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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

All content by WSN
A group of protesters stand inside the fountain at Washington Square Park holding signs that read “Free China” and “COVID is not an excuse to kill more Uyghur lives.” Some are holding Kökbayraq flags and a Tibetan flag.

Photo: 紐約華僑們團結抗議,國內抗議議題增廣

December 5, 2022

A protest against the Chinese Communist Party took place in the fountain of Washington Square Park in the afternoon of December 4th.

A group of protesters, mostly masked — raise their phones with the flashlights on — surrounding an arrangement of candles and flowers.

Photo: 数百人在中华人民共和国驻纽约领事馆前抗议清零政策

Mayee Yeh, Deputy Managing Editor December 1, 2022


A group of protesters, mostly masked — raise their phones with the flashlights on — surrounding an arrangement of candles and flowers.

Photo: 數百人在中華人民共和國駐紐約領事館前抗議清零政策

Mayee Yeh, Deputy Managing Editor December 1, 2022


The Consulate General of the People’s Republic of China in New York is located at the Northeast corner of 42nd Street and 12th Avenue.

Photo: Hundreds protest China’s zero-COVID policy, gov’t at consulate

Mayee Yeh, Deputy Managing Editor December 1, 2022

The Consulate General of the People’s Republic of China in New York is located at the Northeast corner of 42nd Street and 12th Avenue.

A person holding a sign that reads “不自由 毋宁死 (Give me freedom or give me death).” In the background is the Washington Square Arch lit up by lights.

Photo: At Washington Square, dissidents support historic protests across China

Tori Morales, Deputy News Editor November 29, 2022

A blank sheet of A4 paper has become the symbol for protests both in China and around the world.

The 1831 Fund sent an email to seniors on Tuesday asking if they wanted their names to be changed on the Kimmel steps. (Photo by WSN)

Photo: Transgender Students’ Deadnames Placed on Kimmel Steps, NYU Begins to Address the Issue

Meghna Maharishi and Victor Porcelli May 8, 2019

The 1831 Fund sent an email to seniors on Tuesday asking if they wanted their names to be changed on the Kimmel steps. (Photo by WSN)