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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

The logo of WSN's 2022 "While You Were Here" graduation-themed special issue.

While You Were Here

May 6, 2022
A WSN special issue commemorating the graduating class of 2022. Seniors review their college application essays four years later, student athletes reflect on how sports influenced their college experiences, we celebrate graduating members of our staff — and more!
On the NYU basketball court, the NYU Women’s Basketball team stands in a line. Players are clapping the other basketball team’s hands as they walk in the opposite direction.

Graduating from school and from sports

Kiersten Dugan, UTA Portraits Editor May 6, 2022
Though NYU isn’t known for its athletics, being on sports teams has been transformative for these three seniors.
While You Were Here

While You Were Here

Hailey Nuthals, Editor-in-Chief May 4, 2017

Does it feel real yet? Has the shock set in, or the relief? Does it feel good? Scary? You did so much to get to this point, and worked so hard. A lot of cups of coffee —...

Marita Vlachou: CAS, Journalism and Economics

Marita Vlachou May 4, 2017

Dear Marita, It’s officially been four years of NYU. Four years of living in four different neighborhoods of New York City. From your freshman year floormates that became...

Jessica Martinez: CAS, Journalism and Social and Cultural Analysis

Jessica Martinez May 4, 2017

NYU and New York City have been in the cards for me since my early teenage years. I fell in love with both during my very first visit to the city when I was 14-years-old. Throughout...

Thomas Devlin: Gallatin, Good English

Thomas Devlin May 4, 2017

For my last piece in WSN, I thought about writing a sentimental reflection on my time at NYU. Every time I started, however, the piece transformed into a sappy, trite mess. Instead,...

Sophie Lewis: Steinhardt, Media, Culture and Communications

Sophie Lewis May 4, 2017

During my first week at NYU, I walked into the WSN office for an open house, spoke with the Beauty and Style Editor and a week later, attended my first runway show at my first...

Joseph Myers: Gallatin, Marketing and Theater Studies

Joseph Myers May 4, 2017

As trite as it may be to point out, New York is always changing — for the better, for the worse and often for the indistinguishable. I feel that my past four years have been...