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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

A man in a black jacket and a blue sweater stands behind a podium with a microphone with flowers in front of it. He faces a crowd, which is listening to him speak while sitting on a large staircase.

NYU vigil honors victims of Turkey and Syria earthquakes

After two deadly earthquakes hit Turkey and Syria last week, NYU’s student government and its Turkish Student Association organized a vigil in solidarity with victims.
Aya Diab, Contributing Writer February 16, 2023

Dozens of NYU students and faculty gathered on the steps of the Kimmel Center for University Life on Feb. 15 to honor the tens of thousands of lives lost in recent earthquakes,...

An illustration of students sitting in a large room for a student government meeting. On the left, a purple banner with the N.Y.U. torch logo hangs on the wall and reads “N.Y.U. S.G.A.”

What NYU’s student government plans to do with its new $1 million fund

From new mental health initiatives to better options for fried chicken on campus, students share what they hope the student government will do with their newfound fortune. 
Cora Snow, Deputy News Editor February 13, 2023

NYU’s student government is getting a million-dollar raise next fall, and students want to know what they’re going to do with the additional funding. The student government...

A tall building complex with a glass exterior in daylight with traffic passing in front of the building.

Winter break recap: What happened at NYU while you were gone

The fibs of a Congressman, a former NYU administrator commits fraud, the new billion-dollar building, and all the other news you missed.

As students return to campus for the start of the spring semester, here is some of the news you may have missed over winter break. Former NYU finance director indicted after embezzling...

Bill Clinton wears a navy blue suit, a red tie and a black robe while laughing on stage. Next to Clinton is Ron Robin also laughing in a blue robe.

Bill Clinton, John Sexton visit NYU to receive degrees from Israeli university

Former U.S. president Bill Clinton and ex-NYU president John Sexton were awarded honorary degrees from the Israeli University of Haifa for achievements in their respective fields.
Yezen Saadah, Deputy News Editor December 13, 2022

Bill Clinton visited NYU alongside former university president John Sexton on Monday to attend a ceremony in which they were awarded honorary degrees from an Israeli university....

A photo of a doorway on campus with a blue accessibility button that reads "Press to Operate Door" to the right.

NYU to create task force amid campus accessibility complaints 

Some disability-rights advocates are calling for the university to revise its tap access policy for accessible doors on campus, which they claim violates the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Nicole Lu, Senior Staff Writer December 13, 2022

Disability-rights activists on campus say that NYU is in violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act by failing to ensure all of its building entrances are fully accessible....

A collage of various N.Y.U. alumni with the text “Forbes Under 30 North America 30”

Forbes features 26 NYU students and alumni on 30 Under 30 list

Many NYU students and alums pursuing careers in industries ranging from tech to entertainment were recognized by Forbes in its annual 30 Under 30 list.
Mia Madonna, Contributing Writer December 12, 2022

Forbes recognized 26 NYU students and alums in its 2023 edition of the 30 Under 30 list — an annual ranking of successful individuals under 30 years old across 20 industries,...

An illustration of a wooden box in a park. A pair of legs with blue jeans and black sneakers stands on top of the box. The box reads “W.S.N.”

The Soapbox: Saudi Arabian royalty, a planned German coup, Peru’s new president

The Soapbox is a weekly column by WSN’s news desk analyzing major developments in world news and rounding up the stories we think are worth the read this week. Global consciousness for a global university.
Tori Morales, Deputy News Editor December 9, 2022

In a U.S. court, the crown prince of Saudi Arabia gets away with murder A district court judge in the United States found on Dec. 6 that Mohammed bin Salman, the Saudi Arabian...

A tall, wide building with grids of blue-green windows.

NYU to make dorms more accessible after Justice Dept. complaint

After reaching an agreement with the U.S. Department of Justice, NYU will expand the accessibility of its student housing within the next five years.
Yezen Saadah, Deputy News Editor November 30, 2022

NYU will begin a five-year effort to make its housing facilities more accessible after reaching an agreement with the U.S. Department of Justice. Some of the university’s housing...

A person holding a sign that reads “不自由 毋宁死 (Give me freedom or give me death).” In the background is the Washington Square Arch lit up by lights.

At Washington Square, dissidents support historic protests across China

Hundreds of protesters challenged the Chinese government’s strict COVID-19 lockdown policies during a protest in Washington Square Park, joining a global wave of demonstrations.
Tori Morales, Deputy News Editor November 29, 2022

Read this article in Simplified Chinese or in Traditional Chinese. 点击此处阅读简体中文版 | 點擊此處閱讀繁體中文版 Hundreds of NYU students and local...

A person holding a sign that reads “不自由 毋宁死 (Give me freedom or give me death).” In the background is the Washington Square Arch lit up by lights.


Tori Morales, Deputy News Editor November 29, 2022

當地時間11月27日星期日,紐約大學學生及當地居民聚集在華盛頓廣場公園抗議中國政府的新冠防疫政策。此次抗議聲援中國國內的抗議者們。他們在近幾天罕見地走上街頭悼念在烏魯木齊居民樓火災中喪生的10名同胞,並表達對防疫亂象的不滿。許多人質疑當地的封控措施延誤了消防部門的救援,因此導致了原本可以避免的傷亡。 星期日的抗議吸引了約200名參與者,其中有很多人都是中國公民。一名匿名的活動組織者表示此次罕見的抗議行動不僅是關於防疫措施:「這些年來針對人民的不人道管理措施終於到達了爆發點。我從沒想過我們有這樣反抗的能力。」 中國的「動態清零」政策所導致的嚴苛封控措施和負面經濟影響已經招致了國內外的不滿。根據事發時的政策,在發現陽性病例後,當地政府及社區必須進行封控措施,居民居家或集中隔離、商店停業、學校轉為網課。封控措施往往會持續幾週甚至數月,直到新增病例清零。 此次抗議與當地時間下午4:30開始,參與者圍繞LED蠟燭燈站成一圈,悼念在新疆居民樓火災的10名遇難者。隨著活動的進行,抗議人群從開始時的幾個人逐漸增多。他們有些人手持空白的A4紙,還有人用攜帶的音箱播放國歌《義勇軍進行曲》和《Do...

A person holding a sign that reads “不自由 毋宁死 (Give me freedom or give me death).” In the background is the Washington Square Arch lit up by lights.


Tori Morales, Deputy News Editor November 29, 2022

当地时间11月27日星期日,纽约大学学生及当地居民聚集在华盛顿广场公园抗议中国政府的新冠防疫政策。此次抗议也意在声援中国国内的抗议者们。他们在近几天罕见地走上街头悼念在乌鲁木齐居民楼火灾中丧生的10名同胞,并表达对防疫乱象的不满。许多人质疑当地的封控措施延误了消防部门的救援,因此导致了本可以避免的伤亡。 星期日的抗议吸引了约200名参与者,其中有很多人都是中国公民。一名匿名的活动组织者表示此次罕见的抗议行动不仅仅是关于防疫措施:“这些年来针对人民的非人道管理措施终于到达了爆发点。我从没想过我们有这样反抗的能力”。 中国的“动态清零”政策所导致的严苛封控措施和负面经济影响已经招致了国内外的不满。根据事发时的政策,在发现阳性病例后,当地政府及社区必须进行封控措施,居民居家或集中隔离、商铺停业、学校转为网络教学。封控措施往往会持续几周甚至数月,直到新增病例清零。 此次抗议与当地时间下午4:30开始,参与者围绕LED蜡烛灯站成一圈,悼念在新疆居民楼火灾的10名遇难者。随着活动的进行,抗议人群从开始时的几个人逐渐增多。他们有些人手持空白的A4纸,还有人用携带的音箱播放国歌《义勇军进行曲》和《Do...

The east-facing view from the intersection of Washington Square East and Washington Place. On the right is the N.Y.U. Steinhardt Pless Hall.

Teachers in training fight for future of NYU music education program

The Steinhardt music department announced that it will not accept new applications to an education program, sparking concerns among students studying to become music educators.
Bryn Borzillo, Senior Staff Writer November 22, 2022

The music education program at NYU’s Steinhardt school will stop accepting applications starting in the fall 2023 semester, according to administrators. Several students in the...