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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

Illustration by Charlie Dodge.

How Students with Anxiety Disorders are Adjusting to Quarantine

Students discuss how COVID-19 has affected their mental health and why it is important to pay attention to their mental health during this time.
Caitlin Hsu, Contributing Writer May 11, 2020

During a time when people are being encouraged to stay at home and avoid interaction with others, Tisch first-year Charlie Anderson finds it difficult to avoid giving into their...

Transfers’ Journal

Transfers’ Journal

A collection of short narratives that give an insight into the lives of transfer students, discussing the concepts of transferring from another university or another school within NYU, where it is often difficult to situate in.

Journal Entry #1 By Ashley Wu Admitting that I was lonely felt like defeat. When I transferred to NYU in the fall of my sophomore year, I ignored all the warnings from my friends...

Victoria Provost smiles as she holds a pineapple, reminded of a birthday prank she played on her friend in freshman year. (Photo courtesy of Victoria Provost, Illustrations by Celia Tewey)

Objects We Hold Through Time

A look at the objects that tell the stories of our histories, growth and relationships.
Celia Tewey, Exposures Editor May 8, 2020

Objects tell our histories. Whether they have been with us for weeks, years or months, they have the ability to define us in subtle ways that show our personalities, strengths,...

Hear Her Roar: The Voices More Than Ambient Noise

Hear Her Roar: The Voices More Than Ambient Noise

In the professional world and on student-film sets, female-identifying Film and TV students at Tisch encounter the repercussions of an industry dominated by white men and continue to fight for change.
Chandler Crump, Staff Writer May 7, 2020

“I think we all deserve a place at the table.”  Words spoken by Maddie Schumacher, a Tisch Film and TV senior and rising independent producer, reflecting on her experience...

Speaking on Life Within the Frame

Speaking on Life Within the Frame

A dance documentary featuring members of the Tisch Dance Class of 2020 as they offer their thoughts on a creative practice framed by the quarantine.

Tisch Clive Davis sophomore Madi Richardson started a new fitness blog called Madi Muscle. She aims to share workouts, recipes, music and inspiration through combining her interests in this hobby. (Photos via Madi Richardson, Staff Illustration by Alexandra Chan)

Motivation with Madi Muscle

The Tisch sophomore gave me a run-down of her new Instagram, Madi Muscle.
Addison Aloian, Deputy Culture Editor May 5, 2020

Madi Richardson is a Tisch sophomore studying Recorded Music at the Clive Davis Institute, but what makes her even cooler is her new fitness blog, Madi Muscle. An astute member...

From Snakeskin to Sweats: Fashion Influencer Stuck in the Suburbs

From Snakeskin to Sweats: Fashion Influencer Stuck in the Suburbs

When Marc Manaloto was looking to escape the fast pace of New York, quarantining in Northern Virginia was not what they had in mind.
Lauren Gruber, Dining Editor May 1, 2020

Tisch drama student Marc Manaloto had it all: a prestigious film production internship, plenty of California sunshine and freedom. But all that was cut short when NYU announced...

Farah Jabir is one of many Tisch Film & TV students whose student film has been put on pause by the COVID-19 pandemic. (Photo courtesy of Gillian Henry)

Farah Jabir, Camaraderie and ‘Kokomo’

The Tisch film student has had the production of her film put on pause due the COVID-19 pandemic, but she, her classmates, crew and the greater Tisch community hold strong.
Fareid El Gafy, Film & TV Editor, Film & TV Editor April 24, 2020

Tisch Film & TV senior Farah Jabir was two months away from shooting her short film “Kokomo” when NYU gave word that the university would be shutting down. With the...

A final vision of Stacy’s map that reflects the first impression he hopes to subject players before. (Photo courtesy of Paris Stacy)

Paris Stacy, Player Agency and Art Against the Odds

The Tisch game designer has continued to refine his game project even after contracting the coronavirus.
Nicolas Pedrero-Setzer, Music Editor, Music Editor April 24, 2020

A funny dynamic arises in the relationship between the fact that a video game level presents players with the liberty to go about solving it all the while purposefully concealing...

Arts Issue Spring 2020

Arts Issue Spring 2020

Much like the subjects it showcases, this Arts Issue has to persevere against the odds.
Kaylee DeFreitas and Ethan Zack, Arts Editors April 24, 2020

“Outside The Box” was choreographed by Garet Wierdsma to “Little Boxes” by Malvina Reynolds and original composition by Zilu Chen, performed by Tisch dancers at the Jack Crystal Theater before spring break. With remote instruction comes the challenges of online dance classes as Tisch dancers share their experiences. (Staff Photo by Alexandra Chan)

Dancing Through Distress: Tisch Dancers on Remote Learning

Three Tisch dance students share their experiences with online dance instruction.
Rachel Lee, Staff Illustrator April 13, 2020

Since the university announced that the rest of the semester would be happening remotely due to the COVID-19 outbreak, NYU students have been adapting to new routines to enable...

Off-Third: Tisch Dean Sends Video of Herself Dancing to ‘Sicko Mode’ to Student Diagnosed with Coronavirus

Off-Third: Tisch Dean Sends Video of Herself Dancing to ‘Sicko Mode’ to Student Diagnosed with Coronavirus

You thought her video dancing to “Losing My Religion” was tone-deaf, but wait until you see her latest video.
Noah Friend, Off-Third Editor March 31, 2020

In the wake of the coronavirus outbreak, university administrators have come under fire for their response to student’s pleas for help. However, one administrator in particular...