Arvind Sriram, Asha Ramachandran, Anna-Dmitry Muratova and Abby Hofstetter
• February 6, 2020

Photo: Sofreh Is Sofreh-king Good
February 5, 2020

This Should Have Never Happened To You
In these video-diaries, three survivors of sexual violence share their stories of experiencing assault and the way it affected their lives.
Anna-Dmitry Muratova, Lu Limanowski and Claire Feng
• January 27, 2020

Eni Owoeye Makes Environmental Education Approachable
College of Arts and Science sophomore Eni Owoeye fosters change and environmental stewardship by making environmental education accessible for all.
Anna-Dmitry Muratova, Senior Reporter
• December 5, 2019

Anna-Dmitry Muratova, UTA Senior Reporter
• December 5, 2019

The Final Staff Rants (of the Semester)
In honor of the semester’s final Staff Rants, we have no theme — only pent-up rage.
Ishaan Parmar, Abby Hofstetter, Sakshi Venkatraman, Melanie Pineda, Ethan Zack, Alexandria Johnson, Fareid El Gafy, Mandie Montes, Sam Klein and Anna-Dmitry Muratova
• December 4, 2019

Staff Rants and Raves: Transportation
We’re all going places in some way or another. Here’s what our staff has to say about it.
Bella Gil, Ethan Zack, Victor Porcelli, Anna-Dmitry Muratova, Alexandria Johnson, Lauren Gruber and Lisa Cochran
• November 20, 2019

Staff Rants and Raves: NYU Facilities
NYU owns a lot of property, from residence halls with no heat to libraries that block out the sun to dining halls that can’t pass inspections. Read what our staff has to say about NYU’s campus.
Bela Kirpalani, Victor Porcelli, Anna-Dmitry Muratova, Sam Klein, Bella Gil, Ishaan Parmar and Alexandria Johnson
• November 8, 2019

Staff Rants and Raves: Apple
Whether you associate “apple” with the fruit or the corporation, our staff has some strong opinions.
Melanie Pineda, Anna-Dmitry Muratova, Kate Lowe, Ishaan Parmar and Mandie Montes
• October 31, 2019

Staff Rants and Raves: Twitter
Twitter: Where memes come to life, where movements come to fruition, and where presidents come to rant. Hear what our staff has to say on what might be both the most multifaceted and divisive form of social media.
Ethan Zack, Calais Watkins, Ishaan Parmar, Mandie Montes, Anna-Dmitry Muratova and Bela Kirpalani
• October 24, 2019

Louise Lessél Brings Metaphors Into Reality Through Programming
Artist Louise Lessél creates interactive experiences and turns the audience into participants in her latest projects, including Cosmic Harp, The Wave and The Black Queen.
Mansee Khurana and Anna-Dmitry Muratova
• October 16, 2019

Staff Rants: NYU Housing
Palladium might have a failing dining hall, but it’s not the only residence hall that has issues.
Calais Watkins, Ronni Husmann, Ishaan Parmar, Melanie Pineda, Anna-Dmitry Muratova, Sam Klein, Alexandria Johnson and Bela Kirpalani
• October 9, 2019

Ace-ing It in New York
These three NYU students identify across the spectrum of asexuality and share their stories, experiences and struggles with being their authentic selves in modern Western society.
Anna-Dmitry Muratova, UTA Senior Reporter
• September 30, 2019

Postcard Poems
Six writers wrote personal letters in the form of postcard poems to their special place in the city from Battery Park to The Strand.
Maxine Flasher-Duzgunes, Anna de la Rosa, Anna-Dmitry Muratova, Rachel Lee, Grace Marie Wanebo and Tayler Bakotic
• September 26, 2019

To: Battery Park
Anna-Dmitry Muratova, UTA Senior Reporter
• September 25, 2019

Staff Rants and Raves: Music
Whether you’re listening to your favorite playlist on the way to work or overhearing someone else’s at 4 a.m., music can evoke many emotions. Here’s what our staff has to say about it.
Ethan Zack, Lauren Gruber, Abby Hofstetter and Anna-Dmitry Muratova
• September 25, 2019

Y is for Young
Welcome to the end of the alphabet.
Anna-Dmitry Muratova, Senior Reporter
• September 19, 2019

X is for All The Gender-Neutral Names
[because it’s my alphabet and I decided so]
Anna-Dmitry Muratova, Senior Reporter
• September 19, 2019

W is for Wardrobe
[more widely known as a metaphorical and (sometimes) literal closet]
Anna-Dmitry Muratova, Senior Reporter
• September 19, 2019

V is for Vacation
[from being trans while being very, very, superbly, immensely, truly trans]
Anna-Dmitry Muratova, Senior Reporter
• September 19, 2019

N is for No (!)
(which is a complete sentence)
Anna-Dmitry Muratova, Senior Reporter
• September 19, 2019

L is for Lesbian
[because what else would “L” possibly (!) stand for]
Anna-Dmitry Muratova, Senior Reporter
• September 19, 2019

I can be for Ignorance
The letter "I"... Part II.
Anna-Dmitry Muratova, Senior Reporter
• September 19, 2019

I is for I don’t (f-cking) know
The letter "I"... Part I.
Anna-Dmitry Muratova, Senior Reporter
• September 19, 2019

G is for Gone (!)
[he or she, or they can be gone; anyone can be gone; when you die, you’re classified as “gone”]
Anna-Dmitry Muratova, Senior Reporter
• September 19, 2019

F is for F-g (!)
[CW: anti-queer violence]
Anna-Dmitry Muratova, Senior Reporter
• September 19, 2019

E is for Elena (Yelena) Klimova
[one woman, who saved tens of thousands of lives by creating an online community]
Anna-Dmitry Muratova, Senior Reporter
• September 19, 2019

D is for D-ck
[the organ known as “penis,” not the name Richard]
Anna-Dmitry Muratova, Senior Reporter
• September 19, 2019

B is for Binary (not)
[binary is very binary, and I sometimes like to think it’s only a societal concept]
Anna-Dmitry Muratova, Senior Reporter
• September 19, 2019

A is for Anna
An alphabetical exploration of the non-binary experience. This is the beginning.
Anna-Dmitry Muratova, Senior Reporter
• September 19, 2019

Ronell’s Return Is a Slap to Survivors
Professor Avital Ronell’s presence at NYU shows the survivors here that their experiences aren’t trusted or respected, and keeping them safe isn’t a priority of the university.
Anna-Dmitry Muratova, Senior Reporter
• September 15, 2019

Staff Rants & Raves: Textures
Some things are fun to touch, and some things aren’t — it’s not too complicated. Let our staff tell you why.
Lauren Gruber, Anna-Dmitry Muratova, Victor Porcelli, Melanie Pineda, Abby Hofstetter, Kaylee DeFreitas and Sam Brinton
• September 11, 2019

Staff Rants & Raves: Welcome Week Edition
Welcome Week might technically be over, but it lives on forever in the hearts of our staff. Here’s why.
Sam Brinton, Ethan Zack, Anna-Dmitry Muratova, Alexandria Johnson, Bela Kirpalani and Diya Jain
• September 5, 2019

New Yorkers Protest After Transgender Woman Dies While in Jail
Layleen Polanco died in the city’s custody last Friday — on Monday, protestors gathered at Foley Square to call on the city to launch an investigation into her death.
Anna-Dmitry Muratova, Senior Reporter
• June 12, 2019

SPS Commencement ’19
Speakers at the 30th SPS undergraduate commencement encouraged graduates to pursue their careers with the underlying goal of changing the lives of people they work with for the better.
Anna-Dmitry Muratova, Senior Reporter
• May 27, 2019

Out, Proud and Graduating: Lavender Graduation 2019
The Lavender Graduation honored graduating LGBTQ students from across the university on Wednesday.
Anna-Dmitry Muratova, Senior Reporter
• April 26, 2019

Busting the Myth About NYU Recycling
Where does the garbage chute actually lead?
Anna-Dmitry Muratova, Deputy Under the Arch Editor
• April 22, 2019

Outside the Checkbox: Invisible in NYU Housing
In theory, NYU’s gender neutral housing is there to ensure the safety and comfort of transgender, non-binary and gender-nonconforming students. But does it work in practice?
Anna-Dmitry Muratova, Under the Arch Deputy Editor
• February 21, 2019

Overcoming Inaccessibility
Due to the lack of appropriate infrastructure, navigating around the NYU campus while using a mobility aid can be a challenge for students.
Anna-Dmitry Muratova, Under The Arch Deputy Editor
• January 28, 2019

Trans Students Can’t Be Defined, Despite the Memo
The recent government memo regarding how gender should be officially described proposes a strictly biological definition.
Anna-Dmitry Muratova, Staff Writer
• November 12, 2018

Anna-Dmitry Muratova, Contributing Writer
• September 25, 2018

Amelia Hernandez Gioia, Deputy News Editor • March 13, 2025

Sherry Chen, Staff Writer • March 13, 2025

Chloe Haack, Staff Writer • March 13, 2025

Luciana Vun, Contributing Writer • March 13, 2025

Steven Wang, Staff Writer • March 13, 2025