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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

Finley Muratova

Finley Muratova, Under the Arch Managing Editor

Finley  comes from Moscow, Russia! They’re a junior studying Journalism and Environmental Studies and it’s their fifth semester at WSN. Finley loves all things inclusive, sex. ed., ecology and advocacy for a whole bunch of stuff. They’d love to chat with you if you want to write for Under the Arch! Find them @veryawkwardfinley on Instagram. :-)

All content by Finley Muratova

Two NYU Students on Running Depop Shops

In these Q&As, two Liberal Studies sophomores discuss their fashion journeys, how they run their independent businesses via Depop and the way they use their shops to fight for the causes they hold dear.
Mandie Montes and Anna-Dmitry Muratova September 28, 2020

WSN is compiling resources that may be of help for protesting and reporting. (Staff Illustration by Charlie Dodge)

Safety Tips for Protesters and Student Journalists

With mass protests across the U.S., a lot of information can be confusing and scrambled. WSN has compiled guides and tips that could be of use to the NYU community for protesting safely. Email [email protected] to help expand this list.

As protests picked up across the country this past June, WSN began compiling resources and information for safely protesting and reporting on protests. We wanted to support NYU...

An illustration of a megaphone with a red handle. Written in orange on the megaphone are the words “Staff Rants.”

Staff Rants: Parties

From tailgates to sobriety, our staff has a lot of opinions on parties.

On Tailgating  Helen Wajda, Opinion Editor I enjoy hanging out with my friends as much as the next person, but I will never understand the appeal of tailgate parties. Why...

Coming to University and Into Their Own

Coming to University and Into Their Own

A lot can happen in four years of college. These three students have been on the journey of coming out as transgender, and socially or medically transitioning in order to become their most authentic selves.
Anna-Dmitry Muratova, Deputy Managing Editor May 8, 2020

Dear reader, here you will find three stories of transgender and genderqueer students from NYU. All of them embarked on separate journeys of self-discovery and self-acceptance...

Staff Rants and Raves: The Last of the Semester

Staff Rants and Raves: The Last of the Semester

Here's our staff’s random thoughts before we finish the end of the semester.

Rants On Apartment Heating Abby Hofstetter, Managing Editor Contrary to popular belief, I’m generally an agreeable person. I don’t really complain when things aren’t...

"The box appeared as though it had come straight from beneath a hydraulic press" (Photo via Brian Rosenwinkel)

NYU Student Belongings Returned and Damaged

This Tisch senior thought his belongings were safely stored in his former Carlyle Court dorm room, until he was surprised with the severely damaged boxes on his doorstep.
Anna-Dmitry Muratova, Deputy Managing Editor April 29, 2020

When Tisch senior Brian Rosenwinkel opened his door on Friday morning, he was greeted by several boxes — including one that was severely damaged — containing his belongings...

Tisch Clive Davis junior Cam Franklin released their music on April 23. Their music reflects on a difficult time in their life and the process of healing from heartbreak. (Image courtesy of Cameron Franklin, by @bigboy.247 on Instagram)

Clive Davis Junior Returns With Music During Quarantine

Against the backdrop of mass social isolation, Cam Franklin has released a fresh batch of vulnerable music to tell their story of young love and lessons learned through heartbreak.
Anna-Dmitry Muratova, Deputy Managing Editor April 27, 2020

A lot has changed for Clive Davis Institute of Recorded Music junior Cam Franklin since their debut solo show at the Bitter End in late September of last year. Over the course...

The sunlight was streaming through the leaves and falling on my denim-clad knees in sharp stripes of warmth. 

“Would you like a hug?” my friend asked and met my eyes with the warm sadness in hers. I nodded and shifted closer to lean my head on her shoulder. “Thank you for talking to me.” (Staff Illustration by Charlie Dodge)

When Sharing Becomes Healing

Dedicated to April being Sexual Assault Awareness Month, this personal essay details one person’s path from unlocking memories of their sexual trauma to pursuing and finding healing through compassion and understanding.
Anna-Dmitry Muratova, Deputy Managing Editor April 27, 2020

At the end of the article there will be resources for survivors of sexual violence and their loved ones, feel free to go straight to the end of the page if reading this might trigger...

NYU’s Covid Coalition and GSOC-UAW Local 2110 hosted a town hall Monday afternoon. The town hall encouraged students, faculty, and staff to share their experiences as the first step of many during their week of virtual action. (Image via Facebook GSOC-UAW Local 2110 and NYU Covid Coalition)

COVID-19 Coalition Begins ‘Virtual Week of Action’

The NYU COVID-19 Coalition advocated for graduate student support, tuition refunds and protection for the essential workers during the inaugural event of its Virtual Week of Action.
Anna-Dmitry Muratova, Deputy Managing Editor April 21, 2020

The NYU COVID-19 Coalition — a student-led activist organization — kicked off a week of virtual activism with a town hall, outlining the week ahead and providing an overview...

Staff Rants and Raves: Movies

Staff Rants and Raves: Movies

From Lizzie McGuire to Lady Bird — here’s what our staff thinks about movies.

Rants On Issues With “Blue Is The Warmest Color” Anna-Dmitry Muratova, Deputy Managing Editor When I was younger, closeted and in total denial about my own queerness,...

Staff Rants and Raves: Fruit

Staff Rants and Raves: Fruit

From durians to watermelon — here’s what our staff thinks about fruit.

Rants On Eaten Fruits Anna-Dmitry Muratova, Deputy Managing Editor This is going to be an opinion as unpopular as my previous hot take on apples, however, this needs to...

Staff Rants and Raves: Self-Quarantine

Staff Rants and Raves: Self-Quarantine

Here’s our staff’s struggles and joys while in isolation.

Rants On Parents Jake Capriotti, Photo Editor Being home in Arizona under quarantine has me worried. Not only am I not allowed to leave the house because of quarantine,...

WSN is compiling resources that may be of help during this semester. (Staff Illustration by Alexandra Chan)

Coronavirus Outbreak Resources for the NYU Community

In the wake of the coronavirus outbreak, a lot of information can get lost in the panic. WSN has compiled a list of resources that could possibly be of use to the NYU community. Email [email protected] to help expand this list.

Many members of the NYU community have been irreversibly affected by the coronavirus outbreak, either because of the virus itself or the university’s response to it. Students...

Believing Survivors Still Matters

Believing Survivors Still Matters

If predators believe in each other’s innocence in the public’s eye, why can’t we believe survivors who accuse those predators?
Anna-Dmitry Muratova, Deputy Managing Editor March 9, 2020

Content warning: this article contains mentions of rape and discusses sexual violence. Last Tuesday, Harvey Weinstein was convicted after a prolonged trial, which was momentous...

Staff Rants and Raves: Language

Staff Rants and Raves: Language

From the unnecessary and stupid rules to the struggles of learning and speaking, here’s what our staff has to say on languages.

Rants On Creative Use of Punctuation Anna-Dmitry Muratova, Deputy Managing Editor Dear Creative Writing student, please, pretty please (!), stop NOT putting punctuation...

Staff Rants: Super Bowl

Staff Rants: Super Bowl

The Super Bowl — whether you care about the game or not — draws parties, commercials and more. Hear our staff’s take on the subject.

On Representation Mandie Montes, Under the Arch Senior Editor I didn’t watch the Super Bowl this year because I don’t live with my superhero, sports fan dad anymore since...

Sofreh - a warm, inviting Persian restaurant with a dreamy feel near Barclays Center. (Staff photo by Anna-Dmitry Muratova)

Photo: Sofreh Is Sofreh-king Good

February 5, 2020

Sofreh - a warm, inviting Persian restaurant with a dreamy feel near Barclays Center. (Staff photo by Anna-Dmitry Muratova)

Illustration by Charlie Dodge.

This Should Have Never Happened To You

In these video-diaries, three survivors of sexual violence share their stories of experiencing assault and the way it affected their lives.
Anna-Dmitry Muratova, Lu Limanowski and Claire Feng January 27, 2020

Content warning: the introduction and each video include graphic descriptions of sexual violence. Proceed with caution if you find such content triggering or disturbing. At...

Eni Owoeye Makes Environmental Education Approachable

Eni Owoeye Makes Environmental Education Approachable

College of Arts and Science sophomore Eni Owoeye fosters change and environmental stewardship by making environmental education accessible for all.
Anna-Dmitry Muratova, Senior Reporter December 5, 2019

Eni Owoeye and I met last spring semester when we both ended up in Professor Robin Nagle’s Environment & Society class, one of the introductory courses for the environmental...



Anna-Dmitry Muratova, UTA Senior Reporter December 5, 2019

The day before the first snow Almost fell,  Went bird-watching  In Bryant Park.  Instead of birds watched  A Walgreens bag,  Flopping in the wind.    Didn’t...

The Final Staff Rants (of the Semester)

The Final Staff Rants (of the Semester)

In honor of the semester’s final Staff Rants, we have no theme — only pent-up rage.

On Free Space By Ishaan Parmar, Deputy News Editor Look, I get it. We’re all on the homework grind. CAS, Liberal Studies, Stern, Tisch — we all have homework, and none...

Staff Rants and Raves: Transportation

Staff Rants and Raves: Transportation

We’re all going places in some way or another. Here’s what our staff has to say about it.

Rants On the NYU Airport Shuttle By Bella Gil, Beauty and Style Editor Getting back and forth between JFK airport and campus is one skill I’ve yet to master. If traveling...

Staff Rants and Raves: NYU Facilities

Staff Rants and Raves: NYU Facilities

NYU owns a lot of property, from residence halls with no heat to libraries that block out the sun to dining halls that can’t pass inspections. Read what our staff has to say about NYU’s campus.

Rants On Being a Thirsty Gal By Bela Kirpalani, Sports Editor Hydration is key, folks. But the architects of Bobst Library don't seem to understand this ethos, as they...

Staff Rants and Raves: Apple

Staff Rants and Raves: Apple

Whether you associate “apple” with the fruit or the corporation, our staff has some strong opinions.

Rants On Getting Scammed By Melanie Pineda, Editor-At-Large I remember exactly where I was when I learned my iPhone 6 was due for an upgrade. It was a warm Monday in August....

Staff Rants and Raves: Twitter

Staff Rants and Raves: Twitter

Twitter: Where memes come to life, where movements come to fruition, and where presidents come to rant. Hear what our staff has to say on what might be both the most multifaceted and divisive form of social media.

Rants On Dreams of Anonymity By Ethan Zack, Music Editor Having a Twitter account is a constant struggle between the absolute euphoria of being seen and the unrelenting...

Louise Lessél’s “The Black Queen” serves as the embodiment of the evil myths surrounding queen Barbora. It’s a digital and computer-operated actor capable of interacting with an actress, who plays queen Barbora in her battle for her reputation and honor. The darkness is represented by particles following the actress and glass screens serve as triggers for various events to move the play along. (Courtesy of Louise Lessél)

Louise Lessél Brings Metaphors Into Reality Through Programming

Artist Louise Lessél creates interactive experiences and turns the audience into participants in her latest projects, including Cosmic Harp, The Wave and The Black Queen.
Mansee Khurana and Anna-Dmitry Muratova October 16, 2019

Staff Rants: NYU Housing

Staff Rants: NYU Housing

Palladium might have a failing dining hall, but it’s not the only residence hall that has issues.

On Uninvited Guests By Calais Watkins, Dining Editor I only lived in NYU Housing for one brief, inglorious year — in Weinstein Residence Hall, to be specific. I expected...

Tisch drama sophomore Journey Brown-Saintel stands in Washington Square Park with the asexual flag wrapped around her body. (Photo by Sara Miranda)

Ace-ing It in New York

These three NYU students identify across the spectrum of asexuality and share their stories, experiences and struggles with being their authentic selves in modern Western society.
Anna-Dmitry Muratova, UTA Senior Reporter September 30, 2019

Swipe right on Tinder, Badoo or Bumble. What’s next? Maybe meet them at a bar or ask them out through a text. You’ll make small talk once you arrive and awkwardly nibble...

Illustrated by Deborah Alalade.

Postcard Poems

Six writers wrote personal letters in the form of postcard poems to their special place in the city from Battery Park to The Strand.

  Contact the writers at [email protected]

To: Battery Park

To: Battery Park

Anna-Dmitry Muratova, UTA Senior Reporter September 25, 2019

To: The Battery Battery Pl., State St. and Whitehall St. New York, NY 10004 From: Anna-Dmitry Muratova I like When people spit into trash bins, Not on the ground. When...

Staff Rants and Raves: Music

Staff Rants and Raves: Music

Whether you’re listening to your favorite playlist on the way to work or overhearing someone else’s at 4 a.m., music can evoke many emotions. Here’s what our staff has to say about it.

Rants On Pointless Effort By Ethan Zack, Music Editor Trying to make a good playlist has to be one of the most excruciating things you can subject yourself to. You’re...

Y is for Young

Y is for Young

Welcome to the end of the alphabet.
Anna-Dmitry Muratova, Senior Reporter September 19, 2019

X is for All The Gender-Neutral Names

X is for All The Gender-Neutral Names

[because it’s my alphabet and I decided so]
Anna-Dmitry Muratova, Senior Reporter September 19, 2019

Finley and Sunny and Sky and Milenka and Kennedy and Hunter and Alex and Pasha and Joey and Avery and Cassidy and Lennox and Cameron and August and Wednesday and Morning and May...

W is for Wardrobe

W is for Wardrobe

[more widely known as a metaphorical and (sometimes) literal closet]
Anna-Dmitry Muratova, Senior Reporter September 19, 2019

A dark place where it’s prohibited to wear eyeshadow if you’re born with a penis or not shave your legs if you own a vagina (even if you wish you didn’t). If your wardrobe...

V is for Vacation

V is for Vacation

[from being trans while being very, very, superbly, immensely, truly trans]
Anna-Dmitry Muratova, Senior Reporter September 19, 2019

I wasn’t out for long enough to earn the right to be tired. But not having the right to be tired doesn’t prevent me from being tired. Also, who said that there’s such a thing...

U is for Universe

U is for Universe

[a space in the space]
Anna-Dmitry Muratova, Senior Reporter September 19, 2019

Universe is where we live. A shared home. All-encompassing and all-forgiving. Humans, in this space in the space, are each others’ roommates. Agenders and genderqueers, demi-boys...

T is for Therapy

T is for Therapy

Short and to the point.
Anna-Dmitry Muratova, Senior Reporter September 19, 2019

That’s about it. We should all go to therapy. Email Anna-Dmitry at [email protected].

S is for Sex

S is for Sex

Sex is universal.
Anna-Dmitry Muratova, Senior Reporter September 19, 2019

He can have sex. She can have sex. They can have sex. He and she and they can have it all together. Sex is universal, just like smiling or being dead, except it’s more enjoyable...

R is for Respect

R is for Respect

This is letter R.
Anna-Dmitry Muratova, Senior Reporter September 19, 2019

As my friend once said, “you don’t need to fully understand someone’s identity to respect them.” “I want them to respect me and not as a transgender person,” he told...

P is for Please! (!)

P is for Please! (!)

Anna-Dmitry Muratova, Senior Reporter September 19, 2019

“Using correct pronouns for queer youth is suicide prevention.” 41 percent of transgender people in the U.S. attempt suicide. Use correct pronouns. Please!  When I hear...

N is for No (!)

N is for No (!)

(which is a complete sentence)
Anna-Dmitry Muratova, Senior Reporter September 19, 2019

      That one and only thing you want to yell in the middle of the night.       That one and only thing you feel when she calls you a “disappointment.”     ...

L is for Lesbian

L is for Lesbian

[because what else would “L” possibly (!) stand for]
Anna-Dmitry Muratova, Senior Reporter September 19, 2019

A lesbian is a woman who loves another woman. Supposedly. And then it gets complicated.  Can a lesbian be someone, who isn’t a woman, who loves women? Who is a woman, anyway?...

I can be for Ignorance

I can be for Ignorance

The letter "I"... Part II.
Anna-Dmitry Muratova, Senior Reporter September 19, 2019

[but if I start defining “ignorance,” I am going to scream] Email Anna-Dmitry at [email protected].

I is for I don’t (f-cking) know

I is for I don’t (f-cking) know

The letter "I"... Part I.
Anna-Dmitry Muratova, Senior Reporter September 19, 2019

[I don’t f-cking know! because today I got misgendered a billion and eighty-three times or so it seems, and I am tired, and I don’t know, and non-binary people shouldn’t...

H is for Happy

H is for Happy

This is letter H.
Anna-Dmitry Muratova, Senior Reporter September 19, 2019

Happy is how you (I) feel when you (I) are yourself without being threatened for being the beautifulpowerfulpreciousimportantradiant person you are.  Happy is how I feel with...

G is for Gone (!)

G is for Gone (!)

[he or she, or they can be gone; anyone can be gone; when you die, you’re classified as “gone”]
Anna-Dmitry Muratova, Senior Reporter September 19, 2019

This one is universal because everyone dies. Dying makes you so very human and there’s nothing wrong with that (there are many things wrong with that).       Men die.   ...

F is for F-g (!)

F is for F-g (!)

[CW: anti-queer violence]
Anna-Dmitry Muratova, Senior Reporter September 19, 2019

I was never called a “f-g.” I never called anyone a “f-g.” I would never call someone a “f-g.” I was often called a “d-ke” and, understandably, I’m not a fan...

E is for Elena (Yelena) Klimova

E is for Elena (Yelena) Klimova

[one woman, who saved tens of thousands of lives by creating an online community]
Anna-Dmitry Muratova, Senior Reporter September 19, 2019

“Children 404” saved my life. “Children 404” saved my friend’s life. He and I are both thriving and growing these days thanks to Elena. Her brain-child, “Children 404,”...

D is for D-ck

D is for D-ck

[the organ known as “penis,” not the name Richard]
Anna-Dmitry Muratova, Senior Reporter September 19, 2019

A d-ck is something not all women have. It also isn’t something all men have. That’s a pretty simple one. Not everyone has a d-ck. Whether you have one or you don’t doesn’t...

C is for Coming Out

C is for Coming Out

This is letter C.
Anna-Dmitry Muratova, Senior Reporter September 19, 2019

I came out twice for the first time and a million times in-between because for us, queer people from all walks and paths, coming out never ends. Usually, it happens with every...

B is for Binary (not)

B is for Binary (not)

[binary is very binary, and I sometimes like to think it’s only a societal concept]
Anna-Dmitry Muratova, Senior Reporter September 19, 2019

Are you a boy or are you a girl? I don’t know what you mean by that. Do you like pink or do you like blue? I like cotton-candy colored sunsets. Thought process one can...

A is for Anna

A is for Anna

An alphabetical exploration of the non-binary experience. This is the beginning.
Anna-Dmitry Muratova, Senior Reporter September 19, 2019

Hi. My name’s Anna. I tend to like it more often than not. I’m just a little-big significant-insignificant human wanting to rant and vent, and share their perspective on living...

Ronell’s Return Is a Slap to Survivors

Ronell’s Return Is a Slap to Survivors

Professor Avital Ronell’s presence at NYU shows the survivors here that their experiences aren’t trusted or respected, and keeping them safe isn’t a priority of the university.
Anna-Dmitry Muratova, Senior Reporter September 15, 2019

TW: This article discusses and mentions sexual harassment and assault. The news of Professor Avital Ronell’s return to NYU felt like a bucket of cold water poured over my...

Staff Rants & Raves: Textures

Staff Rants & Raves: Textures

Some things are fun to touch, and some things aren’t — it’s not too complicated. Let our staff tell you why.

Staff Rants On Manicures By Lauren Gruber, Deputy Culture Editor Let me preface this by saying I love getting my nails done. I love not being able to use my phone for thirty...

Staff Rants & Raves: Welcome Week Edition

Staff Rants & Raves: Welcome Week Edition

Welcome Week might technically be over, but it lives on forever in the hearts of our staff. Here’s why.

Staff Rants On Getting Rejected from Events By Sam Brinton, Copy Chief My Welcome Week experience can be summed up by long waits and longer-lasting disappointments. For...

Layleen's sister, Melania, spoke about the need to protect transgender women of color as they're the most vulnerable members of the transgender and gender-nonconforming community. (Photo by Anna Muratova)

New Yorkers Protest After Transgender Woman Dies While in Jail

Layleen Polanco died in the city’s custody last Friday — on Monday, protestors gathered at Foley Square to call on the city to launch an investigation into her death.
Anna-Dmitry Muratova, Senior Reporter June 12, 2019
Layleen Polanco died in the city’s custody last Friday — on Monday, protestors gathered at Foley Square to call on the city to launch an investigation into her death.
NYU Bags and Pipes ensemble opens the 30th baccalaureate convocation of the School of Professional Studies. (via NYU)

SPS Commencement ’19

Speakers at the 30th SPS undergraduate commencement encouraged graduates to pursue their careers with the underlying goal of changing the lives of people they work with for the better.
Anna-Dmitry Muratova, Senior Reporter May 27, 2019

On Thursday, the School of Professional Studies held its 30th baccalaureate convocation. The celebration took place in the famous Hammerstein Ballroom of the Manhattan Center,...

Lavender Graduation Organization Committee. (Photo by Anna Muratova)

Out, Proud and Graduating: Lavender Graduation 2019

The Lavender Graduation honored graduating LGBTQ students from across the university on Wednesday.
Anna-Dmitry Muratova, Senior Reporter April 26, 2019

The second annual Lavender Graduation — a ceremony dedicated to graduating LGBTQ students — was held on the 10th floor of the Kimmel Center for University Life on Wednesday. Director...

A trash bin overflows with food scraps, containers and papers in Kimmel's seventh-floor student lounge. Some of these items could be recycled. (Staff Photo by Katie Peurrung)

Busting the Myth About NYU Recycling

Where does the garbage chute actually lead?
Anna-Dmitry Muratova, Deputy Under the Arch Editor April 22, 2019

Compost, landfill and recycling bins litter NYU’s Washington Square campus. Whether separated or joined, each is decorated with appropriate signage and coloring — green for...

Gallatin sophomore Cameron* called for an improved screening process for first-year housing. They’re asking NYU to expand their housing questionaire to make room assignments more precise to gender preference. (Photo by Justin Park)

Outside the Checkbox: Invisible in NYU Housing

In theory, NYU’s gender neutral housing is there to ensure the safety and comfort of transgender, non-binary and gender-nonconforming students. But does it work in practice?
Anna-Dmitry Muratova, Under the Arch Deputy Editor February 21, 2019

The day is surprisingly warm for mid-February in New York — warm enough for Cameron* to only be wearing a black leather jacket over a flannel. They stand in the sun outside their...

Brian Cheng is a Tisch sophomore, studying Film & TV. He was born with cerebral palsy and had been using a wheelchair to help him move around his entire life. For Cheng, navigating NYU's Washington Square campus can be challenging when it comes to older buildings with worse wheelchair accessibility. (Photo by Katie Peurrung)

Overcoming Inaccessibility

Due to the lack of appropriate infrastructure, navigating around the NYU campus while using a mobility aid can be a challenge for students.
Anna-Dmitry Muratova, Under The Arch Deputy Editor January 28, 2019

Brian Cheng’s decision to attend NYU was not based exclusively on his academic successes or the school’s reputation. When the time came to apply for college, Cheng’s main...

A recreation of the poster held by Steinhardt senior August at a recent trans rights protest. (Photo Illustration by Tony Wu and Rachel Buigas-Lopez)

Trans Students Can’t Be Defined, Despite the Memo

The recent government memo regarding how gender should be officially described proposes a strictly biological definition.
Anna-Dmitry Muratova, Staff Writer November 12, 2018

Sweating and panting from a rehearsal with his dance crew, Keith walked over to his bag to dig out his phone. He had a five-minute break to check if he had missed anything from...



Anna-Dmitry Muratova, Contributing Writer September 25, 2018
The process of grief is just as heavy as the event that lead to it.