Emily Dai, Opinion Editor
All content by Emily Dai

Opinion: Conservative win in Second Amendment case could spur liberal court reform
Last Monday, the Supreme Court agreed to review a lower court decision regarding the Second Amendment, making this the first time the court has taken up this issue in over a decade. While gun rights activists are almost surely going to win, liberals may be able to turn it around and push for further court reform.
Emily Dai, Opinion Editor
• May 3, 2021

Opinion: Stop exploiting Asians in your arguments against affirmative action
Arguments against affirmative action often center around Asian Americans as a way to criticize the policy as being harmful toward a minority group. However, opponents to this system have never had the interests of Asian Americans in mind.
Emily Dai, Opinion Editor
• April 7, 2021

Make ride-share drivers employees
Last week, a Lyft driver was viciously attacked by two passengers while carrying out a ride in Queens. The persistent cases of violence against ride-hailing drivers highlights a larger issue of contractor-based business models.
Emily Dai, Opinion Editor
• March 23, 2021

How To Properly Critique Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s Legacy
Since the passing of RBG, many are critical of the backlash people are lodging at her and her legacy. However, what these people miss is that Ginsburg’s failure to step down when President Obama was in office will forever taint the achievements made in her lifetime.
Emily Dai, Opinion Editor
• September 23, 2020

Republicans Are Hypocrites, but They’re Effective
With the passing of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg and an ensuing vicious political fight, many are quick to point out the hypocrisies of the Republican party. What these critics miss, though, is that Republican hypocrisy is the only way to be politically effective.
Emily Dai, Opinion Editor
• September 22, 2020

Voter Suppression Has Always Been a Problem
Recent mania over the imagined problem of voter fraud have been used to justify tactics that lead to voter suppression. Our continued failure to guard the citizenry from these attacks on voting stems not from a public official, but rather the lack of an explicit right to vote.
Emily Dai, Opinion Editor
• September 17, 2020

The Reprisal of Bush V. Gore Threatens Our Elections
President Trump has recently filed lawsuits against New Jersey and Nevada for their efforts to increase voter accessibility, citing the controversial case Bush v. Gore. If this legal reasoning is accepted, it may wreak havoc on our courts and elections for decades to come.
Emily Dai, Opinion Editor
• September 10, 2020

Staff Rants: Coronavirus
From the loss of indoor seating to general annoyance, our staff has a lot to say about the coronavirus.
Helen Wajda, Jake Capriotti, Emily Dai and Nicole Chiarella
• September 3, 2020

NYU’s Impossible Financial Situation
Like many universities across the country, the pandemic has backed NYU into a corner. The financial pressures facing NYU explain its decision to partially reopen, and will cause it to struggle for years to come.
Emily Dai, Opinion Editor
• August 31, 2020

Democrats, You Don’t Have to Hand It to George W. Bush
On Saturday, May 2, former President George W. Bush was met with praise for his message calling for national unity amid the coronavirus pandemic. In reality, this praise is part of a larger obsession to sanitize Bush’s disastrous presidency.
Emily Dai, Deputy Opinion Editor
• May 5, 2020

How Anti-Immigrant Rhetoric Shapes the Supreme Court
The Supreme Court has repeatedly bolstered the Trump Administration’s anti-immigrant agenda. Last Thursday, the majority opinion’s language in Barton v. Barr reveals possible biases against immigrants.
Emily Dai, Deputy Opinion Editor
• April 28, 2020

Yes, Stay-at-Home Orders Are Legal and Necessary
Last week, we witnessed an eruption of protests against multiple government’s shelter-in-place orders, across multiple states, under the guise of protecting personal liberties, but these protestors have failed to truly grasp what civil liberties actually are.
Emily Dai, Deputy Opinion Editor
• April 21, 2020

Staff Rants and Raves: Movies
From Lizzie McGuire to Lady Bird — here’s what our staff thinks about movies.
Anna-Dmitry Muratova, Helen Wajda, Jake Capriotti, Gabby Lozano and Emily Dai
• April 16, 2020

Do Not Trust the Supreme Court to Protect Your Right to Vote
Last Monday, April 6, the Supreme Court refused to extend the absentee-ballot deadline in light of a global pandemic, reflecting Chief Justice Roberts’ long-held commitment to weaken voting rights.
Emily Dai, Deputy Opinion Editor
• April 14, 2020

NYU Will Never be Prestigious Without Better Financial Aid
Each year, NYU embarks on an ambitious mission to better its reputation and world-standing, yet does nothing about its infamously poor financial aid offers.
Emily Dai, Deputy Opinion Editor
• April 6, 2020

Even in Times of Pandemic, Abortions Are Still Essential
Under a guise of sudden concern for public health, Republican lawmakers are quick to exploit coronavirus to fulfill their own moral crusade against abortion.
Emily Dai, Deputy Opinion Editor
• March 31, 2020

Confronting Identity in Light of Coronavirus and Xenophobia
As much as I may identify with my own nation, the recent pandemic has shown me how fragile this relationship truly is.
Emily Dai, Deputy Opinion Editor
• March 23, 2020

Roe v. Wade’s Shaky Legal Reasoning
Part of the reason for the string of recent pushes by state legislatures and lower courts to get abortion on the Supreme Court docket is to overturn the constitutionally uncertain Roe v. Wade.
Emily Dai, Deputy Opinion Editor
• March 10, 2020

Staff Rants and Raves: Food
From under-portioned grains to juice cleanses, our staff has a lot of strong feelings about food.
Emily Dai, Helen Wajda, Noah Friend, Gabby Lozano and Arvind Sriram
• March 5, 2020

Don’t Try Children as Adults
The boys charged with the murder of Tessa Majors, like every other child indicted with a serious crime, should be tried in juvenile court.
Emily Dai, Deputy Opinion Editor
• March 2, 2020

Bloomberg Is Everything Wrong With Money in Politics
A race between Trump and Bloomberg would be a disastrous hit to democracy and a symbolic shift toward an American oligarchy.
Emily Dai, Deputy Opinion Editor
• February 25, 2020

Staff Rants: TV Shows
We’ve all binged a show, even though we know we shouldn’t. Here’s what our staff has to say about the Golden Age of TV — or so they say.
Jake Capriotti, Arvind Sriram, Helen Wajda, Kim Rice, Gabby Lozano and Emily Dai
• February 21, 2020

The Uncomfortable Issue of Bathroom Accessibility
The lack of sanitary and accessible public bathrooms throughout NYC is inappropriate and dangerous for public health.
Emily Dai, Deputy Opinion Editor
• February 18, 2020

Staff Rants and Raves: Oscars
Sunday’s Oscars was a historic night for film. Here’s what our staff has to say about it.
Jake Capriotti, Kim Rice, Divya Nelakonda, Emily Dai, Gabby Lozano, Helen Wajda, Vanessa Handy, Mandie Montes and Abby Hofstetter
• February 12, 2020

NYU’s Facade of Financial Support
Despite promoting socio-cultural diversity, NYU continually sabotages and fails to accommodate lower-income students.
Emily Dai, Deputy Opinion Editor
• February 10, 2020

NYU Exploits Academia’s Permanent Underclass
The rapid rise of adjunct professors across the nation and at NYU during a hike of administrative salaries indicates their mass exploitation.
Emily Dai, Deputy Opinion Editor
• February 3, 2020

Arguments Against New York’s Cash Bail Reforms Are Dated
Much of the pushback to New York’s new bail reform laws rehashes old arguments dripping with hatred of the poor.
Emily Dai, Deputy Opinion Editor
• January 27, 2020

Beto’s Success Amounts to Pretty Privilege
Much of the optimism and excitement around Beto’s audacious presidential run can be attributed not to any unique political ideas, but his attractiveness.
Emily Dai, Staff Writer
• November 11, 2019

The Phrase ‘International Student’ Disguises Discrimination Against East Asians
NYU students often use the word “international” instead of “Asian” whenever they want to express their racist sentiments but keep up politically correct appearances.
Emily Dai, Staff Writer
• October 28, 2019

Liberal Studies Professors Feel Exploited, Some Want to Unionize
WSN has learned that LS professors, who are generally paid less and have shorter contracts than those at other schools, want to unionize to improve current circumstances.
Emily Dai, Contributing Writer
• October 28, 2019

The Battle for LGBTQ Rights Is Far From Over
After the landmark 2015 case legalizing same-sex marriage, some believed the American fight for LGBTQ rights was over. However, three upcoming Supreme Court cases could change everything.
Emily Dai, Contributing Writer
• October 7, 2019

The Supreme Court Is Facing a Legitimacy Crisis
Sexual assault allegations against Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh have recently resurfacedand the Supreme Court is certainly heading toward a crisis in public confidence. The question is, will it be able to recover?
Emily Dai, Contributing Writer
• September 30, 2019

An Obituary for Bill de Blasio’s Political Career
After dropping out of the presidential election, Mayor Bill de Blasio returned to New York City. But what exactly did he come back to?
Emily Dai, Contributing Writer
• September 26, 2019

Dharma Niles, News Editor • March 17, 2025

Christobelle Rudes, Staff Writer • March 17, 2025

Graylin Lucas, Staff Writer • March 17, 2025

Amelia Knust, Staff Writer • March 17, 2025