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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

Paul Kim

Paul Kim, Managing Editor

In all the past bios Paul Kim has written for WSN, he mentioned he hates cilantro. This is because Paul hates cilantro. He has also grown to hate everything that even remotely looks like cilantro. Parsley has no right to look so similar to cilantro. When he’s eating anything, he can never tell if the little green herbs are pieces of parsley or cilantro, so he has to bite into it to find out. More often than not, it’s cilantro. To balance out this very negative bio, Paul will mention something he likes: pre-packaged cotton candy. Paul apologizes that this bio wasn’t very informative. If you want to learn more about him, check him out on Instagram @pksmash and Twitter @PaulKimWrites.

All content by Paul Kim
NYU announced to the university community that the Class of 2021 will have a virtual commencement on May 19. Many graduating students believe this decision was reached prematurely. (Staff Photo by Paul Kim)

Photo: Class of 2021 pushes for an in-person commencement

Rachel Cohen, Staff Writer April 22, 2021

NYU announced to the university community that the Class of 2021 will have a virtual commencement on May 19. Many graduating students believe this decision was reached prematurely....

Photo Essay: Strategy for Black Lives leads Justice for George Floyd rally in Times Square

Photo Essay: Strategy for Black Lives leads Justice for George Floyd rally in Times Square

The activist organization, founded in the wake of Floyd’s murder, is now demanding an end to police terror and brutality.
Paul Kim and Taylor Knight April 21, 2021

The Bowery Mission is located at 227 Bowery St. This is one of the city’s largest homeless shelters and food pantries. (Staff Photo by Paul Kim)

Photo: How service organizations help New Yorkers in need during the pandemic

Sabiq Shahidullah, Staff Writer April 8, 2021

The Bowery Mission is located at 227 Bowery St. This is one of the city’s largest homeless shelters and food pantries. (Staff Photo by Paul Kim)

The Nugget Spot, previously located at 230 E 14th street, announced they were officially closing their doors for good. The restaurant will be remembered for its "Sriracha Nugs" and its reliability to keep patrons coming back. (Staff Photo by Manasa Gudavalli)

The Nugget Spot: Gone, but Never Forgotten

After operating out of the East Village for seven years, the Nugget Spot announced its permanent closure on Sept. 10.
Paul Kim, Dining Editor September 17, 2020

Almost two years after the fact, I still remember the searing, stabbing heartburn that came with my first box of Sriracha Nugs from The Nugget Spot. I was a first-semester sophomore...

NYU Welcome 2020 signs deck the stairs at NYU's Kimmel Center for University Life during Welcome Week. Although all Welcome Week events have been virtual, Welcome Week leaders found ways to modify the traditional in-person events into a virtual experience for students. (Staff Photo by Jake Capriotti)

How the NYU Welcome Team Went Virtual

Wrapping up its last few events earlier this week, NYU Welcome’s entirely virtual program set out to give incoming students a campus feel despite the coronavirus.
Paul Kim, Dining Editor September 14, 2020

When first-year Cassidy Kohler applied to be a fall Welcome Week leader in February of last semester, she did so to give incoming students the unique campus feel she had found...

Reading, roller skating, listening to true crimes podcast or making the best spicy fried chicken sandwich. We’ve all been there this quarantine season. (Photos by Scott Hogan, Guru Ramanathan, Leo Sheingate, Sasha Cohen. Staff Illustration by Alex Tran)

Culture Desk Faves: Our Quarantine Hobbies

WSN’s Culture desk shares the ways they found to cope with quarantine.

Having spent a majority of 2020 in quarantine, everyone’s had enough time on their hands to become a master baker, handwrite their autobiographies and watch every show Netflix...

Di Di Dumpling located on E 24th and Lexington. During the COVID-19 epidemic, restaurants have become more reliant on their regular customers for survival. (Staff Photo by Leo Sheingate)

The Joys and Responsibilities of Being a Restaurant Regular

Without help from the federal government, restaurants rely on their community for help. We cannot let them down.
Paul Kim, Dining Editor September 3, 2020

A little nameless shack just beyond the train tracks that cut through my mother’s hometown in Feng Yuan sells some of the best potstickers I’ve had in my 21-year-long, dumpling-filled...

Staff Rants: Drinks

Staff Rants: Drinks

From milk to kombucha — here’s our staff’s hot takes on drinks.

On Black Coffee Helen Wajda, Deputy Opinion Editor I love coffee as much as the next person, but I will never understand how anyone can drink it black. Maybe I’m drinking...

Levester “LT” Thompson Jr. was an assistant coach for the women’s basketball team. He will be remembered and missed by the NYU athletic community. (Image courtesy of NYU Women’s Basketball)

The NYU Athletics Department Remembers Levester ‘LT’ Thompson Jr.

NYU’s long-time assistant women’s basketball coach passed away from COVID-19 in a Staten Island hospital on Thursday, April 9.
Paul Kim, Deputy Managing Editor April 13, 2020

At 6 feet 5 inches tall, NYU’s former assistant women’s basketball coach Levester “LT” Thompson Jr. was usually the tallest person in the room. His bright personality,...

WSN is compiling resources that may be of help during this semester. (Staff Illustration by Alexandra Chan)

Coronavirus Outbreak Resources for the NYU Community

In the wake of the coronavirus outbreak, a lot of information can get lost in the panic. WSN has compiled a list of resources that could possibly be of use to the NYU community. Email [email protected] to help expand this list.

Many members of the NYU community have been irreversibly affected by the coronavirus outbreak, either because of the virus itself or the university’s response to it. Students...

Staff Rants and Raves: Language

Staff Rants and Raves: Language

From the unnecessary and stupid rules to the struggles of learning and speaking, here’s what our staff has to say on languages.

Rants On Creative Use of Punctuation Anna-Dmitry Muratova, Deputy Managing Editor Dear Creative Writing student, please, pretty please (!), stop NOT putting punctuation...

NYU London does its best to prepare for the UK leaving the EU.  NYUL Assistant Director for Student Life Nigel Freeman talks about the plans for Brexit. (Via NYU)

NYU London Holds Its Breath as U.K. Approaches Brexit Deadline

With no formal picture of what the U.K.’s departure from the EU will look like, NYU London does its best to prepare for Brexit.
Paul Kim, Abroad Correspondent November 25, 2019

As the U.K. government extends its Brexit deadline from Oct. 31 to Jan. 31 of next year, many potential ramifications of the U.K.’s separation from the European Union remain...

The interior of Think Coffee, one of the many green coffee shops that started to use compostable to-go cups. (Staff Photo by Julia McNeill)

Sustainable Restaurants Persist, Despite Some Consumer Apathy

Even if the diners themselves aren’t embracing green initiatives, some restaurants are.
Paul Kim, Deputy Copy Chief May 6, 2019

The average customer walking into Bell Book & Candle in Greenwich Village will never know that the majority of the ingredients — 60%, according to executive chef John Mooney...

Lucky Lee's Chinese food restaurant (Staff Photo by Jorene He)

A Learning Moment in the Midst of a Chinese Restaurant’s Controversy

The owners of Lucky Lee's, accused of cultural appropriation, hope to move forward.
Paul Kim, Deputy Copy Chief April 19, 2019

The history and perception of Chinese food in the United States is long, complex and deeply rooted in racism. Narratives of “Chinese restaurant syndrome,” a term coined in...

The panelists at the Violence Via Water event in Kimmel Grand Hall pose for a photo.

Water Activists Speak on Flint, Puerto Rico Crises

Paul Kim, Staff Writer April 16, 2018
A panel was held in Kimmel last week to discuss the water crises in Flint and Puerto Rico.
The panelists at the Violence Via Water event in Kimmel Grand Hall pose for a photo.

Photo: Program Board Launches New YouTube Series

Anubhuti Kumar, Highlighter Editor April 16, 2018

The panelists at the Violence Via Water event in Kimmel Grand Hall pose for a photo.

Mayor Bill de Blasio and First Lady Chirlane McCray leaving the event.

New York City Remembers MLK on 50th Anniversary of Final Speech

Paul Kim, Staff Writer April 4, 2018
An event paying tribute to Martin Luther King Jr. was held in Washington Square Park Tuesday night on the 50th anniversary of his last speech.
From Homeless to Rory Meyers Scholar, Gavin Arneson Tells His Story

From Homeless to Rory Meyers Scholar, Gavin Arneson Tells His Story

Paul Kim, Staff Writer March 27, 2018
Davin Arnerson battled homelessness and the loss of his father in high school. His dream was to attend NYU, and now through the Rory Meyers Scholarship, he can.
A student uses the “Duo Push” authentication method to log in to an NYU account.

Nearly Six Months After Rollout, NYU Community Evaluates MFA

Paul Kim, Staff Writer March 22, 2018
Feelings are mixed about Multi-Factor Authentication — a security measure that was made mandatory to the NYU community six months ago.
Tandon Makes Strides in Robotics, Creates Realistic Zebrafish

Tandon Makes Strides in Robotics, Creates Realistic Zebrafish

Paul Kim, Staff Writer March 19, 2018
Researchers have completed a remarkable project by building fish that resemble their real, living counterparts.
Josie Aslakson practices for the 2018 World Championships for wheelchair basketball.

Photo: Cheesy Goodness at Black Seed

Scott Hogan, Contributing Writer February 20, 2018

Josie Aslakson practices for the 2018 World Championships for wheelchair basketball.

A computer screen displaying a chart of the recent stock market drop.

NYU Students Don’t Panic During Stock Plunge

Paul Kim, Contributing Writer February 16, 2018
NYU students discuss the impact of the recent stock market crash on their investments.