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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York Bail Policies Stifle Justice

New York Bail Policies Stifle Justice

Matthew Perry, Contributing Writer April 25, 2016
There is one process housed in the criminal justice system which quietly delivers especially egregious and far-reaching decisions: the bail system.
Hilary Clinton’s metrocard incident was one of the many funny moments political candidates have had in New York.

Candidates Doze in City That Never Sleeps

Lexi Faunce, News Editor April 11, 2016
A collection of all the hilarious things the presidential candidates have done while campaigning in NYC.
New York’s Unethical Treatment of Countless Corpses

New York’s Unethical Treatment of Countless Corpses

Connor Borden, Contributing Writer April 11, 2016
The right to one’s own body is passed on posthumously to a loved one to respect one’s will.
During the annual Sila Connection conference, students from NYU and St. John's University competed to solve a challenge in a local community.

Students’ Social Impact Organization Targets Local Communities

Ludovica Grieco, Staff Writer April 4, 2016
Students competed in this year's Sila Connection's conference to propose solutions to health and education concerns in New York City.
NY State Budget Is National Example

NY State Budget Is National Example

Abraham Gross, Deputy Opinion Editor April 4, 2016
If states are the ‘laboratories of democracy,’ as former Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis has said, then New York’s 2016 budget is an experiment with nationwide implications.
New York Skyline Marred by Gentrification

New York Skyline Marred by Gentrification

Haven Williams, Contributing Writer April 4, 2016
The surpassing of the WTC in terms of height by America’s wealthy class should only encourage American citizens to dream bigger, and set their sights higher, and take back New York

Pillow Fight Ruffles Feathers in WSP

Rebecca Oh, Contributing Writer April 4, 2016
A city-wide pillow fight took place under the Washington Square Park arch on Saturday, April 2.
Actor Danny DeVito signs autographs and poses with NYU students in NYU's Stern's plaza.

Danny DeVito Comes to NYU, Has Students Feeling the Bern

Diamond Naga Siu, Deputy News Editor March 24, 2016
Danny DeVito and Susan Sarandon came to NYU sporting Bernie buttons, getting the word out about registering to vote.
A petition to get menstrual hygiene products in all bathrooms on campus, regardless of gender, has already received more than 1,500 signatures.

Free Tampons Could Be on Their Way to NYU

Diamond Naga Siu, Deputy News Editor March 22, 2016
Twenty-five New York City public schools will soon begin offering free tampons in bathrooms in a movement to increase access to essential care. Now some are urging NYU to do the same.
CUNY Cuts Endanger Public Education

CUNY Cuts Endanger Public Education

Abraham Gross, Deputy Opinion Editor March 21, 2016
Cuomo’s claim that reduced State funding “won’t cost New York City a penny” is patently absurd. Under the guise of cost-saving, Albany is trying to shift education costs from its budget onto the city and students who can least afford it.
Your drug prescriptions are now only available electronically.

New York Drugs Are Now Prescribed via Web

Diamond Naga Siu, Deputy News Editor March 21, 2016
New York passed a new law that requires all prescriptions to be done electronically.
The NYPD will now overlook minor misdemeanors committed in Manhattan in order to focus on larger crimes.

Wasted in Public? You’re Probably Okay, Says NYPD Enforcement Policy

Lexi Faunce and Anne Cruz March 4, 2016
The NYPD will no longer arrest violators of low-level offenses such as public urination. Here's what you need to know.