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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

Alexandria Johnson

Alexandria Johnson, Editor-in-Chief

Alex is a senior double-majoring in Journalism and Public Policy. She is a New York native (representing Queens!), and she loves to talk about how songs have gotten shorter recently, trying to meet her celebrity crush (she’ll never tell) and her passion for painting album covers. She’s definitely NOT a professional artist, but it helps her pass the time. Follow her on IG and Twitter @a_johnson_2021.

All content by Alexandria Johnson
The privatization of housing has become a priority to the NYCHA. This leaves residences dealing with problems such as asbestos and mold. (Photo by Alexandria Johnson)

Photo: Opinion: NYCHA’s privatization plans must be put on hold

September 17, 2021

The privatization of housing has become a priority to the NYCHA. This leaves residences dealing with problems such as asbestos and mold. (Photo by Alexandria Johnson)

Photo Essay: Hundreds of protesters gather at Barclays Center to call for abolition of police

Photo Essay: Hundreds of protesters gather at Barclays Center to call for abolition of police

After various activists spoke to the crowd about systemic racial and economic injustice, defunding the police and reinvesting in communities, protesters marched down Flatbush Ave to Grand Army Plaza.

Homelessness is an ongoing crisis in New York City, especially due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The New York City mayoral candidates have spotlighted the urgent need for affordable housing but diverge in terms of their solutions. (Staff Photo by Alexandria Johnson)

Photo: OPINION: New York City’s next mayor must prioritize supportive housing

April 21, 2021

Homelessness is an ongoing crisis in New York City, especially due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The New York City mayoral candidates have spotlighted the urgent need for affordable...

This Monday dozens of protestors crowded around the historic Grand Army Plaza for Daunte Wright. People marched through the streets of Brooklyn to bring attention to the tragedy in Minnesota. (Staff Photo by Taylor Knight)

I’m tired of being tired

The death of Daunte Wright happened just 10 miles away from the death of George Floyd. Sometimes, I wonder when enough is enough.
Alexandria Johnson, Editor-in-Chief April 13, 2021

It always happens when I receive bad news. I become numb. This uneasy feeling develops in my chest. I panic and gasp for air. Then, I stop. I hold my breath and wait for the...

(Staff Illustration by Susan Behrends Valenzuela)

Letter from the Editor: Why is WSN Coming Back?

Given the number of issues we had, why have we returned to the newspaper?
Alexandria Johnson, Editor-in-Chief March 8, 2021

Dear readers,  After we resigned last fall, it is no surprise that people are wondering why the newspaper has returned. As one of the three deputy managing editors who signed...

A screenshot shared over Twitter titled: "'clear language on slavery' resources provided by nyu residential life." The information was shared during a RA training meeting. (Photo by Sean Nesmith)

NYU RAs Attend Training With Controversial Resources

One image used in the training originated in a Twitter thread that referenced slaves as hostages and slave catchers as police officers.
Alexandria Johnson, Deputy Managing Editor September 28, 2020

NYU Resident Assistants were called into a meeting on Sept. 23, the same day a Kentucky grand jury declined to indict officers Jonathan Mattingly, Myles Cosgrove and Brett Hankinson...

WSN is compiling resources that may be of help for protesting and reporting. (Staff Illustration by Charlie Dodge)

Safety Tips for Protesters and Student Journalists

With mass protests across the U.S., a lot of information can be confusing and scrambled. WSN has compiled guides and tips that could be of use to the NYU community for protesting safely. Email [email protected] to help expand this list.

As protests picked up across the country this past June, WSN began compiling resources and information for safely protesting and reporting on protests. We wanted to support NYU...

An illustration of a megaphone with a red handle. Written in orange on the megaphone are the words “Staff Rants.”

Staff Rants: Back To School

From the big workload to Zoom complaints, our staff has a lot of feelings about the first week of classes.

On the Lack of Anonymity  Alexandria Johnson, Deputy Managing Editor  Maybe it's just me, but why do I need to put my camera on for every class? I'm in my senior year juggling...

An Activist Determined to Lead with Science

An Activist Determined to Lead with Science

As a three-time winner of the Green Grant program and co-chair of March for Science, Tandon Ph.D. candidate Omar Gowayed continues to fight for an equitable, sustainable world.
Alexandria Johnson, Deputy News Editor December 5, 2019

Omar Gowayed has been an activist since he was five years old. He had protested against the Iraq War with his family in Auburn, Alabama while his classmates stood on the other...

The Final Staff Rants (of the Semester)

The Final Staff Rants (of the Semester)

In honor of the semester’s final Staff Rants, we have no theme — only pent-up rage.

On Free Space By Ishaan Parmar, Deputy News Editor Look, I get it. We’re all on the homework grind. CAS, Liberal Studies, Stern, Tisch — we all have homework, and none...

Manhattan Borough President Gale Brewer held a public hearing last Monday night to discuss the best way to religious buildings to share spaces for non-profit organizations. (Photo by Alexandria Johnson)

Religious Congregations, Nonprofits Voice Struggles to Afford Space in New York City

Manhattan Borough President Gale Brewer hosted a city hall meeting as part of her ongoing efforts to help religious congregations that cannot afford meeting space in the extremely expensive area.
Alexandria Johnson, Deputy News Editor December 3, 2019

Last week, what started as a City Hall meeting addressing building repurposing in New York City turned into a forum for nonprofits and religious leaders on the inaccessibility...

Staff Rants and Raves: Thanksgiving

Staff Rants and Raves: Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is a divisive holiday, to say the least. Here’s what our staff has to say about it.

Rants On Family Bonding By Alexandria Johnson, Deputy News Editor Don't get me wrong — I love Thanksgiving. I love waking up at 7 a.m. to cook food and eating it at the...

A student walks through the NYU Abu Dhabi Campus. NYU Abu Dhabi is planning to increase enrollment by 40%. (Photo by Sam Klein)

NYU Abu Dhabi To Increase Enrollment by 40%

Approximately 1,500 students currently study at NYUAD, but the university plans on increasing that number significantly over the next five years.
Alexandria Johnson, Deputy News Editor November 26, 2019

NYU Abu Dhabi plans to increase its enrollment by 40% over the next five years, as reported by The National, a news outlet in the United Arab Emirates. The campus will not be...

Staff Rants and Raves: Transportation

Staff Rants and Raves: Transportation

We’re all going places in some way or another. Here’s what our staff has to say about it.

Rants On the NYU Airport Shuttle By Bella Gil, Beauty and Style Editor Getting back and forth between JFK airport and campus is one skill I’ve yet to master. If traveling...

Protestors held signs and chanted in support of Hong Kong, demanding an end to police brutality. (Photo by Ishaan Parmar)

Pro-Hong Kong, Pro-China Protesters Clash Ahead of NYU Law Human Rights Panel

Pro-China protesters and pro-Hong Kong counterprotesters gathered on Monday night outside of an NYU Law panel on human rights in Hong Kong.
Ishaan Parmar and Alexandria Johnson November 18, 2019

Protesters who say pro-democracy efforts by Hong Kong residents are too violent gathered outside NYU School of Law's D'Agostino Hall on Monday night, shouting and chanting for...

Staff Rants: Course Registration

Staff Rants: Course Registration

We have no Staff Raves this week. Course registration is the worst.

On Jumping Through Hoops By Ethan Zack, Music Editor Can someone please tell me why underclassmen have to make an appointment with their advisor before they can register...

Jacquelyn Taylor is a professor of Nursing and Medicine in the Rory Meyers College of Nursing who was recently nominated to the National Academy of Medicine. (Via NYU)

NYU Professor Who Researches Health Disparities Among Minorities Appointed to National Academy of Medicine

Dr. Jacquelyn Taylor, a professor of Health Equity at NYU Meyers, is one of two nurses to be selected and the only NYU faculty member chosen this year.
Alexandria Johnson, Deputy News Editor November 12, 2019

Rory Meyers professor Jacquelyn Taylor was selected as one of 100 new members of the National Academy of Medicine, one of the most respected achievements in the field of health,...

On Monday, the NYU LGBTQ+ Center hosted a panel discussion on the term “TERF” and how to make NYU more trans-inclusive. (Staff Photo by Marva Shi)

Trans Awareness Week Starts by Tackling How to Make Feminism Trans-Inclusive

The first event in a week-long series discussed the historical exclusion of trans individuals from the feminist movement.
Alexandria Johnson, Deputy News Editor November 11, 2019

NYU kicked off its Trans Awareness Week with an event on Monday informing students on how to support the feminist movement while being inclusive of transgender people. The panel...

Staff Rants and Raves: NYU Facilities

Staff Rants and Raves: NYU Facilities

NYU owns a lot of property, from residence halls with no heat to libraries that block out the sun to dining halls that can’t pass inspections. Read what our staff has to say about NYU’s campus.

Rants On Being a Thirsty Gal By Bela Kirpalani, Sports Editor Hydration is key, folks. But the architects of Bobst Library don't seem to understand this ethos, as they...

The NYU Global Center for Academic and Spiritual Life terminated Gallatin senior A’Nisa Amaru's employment, claiming she was being overcompensated for her work. NYU’s Federal Work-Study program relies on students taking part-time work on campus as need-based financial aid. (Photo by Alexandra Chan)

Former NYU Student Worker Claims She Was Fired for Being Paid Too Much

Gallatin student A’Nisa Amaru claims she was terminated from the Global Center for Academic and Spiritual Life department due to mismanagement of payroll.
Alexandria Johnson, Deputy News Editor October 28, 2019

Stay Woke and Meditate was an initiative Gallatin senior A’Nisa Amaru developed during her sophomore year. The program offers a weekly meditation session for students of color...

Staff Rants and Raves: October

Staff Rants and Raves: October

Sometimes, October is less of a month and more of a vibe. Hear what our staff has to say about it.

Rants On Getting Older By Alexandria Johnson, Deputy News Editor Even though October is my birth month, I don't really look forward to it. I think it's either because...

Gallatin is welcoming new winners of its human rights scholarship. (via Wikimedia)

Ten Students Received $5,000 for Human Rights Projects. Here’s What They Did.

The Ninth Annual Gallatin Global Fellowship in Human Rights Symposium showcased the work of last year’s fellows in preparation for this year’s application.
Alexandria Johnson, Deputy News Editor October 15, 2019

From working on a Queens District Attorney campaign to engaging with female survivors of war-time sexual violence in Kosovo, the 10 recipients of the Gallatin Global Fellowship...

NYU has recently made changes concerning its policy on academic probation. (Staff Photo by Marva Shi)

Student Government, NYU Agree to Expunge Academic Probation Records

NYU will officially expunge the external records of students who faced academic probation after conversing with members of student government.
Alexandria Johnson, Deputy News Editor October 14, 2019

Student government reached an agreement with the university to change the current Academic Probation Policy last Friday, after a year of working with faculty in the University...

Staff Rants: NYU Housing

Staff Rants: NYU Housing

Palladium might have a failing dining hall, but it’s not the only residence hall that has issues.

On Uninvited Guests By Calais Watkins, Dining Editor I only lived in NYU Housing for one brief, inglorious year — in Weinstein Residence Hall, to be specific. I expected...

NYU class rings are displayed in the NYU Bookstore. Each one retails for around $400. (Photo by Talia Rose Barton)

Seniors Weigh Sentimentality, Price in Decision to Buy Class Ring

NYU’s class ring starts at $429. The price is comparable to other universities, but many seniors think it is still too high.
Alexandria Johnson, Deputy News Editor September 27, 2019

As their last year at NYU begins, seniors will have to decide whether or not to dish out hundreds of dollars to immortalize their time here in the form of a purple-emblazoned class...

Staff Rants and Raves: NYU Dining

Staff Rants and Raves: NYU Dining

Lots of things related to food at NYU have changed recently. Hear what our staff has to say about it.

Rants On Serving Sizes By Alexandria Johnson, Deputy News Editor One thing I have noticed with Chartwells, the new dining provider, is that the serving size options have...

Staff Rants & Raves: Welcome Week Edition

Staff Rants & Raves: Welcome Week Edition

Welcome Week might technically be over, but it lives on forever in the hearts of our staff. Here’s why.

Staff Rants On Getting Rejected from Events By Sam Brinton, Copy Chief My Welcome Week experience can be summed up by long waits and longer-lasting disappointments. For...

A group of researchers led by assistant professor of physics Javad Shavani discovered a new state of matter that could lead to breakthroughs in quantum computing. (via Adobe Stock)

NYU Physicist and Team Identify a New State of Matter

An NYU assistant professor led an almost four year project which discovered a new state of matter with implications on the computer industry.
Alexandria Johnson, Deputy News Editor September 3, 2019

Led by an assistant professor  at NYU, a team of researchers discovered a new state of matter that could bring us one step closer to optimizing quantum computing, which in...

Facebook’s new cryptocurrency, Libra, is based off a model in which validators are also stakeholders. (Graphic via Pixabay)

Former Adjunct Professor Claims Facebook’s New Currency Stole His Ideas

A former NYU adjunct professor claims that Facebook copied his ideas when they introduced their cryptocurrency two months ago.
Alexandria Johnson, Deputy News Editor August 24, 2019

A former NYU Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences professor has claimed that Facebook plagiarized a trade coin he proposed in an academic paper with their new e-currency,...

A front view of 77 Charles St, a property originally owned by NYU, and recently sold for millions. (Photo by Kenzo Kimura)

Professor Sells NYU-Owned Townhouse For Millions

The university's current tax filings reveal a payment they received after a faculty member sold their home.
Alexandria Johnson, Deputy News Editor August 24, 2019

An NYU professor made $8.3 million by selling a property originally owned by NYU — a deal which the university profited from, too — as reported by the New York Post. In 1996...

Chasten Buttigieg recalls paying off student loans at an NYU Democrats event .  (Photo by Alexandria Johnson)

Husband of Presidential Hopeful Pete Buttigieg Talks Transitioning to Life on the Campaign Trail

Chasten Buttigieg, the husband of Pete Buttigieg, attended an NYU College Democrats event on Thursday.
Alexandria Johnson, Staff Writer May 3, 2019

Chasten Buttigieg, the husband of 2020 presidential candidate and mayor of South Bend, Indiana Pete Buttigieg, spoke at an NYU College Democrats event on Thursday at the Kimmel...

CNN’s Van Jones: ‘The Opposite of Criminalization is Humanization’

CNN’s Van Jones: ‘The Opposite of Criminalization is Humanization’

At an event organized by NYU’s Brennan Center for Justice, CNN commentator Van Jones emphasized the importance of humanizing criminals in the context of criminal justice reform.
Alexandria Johnson, Staff Writer April 24, 2019

CNN commentator Van Jones spoke about his docuseries on the criminal justice system and the need for reform in an event at the NYU School of Law Tishman Auditorium on Monday. Jones...

Chef Bashir cooked saffron rice and dish made of potatoes, tomatoes and eggplant. (Photo by Alexandria Johnson)

Refugee and Chef Prepares a Meal and Answers Questions

As part of the Hunger Action Series, Chef Bashir cooked a meal while discussing his own journey.
Alexandria Johnson, Staff Writer April 23, 2019

Szzz! The oil in the pan crackled as Chef Bashir welcomed questions while he performed a live cooking demonstration for 17 guests at the Puck Building on Friday. The event...

How does NYU spring admission work? Does the admission rate include spring admits? (Staff Photo by Jorene He)

Welcome to NYU! But Wait a Semester

As members of the Class of 2023 prepare to start at NYU in the fall, some of their classmates will join them a semester later because of the university’s spring admit program.
Alexandria Johnson, Staff Writer April 15, 2019

When NYU released its breakdown of the accepted Class of 2023, some students were missing from the data. Spring admits — students accepted to the university who start a semester...

The Green Grant recipients Vanneeda Keowmang and Heather Vaxer will use their award to build a template for carbon-neutral student film sets. (Courtesy of NYU)

Green Grants Fund Sustainable Menstrual Products, Film Sets

This year, the Office of Sustainability awarded six Green Grants to students and faculty who plan to develop campus-wide, environmental-focused projects.
Alexandria Johnson, Staff Writer April 8, 2019

From building a carbon-neutral film set to a starting podcast about climate change, eight students and faculty members received Green Grants to finance their eco-friendly projects...

The logo of NYU's Student Government. (Courtesy of NYU Student Government)

Aspiring and Current Student Senators at-Large Mingle at Meet-and-Greet

Student government held their second meet-and-greet for those interested in the Senator at-Large positions, meant to represent communities that lack a voice at NYU.
Alexandria Johnson, Staff Writer March 27, 2019

Student Senators at-Large, whose constituencies make up underrepresented communities of students, met on Monday with those who hope to take their places in the fall. More than...

Jennifer Jones Austin (left) and Peter Edelman (right) spoke to NYU Silver School of Social Work about the criminalization of poverty.

Silver Talk Highlights Race and Poverty’s Role in the Criminal Justice System

Peter Edelman and Jennifer Jones Austin discuss the intersection between race, poverty and the criminal justice system on Friday evening in Hemmerdinger Hall.
Alexandria Johnson, Staff Writer March 14, 2019

The large number of people who remain incarcerated after being unable to pay bail and the police practice of fining citizens for minuscule acts were two of the issues discussed...

The NYU bookstore during the grand opening. (Photo by Tony Wu)

Bookstore includEd Program Draws Criticism for Unexpected Bursar Charges

After the includEd program unexpectedly charged students for course materials, the NYU Bookstore extended the program’s opt-out deadline to Thursday.
Alexandria Johnson, Staff Writer March 7, 2019

The NYU Bookstore’s includEd program drew criticism on the Class of 2022 Facebook group last week after students suddenly received emails about additional charges made to their...

Journalism Minor Provides Flexibility for Students

Journalism Minor Provides Flexibility for Students

Students and professors react to the new journalism minor that the Arthur L. Carter Journalism Institute announced on Friday.
Alexandria Johnson, Staff Writer March 1, 2019

After NYU introduced two new journalism minors on Feb. 22, students are figuring out how this development may change their plans for graduation. The five-course minors allow...

Washington Square Park aerial photo. (WSN File Photo )

NYU to Lobby State Legislature for Increased Tuition Funding

The Office of Government Affairs continues to push legislatures to provide greater funding for students’ tuition, grants and more.
Alexandria Johnson, Staff Writer February 20, 2019

NYU — which is often criticized for its high tuition and shortage of financial aid — will be lobbying at the state level to increase tuition programs. The Office of Government...

Tisch hosted info sessions concerning the LA study away site. (Photo by Alex Domb)

LA Program ‘Not For You If You Want to be An Actor’

Tisch hosted information sessions on the university’s newest study away site in LA, offering more details on the program.
Alexandria Johnson, Staff Writer February 6, 2019

Despite the fanfare over NYU’s decision to open a study away site in Los Angeles, only six students attended Tuesday’s info session on the site at the Tisch School of the Arts. Senior...

A pile of folded clothing, ready to be donated. (Staff Photo by Julia McNeill)

Sparking Joy: NYU Students Tidy Up

Master Marie Kondo’s KonMari method while making money.
Alexandria Johnson, Contributing Writer February 4, 2019

The new year brought about not only the typically neglected annual resolutions but the premiere of the Netflix original series, “Tidying Up with Marie Kondo.” In the show,...