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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

A cell phone displaying an image in black and white of the table in front of it. On the table is a jug of milk. The phone is being held in place by a red clamp and someone’s hand is hitting the record button.

NYU students and researchers collaborate with Meta on home robotics project

A group of NYU students and faculty collaborated with a Meta AI researcher on Dobb-E, a new project dedicated to developing robots that can complete daily household tasks.
Gabrielle Panelo, Contributing Writer December 12, 2023

Students and faculty researchers at NYU’s Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences and a researcher from Meta AI recently published a new design framework for in-home robots...

A collage of pictures of two men. The man on the left is wearing an olive-colored shirt and black blazer. The man on the left is wearing a blue gingham shirt with a gray blazer.

22 NYU professors named among world’s most cited researchers

The researchers included in Clarivate’s 2023 Highly Cited Researchers list came from fields such as economics, medicine and engineering.
Mikaylah Du, Staff Writer November 21, 2023

Twenty-two NYU professors were in the first percentile for the number of citations received in their fields over the past decade, according to Clarivate’s Highly Cited Researchers...

An illustration of a girl wearing a green t-shirt drinking from a plastic cup filled with purple liquids with a white straw.

‘Totally unpredictable’: NYU class discovers new fluid flow laws

A simple mathematics exercise turned into a three-year-long study as researchers discovered limitations in the laws of fluid dynamics.
Ania Keenan, Features Editor April 4, 2023

The act of sipping through a straw may defy long-standing laws of fluid dynamics — the study of the flow of liquids and gases — according to a recent NYU study. Researchers...

A person wearing a white T-shirt and holding a baby. There is a black-and-white geometric logo superimposed in the top right corner of the frame.

Babies and AI go head to head in new NYU study

A recent NYU study compares the ability of infants and machines to understand human behavior.
Graylin Lucas, Contributing Writer March 9, 2023

Babies may know a lot more than we think. A recent NYU study shows that compared to artificial intelligence, infants are better at detecting the motivation behind human decisions.  Moira...

An illustration of white wired earphones surrounded by musical notes against a blue background.

Love at first listen: It only takes 5 seconds to like a song, NYU study finds 

NYU researchers looked into why people love and hate different music, and found that they typically know whether they like a song within seconds of listening to it.
Ujji Bathla, Staff Writer February 14, 2023

If you’ve ever immediately skipped a song on Spotify, or liked a new song after only a few seconds, you’re not alone, according to a recent NYU study. The study determined...

Tandon School of Engineering Professor of Computer Science and Engineering Damon McCoy found that ransomware has cyber attacked thousands of users.

NYU Professor Finds $16 Million Impact of Ransomware

Sarah Jackson, Deputy News Editor April 10, 2018
A new study conducted by an NYU professor details the pervasiveness and costliness of malware in the current digital landscape.
A body diagram depicting the layers of skin cells.

Langone Discovered New Organ in the Human Body

Christine Lee, Staff Writer April 6, 2018
An NYU Langone professor is one of three researchers responsible for the discovery of a new organ, a layer of fluid-filled spaces known as the interstitium.
NYU Steinhardt and NYU Psychology researchers were awarded a NSF Grant of $1.4 million to study brain activity of students and teachers in the classroom.

Steinhardt Professors Receive $1.4 Million Grant

Caroline Haskins, Staff Writer May 1, 2017
NYU Steinhardt and NYU Psychology were awarded 1.4 million dollars in grants.
Needle exchange programs are one way organizations are fighting the rise of HIV infections through Heroin injections.

NYU Researchers Predict an HIV Spike Due to Heroin Use in Colombia

Maria Torres, Contributing Writer February 17, 2016
NYU researchers predict Colombia will be the next country to experience an AIDS epidemic due to the increased use of heroin.
Certain brain patterns have been found to activate while listening to music.

Listening to music? Your brain activity is probably on beat

Raven Quesenberry, Contributing Writer November 4, 2015
NYU researchers have identified how brain rhythms are used to process music and their findings suggest that musical training can enhance the functional role of brain rhythms.