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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

Abby Hofstetter

Abby Hofstetter, Managing Editor

Abby is a CAS junior studying History, Creative Writing and probably something else. She’s from Long Island, but please don’t bring that up. If you need her, you can find her discussing the third season of Glee or why olives should be banned from consumption. Contact her for a terrible time.

All content by Abby Hofstetter
WSN is compiling resources that may be of help for protesting and reporting. (Staff Illustration by Charlie Dodge)

Safety Tips for Protesters and Student Journalists

With mass protests across the U.S., a lot of information can be confusing and scrambled. WSN has compiled guides and tips that could be of use to the NYU community for protesting safely. Email [email protected] to help expand this list.

As protests picked up across the country this past June, WSN began compiling resources and information for safely protesting and reporting on protests. We wanted to support NYU...

University President Andrew Hamilton spoke to graduates in a pre-recorded video livestream, on that same day the in-person commencement would have been. (Image from Abby Hofstetter)

NYU’s Class of 2020 Graduates Over Livestream

This year’s graduation ceremony was held over a 25-minute pre-edited video. In his initial email postponing the in-person ceremony President Hamilton stated the university would hold one eventually, although the details still remain unclear.
Abby Hofstetter, Managing Editor May 21, 2020

NYU’s Class of 2020 graduated from the comfort of their homes. Though the ceremony usually takes place at Yankee Stadium, this year it was held over livestream on Wednesday,...

"NYU announced it would still be holding Grad Alley — just over VR." (Image by Bella Gil)

The Highs and Lows of Virtual Reality Grad Alley

WSN’s top gamers went to Virtual Reality Grad Alley. Here’s what happened.

To call these times unprecedented would not only be an understatement, it would also just be repetitive. But something that perhaps nobody expected, despite everything that’s...

Staff Rants and Raves: The Last of the Semester

Staff Rants and Raves: The Last of the Semester

Here's our staff’s random thoughts before we finish the end of the semester.

Rants On Apartment Heating Abby Hofstetter, Managing Editor Contrary to popular belief, I’m generally an agreeable person. I don’t really complain when things aren’t...

The Washington Square Arch lies at the end of Fifth Avenue. President Andy Hamilton recently sent out an update email to the NYU community. (Staff Photo by Alexandra Chan)

University-Wide Email Leaves Students With More Questions Than Answers

In another community-wide email, university administrators detailed costs faced during the pandemic as well as how the university plans to proceed at this time.
Abby Hofstetter, Managing Editor April 28, 2020

Three NYU administrators sent a university-wide email on Monday, April 27 detailing the university’s net losses due to the coronavirus and its assumed next steps for the coming...

Animal Crossing is a Nintendo video game that quickly rose in popularity among quarantined students, including WSN Managing Editor Abby Hofstetter. Abby takes comfort in the gameplay and talks about her experience with the game. (Staff Photo by Abby Hofstetter)

I Lost Control Over My Life. ‘Animal Crossing’ Gave It Back to Me.

Nintendo’s adorable game offers me consistency at a time when consistency is hard to come by.
Abby Hofstetter, Managing Editor April 13, 2020

The coronavirus gives me anxiety. I know I’m not alone in that. Specifically, mention of its symptoms and its victims, especially ones I know, sends me into a deep spiral I can’t...

Hofstetter reflects on her bangs days after cutting them. She has decided on a positive outlook, though dislikes the negative perception of her mental health. (Staff photo by Abby Hofstetter)

Yes, I Got Quarantine Bangs

No, I did not cut them myself.
Abby Hofstetter, Managing Editor March 26, 2020

Let me preface this by saying that I did not cut my own hair. I’ve wanted bangs for a while. Actually, I’m not sure if I wanted bangs as much as I was curious to see what...

WSN is compiling resources that may be of help during this semester. (Staff Illustration by Alexandra Chan)

Coronavirus Outbreak Resources for the NYU Community

In the wake of the coronavirus outbreak, a lot of information can get lost in the panic. WSN has compiled a list of resources that could possibly be of use to the NYU community. Email [email protected] to help expand this list.

Many members of the NYU community have been irreversibly affected by the coronavirus outbreak, either because of the virus itself or the university’s response to it. Students...

A student walks through NYU Abu Dhabi's campus. NYUAD is the last of NYU's campuses to remain open amid the outbreak of the coronavirus. (Photo by Sam Klein)

NYUAD Students Confident in Campus’ Response to Coronavirus

NYUAD students feel reassured by its administration following the closures of all of NYU’s global sites.
Abby Hofstetter, Managing Editor March 23, 2020

An email sent on Monday, March 16, by NYU Global Programs notified the students of NYU Accra and NYU Sydney that both campuses would be closing. With this shutdown, every NYU campus...

OK Bloomberg

OK Bloomberg

Former New York City Mayor and presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg tried to use memes to engage with young voters last week. It didn’t work.
Abby Hofstetter, Managing Editor February 18, 2020

This past Thursday, at least 23 popular Instagram accounts — including @fuckjerry, @kalesalad and @fuckadvertisements — posted campaign advertisements for presidential candidate...

The arts desk is back with some recommendations of singles you may have missed this week.(Illustration by Rachel Buigas-Lopez)

Weekly Radio Roundup: Feb. 7 – Feb. 12

The most exciting singles that came out over the course of the week.

From Sufjan Stevens to Carly Rae Jepsen, this week’s slew of singles mostly consisted of soft-spoken reflections on living in modernity. Whether it’s King Krule shrieking about...

Staff Rants and Raves: Oscars

Staff Rants and Raves: Oscars

Sunday’s Oscars was a historic night for film. Here’s what our staff has to say about it.

Rants On Viewer’s Etiquette Jake Capriotti, Photo Editor I did not know what to expect from my first Oscars party at NYU. I attended the Third North viewing with two...

There is no actual horse in Alison Brie's "Horse Girl." Nonetheless, the Netflix series contains aesthetic and emotional competence that help create a unique hypnotic experience. (Staff photo by Abby Hofstetter)

Photo: This Is a Review of ‘Horse Girl’ Starring Alison Brie, Thanks

February 12, 2020

There is no actual horse in Alison Brie's "Horse Girl." Nonetheless, the Netflix series contains aesthetic and emotional competence that help create a unique hypnotic experience....

Staff Rants: Super Bowl

Staff Rants: Super Bowl

The Super Bowl — whether you care about the game or not — draws parties, commercials and more. Hear our staff’s take on the subject.

On Representation Mandie Montes, Under the Arch Senior Editor I didn’t watch the Super Bowl this year because I don’t live with my superhero, sports fan dad anymore since...

Staff Rants and Raves: Back to School

Staff Rants and Raves: Back to School

The first week of courses always fills people with mixed emotions. Here are our staff’s takes on the subject.

Rants On Masks Alexandra Chan, Deputy Photo Editor Growing up in post-SARS Hong Kong, wearing masks is very normal to me. It blows my mind that there is an American (or...

The Final Staff Rants (of the Semester)

The Final Staff Rants (of the Semester)

In honor of the semester’s final Staff Rants, we have no theme — only pent-up rage.

On Free Space By Ishaan Parmar, Deputy News Editor Look, I get it. We’re all on the homework grind. CAS, Liberal Studies, Stern, Tisch — we all have homework, and none...

‘Tis the season to get closer to bond with your friends, especially through shared Baldwin sightings. (Staff Illustration by Chelsea Li)

Off-Third: A Christmas Miracle: NYU Senior Encounters Alec Baldwin for First Time

Unlike many NYU seniors, Gallatin senior Imani Ortiz never met Alec Baldwin — until last week.
Abby Hofstetter, Opinion Editor December 4, 2019

It’s no secret that NYU is a non-traditional university. Because the city is our campus, it leaves us to bond over shared experiences instead of darties and early-morning football...

NYU Puts Its Reputation Before Student Wellness

NYU Puts Its Reputation Before Student Wellness

Among other secretive measures, NYU does not track suicides. But what does the university have to gain from this?
Abby Hofstetter, Opinion Editor December 2, 2019

NYU has something of a reputation for being secretive with information — its fiscal 2020 budget, which was supposed to be released in June, has not yet been published; it has...

Staff Rants and Raves: Thanksgiving

Staff Rants and Raves: Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is a divisive holiday, to say the least. Here’s what our staff has to say about it.

Rants On Family Bonding By Alexandria Johnson, Deputy News Editor Don't get me wrong — I love Thanksgiving. I love waking up at 7 a.m. to cook food and eating it at the...

Andy Hamilton's secret twitter account has been exposed. (via Twitter @HawkLuver52)

Off-Third: Hamilton Canceled After Discovery of Secret Twitter Account

After a student found Hamilton’s burner account and hundreds of controversial tweets, the NYU community has deemed him canceled.
Abby Hofstetter, Opinion Editor November 22, 2019

Off-Third is WSN’s satire section. NYU President Andrew Hamilton has been canceled by a coalition of 63 clubs after a student gained access to his burner Twitter account on...

President Andrew Hamilton has officially decided to end his affordability initiative. (Staff illustration by Chelsea Li)

Off-Third: Hamilton Ends Affordability Initiatives, Bans ‘Broke B-tches’ From Attending

After significant efforts by the administration and student body to lower NYU’s tuition, the university has officially been deemed affordable.
Abby Hofstetter, Opinion Editor November 20, 2019

Off-Third is WSN’s satire section. NYU President Andrew Hamilton has decided to end his affordability initiative, saying that the student body has “too many broke b-tches.”...

Liberal Studies Deserves Better

Liberal Studies Deserves Better

NYU’s refusal to treat LS students and faculty as equal to their peers in FAS means that the university has failed to recognize a significant portion of its own community.
Abby Hofstetter, Opinion Editor November 15, 2019

To say I was excited when I was accepted to NYU’s Liberal Studies program would be an understatement. But when I arrived on campus for Weekend on the Square, it seemed that not...

NYU Albert website is run manually by one man, whose office is in Bobst LL3 so no one discovers him. His name is Albert. (Illustration by Jorene He)

Off-Third: Meet Albert, the Man Behind the Machine

One man has been manually operating Albert since the registration site was founded, and he hasn’t seen the light of day since.
Abby Hofstetter, Opinion Editor November 14, 2019

Many students believe that Albert, NYU’s course registration system, is named for Albert Gallatin, the university’s founder. Perhaps we believe this because it’s what we’ve...

Will NYU Improve the SHC Now?

Will NYU Improve the SHC Now?

NYU’s department of Counseling and Wellness Services has officially fallen below the national standard. Will this finally be the impetus for NYU to improve its mental health facilities?
Abby Hofstetter, Opinion Editor November 6, 2019

I felt pretty hopeless at the end of last semester. WSN reported in May that the wait times between appointments from NYU’s Counseling and Wellness Services are dangerously above...

(Illustration by Jorene He)

Off-Third: Happy Alumni Weekend From Oliver Stone

Just one of the many problematic filmmakers to pass through the halls of this university.
Abby Hofstetter, Opinion Editor November 1, 2019

Happy Alumni Weekend from Off-Third, WSN’s satire section. Try not to take us too seriously. I’d been nervous to interview Oliver Stone. To call the Tisch alumnus multifaceted...

Bill de Blasio is the king of New York. (Staff Illustration by Marva Shi)

Off-Third: Happy Alumni Weekend From Bill de Blasio

The NYU alumnus and self-proclaimed king of New York may not have been invited to NYU’s Alumni Weekend, but that’s not stopping him from advocating for his alma mater’s students.
Abby Hofstetter, Opinion Editor October 29, 2019

Happy Alumni Weekend from Off-Third, WSN’s satire section. Try not to take us too seriously. Bill de Blasio is the king of New York. At least that’s what he tells me. We’re...

NYU has released their 2020 tax forms to WSN before filing them. (Staff illustration by Chelsea Li)

Off-Third: NYU’s 2020 Receipts: $400 Million to Lady Gaga, $2 to Student Health Center and More

NYU has released their 2020 tax returns one year in advance, and we’ve conducted a full review. Here’s what we found.
Abby Hofstetter, Opinion Editor October 23, 2019

Off-Third is WSN’s satire section. In an unprecedented step toward transparency, NYU has released its 2020 tax returns to WSN before filing them. This comes after WSN published...

New Wellness Resource Indicates Lack of Accountability by NYU

New Wellness Resource Indicates Lack of Accountability by NYU

Though While You Wait seems like a step toward NYU improving its mental health facilities, a closer look reveals multiple problems with the ways that the university resolves student issues.
Abby Hofstetter, Opinion Editor October 21, 2019

NYU’s Wellness Exchange recently launched While You Wait, a resource to combat the notoriously long times that students have had to wait between sessions from the Counseling...

Staff Rants and Raves: October

Staff Rants and Raves: October

Sometimes, October is less of a month and more of a vibe. Hear what our staff has to say about it.

Rants On Getting Older By Alexandria Johnson, Deputy News Editor Even though October is my birth month, I don't really look forward to it. I think it's either because...

Palladium Dining Hall’s head chef, Filipe Flynn, is a filth fly. He may be a fly, but he also has a wife and a children of maggots to take care of. (Staff Illustration by Min Ji Kim | Photo by Max Lerner)

Off-Third: From Palladium, With Love

Palladium’s head chef may be a filth fly, but that’s not stopping him from achieving his wildest dreams.
Abby Hofstetter, Opinion Editor October 11, 2019

Palladium Dining Hall’s head chef, Filipe Flynn, likes to say that he’s just like every other chef. And in some ways, that’s true: he and his family grew up in close proximity...

NYU Isn’t Doing Enough for Religious Students

NYU Isn’t Doing Enough for Religious Students

The religious exemptions policy places the burden on students, further alienating those who are active in their faith.
Abby Hofstetter, Opinion Editor October 8, 2019

From before I learned to speak to the time I graduated high school, I attended the same Jewish school. Class was not only canceled for religious holidays — it revolved around...

Staff Rants and Raves: Sports

Staff Rants and Raves: Sports

See what our staff has to say about one of NYU’s least favorite things.

Rants On Trying — And Failing — To Be Good By Cole Stallone, Opinion Editor I played baseball for eight years growing up. It was one of my favorite sports; it consumed...

NYU's Board of Trustees. (via NYU)

Off-Third: The Board’s Minutes, Reimagined

After reneging on a promise to release the minutes of their meetings, the Board of Trustees has published a summary of their annual June meeting. But since they never released the actual minutes, we’re left with no choice but to imagine what might have happened.
Abby Hofstetter, Opinion Editor September 27, 2019

Off-Third is WSN’s satire section. WILLIAM BERKLEY: Okay, okay. Order. It’s great to see you all again, but right now we have business to get to. Andy, you said you had...

NYU’s Violent Relationship With Stonewall

NYU’s Violent Relationship With Stonewall

On the anniversary of the LGBTQ rights movement’s occupation of Weinstein Residence Hall, it’s important to note how far NYU has come since 1970 — and how far it still has to go.
Abby Hofstetter, Opinion Editor September 25, 2019

49 years ago today, NYU was complicit in the suppression of LGBTQ rights. One year after the Stonewall riots, Greenwich Village was home to the world’s largest LGBTQ community....

Staff Rants and Raves: Music

Staff Rants and Raves: Music

Whether you’re listening to your favorite playlist on the way to work or overhearing someone else’s at 4 a.m., music can evoke many emotions. Here’s what our staff has to say about it.

Rants On Pointless Effort By Ethan Zack, Music Editor Trying to make a good playlist has to be one of the most excruciating things you can subject yourself to. You’re...

Staff Rants and Raves: NYU Dining

Staff Rants and Raves: NYU Dining

Lots of things related to food at NYU have changed recently. Hear what our staff has to say about it.

Rants On Serving Sizes By Alexandria Johnson, Deputy News Editor One thing I have noticed with Chartwells, the new dining provider, is that the serving size options have...

(Illustration by Abby Hofstetter)

Photo: Off-Third: NYU Debuts New Resource to Protect Sexual Predators

Abby Hofstetter, Opinion Editor September 18, 2019

(Illustration by Abby Hofstetter)

Lauren Duca, Natalie Beach and Performative Activism

Lauren Duca, Natalie Beach and Performative Activism

NYU has been in the spotlight recently, following profiles on multiple problematic individuals associated with the university — reflective of NYU’s culture at large.
Abby Hofstetter, Opinion Editor September 18, 2019

NYU’s administrators aren’t the only ones who get bad press. Yesterday, I read Buzzfeed News’ profile of Lauren Duca. Aside from being a “progressive white feminist, p-ssyhat-wearing...

Staff Rants & Raves: Textures

Staff Rants & Raves: Textures

Some things are fun to touch, and some things aren’t — it’s not too complicated. Let our staff tell you why.

Staff Rants On Manicures By Lauren Gruber, Deputy Culture Editor Let me preface this by saying I love getting my nails done. I love not being able to use my phone for thirty...

Off-Third: Dear Abby

Off-Third: Dear Abby

I got 99 problems, and my academic advisor is one.
Abby Hofstetter, Opinion Editor September 11, 2019

Off-Third is WSN’s satire section. Dear Abby, My name is Elizabeth, and I’m a first-year student in your CAS advising group. On Wednesday, my Texts and Ideas professor...

Why We Don’t Understand the Democratic Debates

Why We Don’t Understand the Democratic Debates

When political candidates resort to jargon, it becomes more difficult to figure out the nuances in their policies.
Abby Hofstetter, Opinion Editor September 8, 2019

I get excited to watch the Democratic debates. I’m not totally sure why; nothing very exciting ever really happens unless it’s orchestrated by a moderator, which makes it less...


Off-Third: Andrew Hamilton Kicks off Welcome Week with Presidential Address, Says NYU is “F-cking Lit”

The speech broke John Sexton’s record for the most profane Presidential Welcome in NYU history.
Abby Hofstetter, Opinion Editor September 4, 2019

Off-Third is WSN’s satire section. Though NYU’s Welcome Week always begins with a speech from President Andrew Hamilton, this year was a little different than the rest....

Lizzo, I’m Crying Cuz I Love You

Lizzo, I’m Crying Cuz I Love You

Lizzo’s rising popularity highlights a lack of positive representation of fat women, and gives hope for the future.
Abby Hofstetter, Opinion Editor August 22, 2019

A less-than-quiet transformation is happening to the public’s relationship to fatness, especially fat women. Generation Z, specifically, has been privy to a body positivity movement...

NYU Isn't Taking Care of Its Students

NYU Isn’t Taking Care of Its Students

Analyzing the Wellness Center’s track record — and crunching some numbers — doesn’t inspire much optimism.
Abby Hofstetter, Instagram Editor May 5, 2019

TW: This article discusses and mentions suicide. As my time as an NYU first-year comes to an end, I’ve been looking back on some of the year’s defining moments. Losing myself...

The Measles Outbreak Is a Failure on Multiple Fronts

The Measles Outbreak Is a Failure on Multiple Fronts

Brooklyn's Jewish community has fallen victim not only to a measles outbreak, but also to the resulting media coverage.
Abby Hofstetter, Instagram Editor April 22, 2019

There’s a concept in the Jewish tradition known as a Chillul Hashem — an embarrassment to God’s name. When a Jew acts in a way that gives a bad reputation to the Jewish people...

'Game of Thrones'  promotional still of Emilia Clarke who plays Daenerys Targaryen.  (via Facebook)

‘Game of Thrones’ Premiere Trades Plot for Predictability

The final season starts off slow, but promises to gain traction as the series comes to a close.
Abby Hofstetter, Instagram Editor April 15, 2019

The following review contains spoilers of the April 14 episode of ‘‘Game of Thrones.” Sunday night’s “Game of Thrones” episode marked the beginning of the end. The...

(Illustration by Sakshi Venkatraman)

Off-Third: NYU to Open Wyoming Campus

Hamilton insists “NYoming” is a good idea.
Abby Hofstetter, Instagram Editor April 1, 2019

NYU President Andrew Hamilton revealed Sunday afternoon that the university will be adding a study away site in Wyoming. Hamilton accidentally let this slip during a lunch meeting...

NYU Needs to Acknowledge Its Anti-Semitic Problem

NYU Needs to Acknowledge Its Anti-Semitic Problem

Milo Yiannopoulos being invited to speak at NYU speaks to a bigger issue on campus that hasn’t been addressed enough — anti-Semitism.
Abby Hofstetter, Contributing Writer November 5, 2018

I was surprised that LS Professor Michael Rectenwald did not think to cancel white supremacist Milo Yiannopoulos’ speech to his class, slated to take place barely two weeks after...