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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

Photo Mayee Yeh

Mayee Yeh, Deputy Managing Editor

Mayee Yeh is a senior studying linguistics and applied psychology. When not writing, they're probably trying to finish their thesis, listening to not-BDSM podcasts, or just trying their best.

All content by Mayee Yeh
A photo of Andrew Hamilton, the president of N.Y.U., wearing a brown suit with red glowing eyes. Above his left hand is an illustration of a paper box with red glowing lights.

Off-Third: Hamilton is behind storage company email spam

The soon-to-be-former NYU president has cast his chemistry accolades aside for a new entrepreneurial endeavor ― storing his students’ belongings.
Mayee Yeh, Editor-at-Large May 5, 2023

Off-Third is WSN’s satire column. While NYU students fight each other for a seat in Bobst and practically shove each other into West Fourth Street while walking to class,...

Protesters wearing white masks standing under the Washington Square Arch, holding posters with the names and photos of Hong Kong political prisoners, and two banners, one of which says “Liberate Hong Kong, Revolution of Our Times” in both Chinese and English.

NYU students join protest for 47 pro-democracy figures on trial in Hong Kong

Local activists and students held a demonstration at Washington Square Park in support of pro-democracy advocates in Chinese government custody.
Mayee Yeh, Editor-at-Large April 18, 2023

Posters with the names and faces of 47 Hong Kong pro-democracy figures were fanned out along the edge of the fountain at Washington Square Park on Sunday, April 16, as demonstrators...

A group of protesters stand inside the fountain at Washington Square Park holding signs that read “Free China” and “COVID is not an excuse to kill more Uyghur lives.” Some are holding Kökbayraq flags and a Tibetan flag.


Tori Morales and Mayee Yeh December 5, 2022

1 12月4日,抗議者們聚集在華盛頓廣場公園,聲討中國政府對於新冠疫情的防疫措施以及對於西藏及香港的越權干涉。此輪抗議最開始因嚴苛的動態清零政策開始,但抗議者們正在加碼,開始挑戰中國共產黨的存在。 「在今天新一代的年輕人會扛起象徵自由的火炬」天安們事件生還者周鋒鎖説到,「我們要奮鬥到底,我們會結束共產黨。」 11個群體聯合組織這次的抗議,其中有Hong...

A group of protesters stand inside the fountain at Washington Square Park holding signs that read “Free China” and “COVID is not an excuse to kill more Uyghur lives.” Some are holding Kökbayraq flags and a Tibetan flag.


Tori Morales and Mayee Yeh December 5, 2022

12月4日,数百名抗议者们聚集在华盛顿广场公园,声讨中国政府对于新冠疫情的防疫措施以及对于西藏及香港的越权干涉。此轮抗议最开始因严苛的动态清零政策开始,但随着声浪变高,抗议者们正在加码,有些人已经开始挑战中国共产党的存在。 “在今天新一代的年轻人会扛起象征自由的火炬,”天安们事件生还者周锋锁说到,”我们必须战斗,我们会结束共产党。” 11个群体联合组织了这次名为“NYC...

A group of protesters stand inside the fountain at Washington Square Park holding signs that read “Free China” and “COVID is not an excuse to kill more Uyghur lives.” Some are holding Kökbayraq flags and a Tibetan flag.

Chinese students, diaspora rally in solidarity as protests in China broaden in scope

As protesters in China grow increasingly critical of the government, satellite protests around the world, including those in New York City, follow suit.
Mayee Yeh and Tori Morales December 5, 2022

Read this article in Simplified Chinese or in Traditional Chinese. 点击此处阅读简体中文版 | 點擊此處閱讀繁體中文版 Hundreds of protesters flooded...

A group of protesters, mostly masked — raise their phones with the flashlights on — surrounding an arrangement of candles and flowers.

Hundreds protest China’s zero-COVID policy, gov’t at consulate

Participants called for the easing of the Chinese government’s strict COVID-19 policies and a change in leadership at the Consulate General of the People’s Republic of China in New York on Tuesday, Nov. 29.
Mayee Yeh, Deputy Managing Editor December 1, 2022

Read this article in Simplified Chinese or in Traditional Chinese. 点击此处阅读简体中文版 | 點擊此處閱讀繁體中文版 Hundreds gathered outside...

A group of protesters, mostly masked — raise their phones with the flashlights on — surrounding an arrangement of candles and flowers.


Mayee Yeh, Deputy Managing Editor December 1, 2022

在这个礼拜二,数百名聚集在中华人民共和国驻纽约领事馆前抗议中国严谨的封控政策。抗议人数最高近一千人。对许多纽约大学的国际学生来说,中国严苛的新冠政策复杂化了返国程序,同时也严重影响这些学生家庭的生计。 依据以往政策,就算只是零星的确诊数也需要实施整体静默。封控政策倒置中小企业勒令停业、居民被锁在家中长达数月、学校关闭实体教学课程。封控政策回持续到确诊数清零,实施时间往往长达数月。在领事馆的抗议者有四大诉求:允许公开悼念、结束清零政策、释放维权同胞、保障人民权利。 “中国人已经活在共产党清零政策的暴政之下三年了,”一张在抗议现场传发的传单上指出。...

A group of protesters, mostly masked — raise their phones with the flashlights on — surrounding an arrangement of candles and flowers.


Mayee Yeh, Deputy Managing Editor December 1, 2022

在這個禮拜二,數百名聚集在中華人民共和國駐紐約領事館前抗議中國嚴謹的封控政策。抗議人數最高近一千人。對許多紐約大學的國際學生來說,中國嚴謹的新冠政策複雜化了返國程序,同時也嚴重影響這些學生家庭的生計。 依據以往政策,就算只是零星的確診數也需要實施整體靜默。封控政策倒置中小企業勒令停業、居民被鎖在家中長達數月、學校關閉實體教學課程。封控政策回持續到確診數清零,實施時間往往長達數月。在領事館的抗議者有四大訴求:允許公開悼念、結束清零政策、釋放維權同胞、保障人民權利。 「中國人已經活在共產黨清零政策的暴政之下三年了,」一張在抗議現場傳發的傳單上指出。「今天我們聚集在這悼念因為新冠打壓失去性命的同胞並要求中國政府負起責任!」 召集者請參與者攜帶蠟燭、看板和花束。許多抗議者帶了空白或寫著抗議字樣的看板。內容包括:「共產黨下台!」、「我想要回家」、「不能不明白」。參與者齊聲合唱了出自於音樂劇《悲慘人生》的《Do...

A shot of an animated red-haired character ripping apart a piece of green material with an angry look on their face and action marks surrounding them.

Review: Romance is dead, but ‘Romantic Killer’ brought it back

In an absurd subversion of the high school love story, “Romantic Killer” brings a refreshing take on the shōjo protagonist archetype.
Mayee Yeh, Deputy Managing Editor November 16, 2022

The Netflix manga-to-streaming adaptation, “Romantic Killer,” embodies the charming fuzzies of a romantic comedy without forcibly shoving that gooey love down your throat.  During...

The storefront of the H Mart on 39 third Avenue in Manhattan with a poster of fruits and vegetables and text “WE NOW DELIVER!” under the H Mart logo.

Culture’s cult choices: H Mart

The best items to buy at H Mart, according to the most refined taste buds at WSN.

Whether we’re on our way to the WSN office or grabbing dinner on the way home, H Mart is the go-to place for food for the culture desk. H Mart is a New York City staple grocery...

Three people stand on top of a white van which has the text “BIRDS AREN’T REAL” pasted on its side, parked near the Washington Square Arch. A crowd of protestors holds up signs behind the van. Four New York City police officers stand on the other side facing the protesters.

Birds Aren’t Real protest flocks to Washington Square Park

Conspiracy group Birds Aren’t Real held its largest protest to date to prove an avian surveillance state on Saturday, Oct. 15.
Mayee Yeh, Deputy Managing Editor October 17, 2022

Tisch first-year Thomas Powderly started following the Birds Aren’t Real movement in 2020, around the beginning of the pandemic. He had seen the group’s demonstrations —...

The Falafel Bowl and the Chicken Shawarma held up in front of a counter at fresh&co

8 Too Good To Go options near NYU for your next meal

When you’re getting a bit tired of dining hall food, here’s some places to save a few dollars while also saving the planet.
Mayee Yeh, Deputy Managing Editor September 9, 2022

I honestly don’t remember how or when I downloaded Too Good To Go, but the app has saved my stomach while saving food waste. Users can buy “surprise bags” of surplus food...

A person laying in bed on their phone.

How to make friends as an introvert

When talking to people is tiring, but the fear of missing out can ache more, here’s how to socialize without expending too much energy.
Mayee Yeh, Deputy Managing Editor September 6, 2022

Trying to put the effort into interpersonal relationships can be draining for many people. If your idea of a fun weekend is wrapping yourself in blankets, putting on some noise...

A light purple background with illustrations of boba tea, coffee, white shoes, a sandwich in a container, Google Calendar, a spreadsheet and two clocks.

A senior’s guide to starting the new semester

Whether you’ve never been in the Big Apple or you’ve perfected your campus routine, here’s how to shake off those first week frazzles.
Mayee Yeh, Deputy Managing Editor September 2, 2022

With yesterday being my last first day of college, I think I’ve collected enough knowledge to hone in on my pre-semester preparations. I remember being an all-too-excited first-year...

An anterior view of a lot the size of a New York City house filled with racks of clothes and tables for jewelry and other smaller items with graffiti on the wall in the background.

Ludlow Flea Market offers unique, sustainable pieces at affordable prices

Stories from a vibrant community of upcyclers and secondhand fashion enthusiasts who've set up shop in the Lower East Side.
Bella Ingber and Mayee Yeh April 29, 2022

The Ludlow Flea Market at 159 Ludlow St., a 20-minute walk from NYU’s Washington Square Park campus, was my first secondhand shopping experience. I had absolutely no idea what...

A bird’s-eye view of the Bobst atrium: a DJ and dance pool to the left; the entrance to Bobst and an ice sculpture to the right

Violet Gala and Ball bring back high school prom nostalgia

After a two-year hiatus due to COVID-19, the Violet Gala and Ball are back, Bobst transformation and all.
Mayee Yeh, Identity & Equity Editor April 25, 2022

Nearly 300 students were seated inside a tent in the middle of Gould Plaza on Saturday night. Most were dressed in their best suits, cocktail dresses or floor-length gowns....

An illustration of the homepage of Albert, NYU’s online class registration portal. A purple horizontal box with white text reading “NYU” is at the top. Under this it reads “Albert,” and there is a purple shopping cart to the right side of the illustration.

How to survive course registration season

A guide to not being miserable next semester if your dream class fills up or you simply forget to register for classes. 
Mayee Yeh, Identity & Equity Editor April 25, 2022

Stowed away in my Google Drive is a document titled “Life Plans.” While admittedly a bit dramatic for its contents, it used to contain four combinations of classes for four...

Three gala attendees in blazers and turtlenecks chatting under the purple lights of the V100 Gala event.

V100 is a better spirit week than your high school’s

If you didn’t know what V100 was before, here’s your quick guide to NYU’s spirit week events.
Mayee Yeh, Identity & Equity Editor April 18, 2022

I’ve never had school pride. My high school’s name was synonymous with its top Science Olympiad team, much like NYU is known for its Sternies and Tischies. Never falling into...

The back of Mayee Yeh’s left arm as they rest their hand on her head. The focal point of the photo is the various red tattoos on their upper arm.

Re: Tattoos to honor

Mayee Yeh, Identity & Equity Editor April 8, 2022

An illustration of two characters from Disney’s “Turning Red” hugging one another. On the left, Mei Lee as a Red Panda and on the right Mei Lee as a human.

Review: More than fluff, ‘Turning Red’ is a soft look at growing up and generational struggles

Pixar’s “Turning Red” explores the delicate balance between Asian family legacy and discovering one’s own identity, especially when that journey doesn’t fit into traditional ideas of success.
Mayee Yeh, Identity & Equity Editor March 30, 2022

Spoiler warning: This article includes spoilers for “Turning Red.” From parental standards to the wonders of puberty, “Turning Red'” presents a relatable story about...

(Staff Illustration by Natalia Palacino Camargo)

From classmates to friends to lovers

Getting in a relationship wasn’t on my 2021 bingo card, but here we are.
Mayee Yeh, Identity and Equity Editor February 14, 2022

My boyfriend and I like to constantly ask one another how we ended up as we did: Dating right before finals were in full swing, with what is currently half of our relationship...

Fourth floor at GCASL. (Staff Photo by Mayee Yeh)

Photo: Your guide to NYU’s Quick Stops

The Culture Desk and Ryan Kawahara February 7, 2022

First floor, Heights Lounge at Silver Center. (Staff Photo by Mayee Yeh)