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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

A Purpose in Every Pixel

A Purpose in Every Pixel

One Tisch alumnus infuses his video games with autobiographical meaning and meticulous artistry.
Ethan Zack, Music Editor October 16, 2019

Tisch alumnus Julián Cordero ’19 doesn’t own a single modern video game console. He doesn’t like to play games for more than a short period of time. He rarely interacts...

A New Champion in the Fight for Tech Equitability

A New Champion in the Fight for Tech Equitability

Ashley Jane Lewis has made great strides in the new media art world, and she doesn’t plan on slowing down anytime soon.
Kaylee DeFreitas, Deputy Arts Editor October 16, 2019

When asked about the one thing she wants people to take away from her work, Tisch graduate student Ashley Jane Lewis splits the question into two categories: art and education....

The Rules, Regulations and Systems of Carrie Sijia Wang

The Rules, Regulations and Systems of Carrie Sijia Wang

The Chinese artist discusses the absurdities of the modern world, how ITP expanded her horizons, and why she’s inspired by bureaucracy.
Julie Goldberg, Books & Theater Editor October 14, 2019

“To become a content generator, a low-level government clerk at the Office of Content Generation involves a long and complex process. One important milestone in the process is...

PhD Student Redefines Accessibility in the Arts

PhD Student Redefines Accessibility in the Arts

Claire Kearney-Volpe is a user experience researcher who has worked with Google and the Processing Foundation to make creative content more accessible. The technology she has helped create has redefined what it means to be a visual thinker.
Arin Garland, UTA Senior Editor October 14, 2019

Claire Kearney-Volpe is a problem-solver. She is also a technologist, a designer and an art therapist. With three — soon to be four — different degrees, it is only natural...

The Scandinavian Scholar Fighting for Planet Earth

The Scandinavian Scholar Fighting for Planet Earth

From music festivals to museum to J-PopCon, Louise Lessél uses her creative technology expertise and numerous media degrees to create art and experiences. Now, as a master’s student at ITP, she reflects on her educational career and her aspirations to spread awareness of overlooked issues.
Claire Fishman, Arts Editor October 14, 2019

Louise Lessél looks like she wandered off the page of a Scandinavian lifestyle magazine. Freckled and fair, she meets me in clean, white clothes. As we shake hands, I mention...

An Artist’s Sensibility, With an Engineer’s Mind

An Artist’s Sensibility, With an Engineer’s Mind

Morgan Mueller, a graduate student at Tisch’s Interactive Telecommunications Program, approaches the arts world with the calculating demeanor of an engineer.
Fareid El Gafy, Film & TV Editor October 14, 2019

“I love being the stupidest person in the room,” Mueller said. 25-year-old Morgan Mueller is a second-year graduate student at NYU Tisch’s Interactive Telecommunications...