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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

The storefront of the H Mart on 39 third Avenue in Manhattan with a poster of fruits and vegetables and text “WE NOW DELIVER!” under the H Mart logo.

Culture’s cult choices: H Mart

The best items to buy at H Mart, according to the most refined taste buds at WSN.

Whether we’re on our way to the WSN office or grabbing dinner on the way home, H Mart is the go-to place for food for the culture desk. H Mart is a New York City staple grocery...

Reading, roller skating, listening to true crimes podcast or making the best spicy fried chicken sandwich. We’ve all been there this quarantine season. (Photos by Scott Hogan, Guru Ramanathan, Leo Sheingate, Sasha Cohen. Staff Illustration by Alex Tran)

Culture Desk Faves: Our Quarantine Hobbies

WSN’s Culture desk shares the ways they found to cope with quarantine.

Having spent a majority of 2020 in quarantine, everyone’s had enough time on their hands to become a master baker, handwrite their autobiographies and watch every show Netflix...

WSN stays busy with the newest Animal Crossing game. Here's what we've been doing to stay busy during quarantine. (Staff Photo by Bella Gil)

Culture Desk Faves: What We’ve Been Doing in Quarantine

Yoga, Animal Crossing and dog walking, what more could you ask for?
Bella Gil, Lauren Gruber and Divya Nelakonda March 27, 2020

The only option for all of us right now is to stay inside. Working from home and attending school from home may come with some extra time none of us expected so here’s what the...

Mascaras come in all sizes and forms. Here are some of the culture desk’s favorite mascara picks. (Staff Photo by Chelsea Li)

Lashes For Days: The Culture Desk’s Go-To Mascaras

Volume, length and lashes, oh my!

Benefit Cosmetics’ “They’re Real!” Mascara  Great minds (and lashes) think alike.  Mascara was the first beauty product I began to wear on a regular basis. To this...

Despite a restful winter break, there were definitely some things the culture desk missed about the city. (Staff photo by Chelsea Li)

Culture Desk Faves: What We Missed About the City

Winter break doesn’t last forever.

It’s easy to get burned out in New York. Winter break is a great time to return home and recharge. As we eat in our hometown diners and visit old friends, a part of us still...