Mandie Montes, Under the Arch Managing Editor
All content by Mandie Montes
Two NYU Students on Running Depop Shops
In these Q&As, two Liberal Studies sophomores discuss their fashion journeys, how they run their independent businesses via Depop and the way they use their shops to fight for the causes they hold dear.
Mandie Montes and Anna-Dmitry Muratova
• September 28, 2020

Safety Tips for Protesters and Student Journalists
With mass protests across the U.S., a lot of information can be confusing and scrambled. WSN has compiled guides and tips that could be of use to the NYU community for protesting safely. Email [email protected] to help expand this list.
Abby Hofstetter, Alexandra Chan, Alexandria Johnson, Anna-Dmitry Muratova and Mandie Montes
• September 24, 2020

Tandon Student Speaks Out in Code Rather Than Words
Tandon sophomore Alexis Williams’ website — pb-resources.com — is a guide to discuss the importance of Black Lives Matter and to engage in conversations surrounding systemic oppression and exercise accessible forms of activism.
Mandie Montes, Under the Arch Managing Editor
• August 25, 2020

Manda’s Mobile Music & Daring Driving Diary
This is a love letter to my favorite record store that is now closed due to COVID-19 with an uncertain reopening date in a new location, to every Californian that enjoys the thrill of simply driving and listening to music and to the friends that I reconnected with while on this journey.
Mandie Montes, Under the Arch Senior Editor
• May 4, 2020

Magic and Glitter in Brooklyn: Interpreting the World Through Drag
In this audio profile, Gallatin sophomore Milenka Bermanova discusses being a nonbinary drag performer while dealing with alopecia, a rare autoimmune disease and how it informs their art.
Mandie Montes, UTA Senior Editor
• April 13, 2020

Staff Rants and Raves: Fruit
From durians to watermelon — here’s what our staff thinks about fruit.
Anna-Dmitry Muratova, Kim Rice, Helen Wajda, Lisa Cochran, Mandie Montes, Gabby Lozano and Alexandra Chan
• April 9, 2020

Staff Rants and Raves: Language
From the unnecessary and stupid rules to the struggles of learning and speaking, here’s what our staff has to say on languages.
Anna-Dmitry Muratova, Sasha Cohen, Paul Kim, Kim Rice, Arvind Sriram, Helen Wajda, Gabby Lozano and Mandie Montes
• February 27, 2020

Blueprinted Memories: An NYU Floor Plan
A prose collection of our staff writers’ current or past experiences living in NYU Housing.
Maxine Flasher-Duzgunes, Jessica Fiorella, Mandie Montes, Kim Rice and Eugene Hu
• February 20, 2020

The Struggle to Validate Food Allergies
Students discuss the complications that arise from uncooperative roommates disregarding their allergies as a form of a disability.
Mandie Montes, UTA Senior Editor
• February 20, 2020

Staff Rants and Raves: Oscars
Sunday’s Oscars was a historic night for film. Here’s what our staff has to say about it.
Jake Capriotti, Kim Rice, Divya Nelakonda, Emily Dai, Gabby Lozano, Helen Wajda, Vanessa Handy, Mandie Montes and Abby Hofstetter
• February 12, 2020

Staff Rants: Super Bowl
The Super Bowl — whether you care about the game or not — draws parties, commercials and more. Hear our staff’s take on the subject.
Mandie Montes, Helen Wajda, Gabby Lozano, Arvind Sriram, Asha Ramachandran, Anna-Dmitry Muratova and Abby Hofstetter
• February 6, 2020

The Final Staff Rants (of the Semester)
In honor of the semester’s final Staff Rants, we have no theme — only pent-up rage.
Ishaan Parmar, Abby Hofstetter, Sakshi Venkatraman, Melanie Pineda, Ethan Zack, Alexandria Johnson, Fareid El Gafy, Mandie Montes, Sam Klein and Anna-Dmitry Muratova
• December 4, 2019

Staff Rants and Raves: Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving is a divisive holiday, to say the least. Here’s what our staff has to say about it.
Alexandria Johnson, Mandie Montes, Ethan Zack, Sam Klein, Bela Kirpalani and Abby Hofstetter
• November 27, 2019

‘No Two Latinxs Are the Same’: Afro-Latinx Academics Carve Out Their Space at NYU
Afro-Latinx students, peers and professors find community in academia and re-learning history.
Mandie Montes, Deputy Copy Chief
• November 25, 2019

Anxiety Is My Carry-On
Four moments where I’ve struggled with not knowing how to deal with my anxiety and a little note on how I overcame my struggle.
Mandie Montes, Deputy Copy Chief
• November 15, 2019

Staff Rants: Course Registration
We have no Staff Raves this week. Course registration is the worst.
Ethan Zack, Mina Mohammadi, Melanie Pineda, Mandie Montes, Lauren Gruber, Alexandria Johnson and Lisa Cochran
• November 13, 2019

Staff Rants and Raves: Apple
Whether you associate “apple” with the fruit or the corporation, our staff has some strong opinions.
Melanie Pineda, Anna-Dmitry Muratova, Kate Lowe, Ishaan Parmar and Mandie Montes
• October 31, 2019

Staff Rants and Raves: Twitter
Twitter: Where memes come to life, where movements come to fruition, and where presidents come to rant. Hear what our staff has to say on what might be both the most multifaceted and divisive form of social media.
Ethan Zack, Calais Watkins, Ishaan Parmar, Mandie Montes, Anna-Dmitry Muratova and Bela Kirpalani
• October 24, 2019

Staff Rants and Raves: October
Sometimes, October is less of a month and more of a vibe. Hear what our staff has to say about it.
Alexandria Johnson, Mandie Montes and Abby Hofstetter
• October 18, 2019

Photo: NYU Trend Report: Back to School Edition
Carol Lee, Culture Editor
• August 24, 2019

Amelia Hernandez Gioia, Deputy News Editor • March 13, 2025

Sherry Chen, Staff Writer • March 13, 2025

Chloe Haack, Staff Writer • March 13, 2025

Luciana Vun, Contributing Writer • March 13, 2025

Steven Wang, Staff Writer • March 13, 2025