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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

All content by Shiva Darshan
School of Medicine Commencement ‘17

School of Medicine Commencement ‘17

Shiva Darshan, Staff Writer May 19, 2017
NYU's School of Medicine graduates accepted their diplomas and their life-or-death career paths this Wednesday with relief and great happiness.
Silver School of Social Work Commencement '17

Silver School of Social Work Commencement ’17

Shiva Darshan, Staff Writer May 18, 2017
The 2017 commencement ceremony for the Silver School of Social Work saw a mixture of social justice shoutouts and nostalgic remembrances as graduates received their diplomas.
The beauty world is increasingly seeing the use of cannabis infused everyday products. They have been featured in lotions, perfumes and face masks.

Photo: Take a Hit: Cannabis Beauty Products

April 10, 2017

The beauty world is increasingly seeing the use of cannabis infused everyday products. They have been featured in lotions, perfumes and face masks.

From travel magazines to comedic publications, there are many organizations that students can get involved in outside of the classroom to publish their work.  Some of these publications can be found on stands in GCASL.

Photo: Reading NYU: A Roundup of Student Publications

March 20, 2017

From travel magazines to comedic publications, there are many organizations that students can get involved in outside of the classroom to publish their work. Some of these publications...

NYU’s 2031 expansion plan is finally underway with the beginning of construction at 181 Mercer.  Many students are optimistic for the new facility, but some question its role in the gentrification of the neighbourhood.

Photo: 181 Mercer Street Construction Begins

Sherah Ndjongo, Contributing Writer March 8, 2017

NYU’s 2031 expansion plan is finally underway with the beginning of construction at 181 Mercer. Many students are optimistic for the new facility, but some question its role...

We Need an Alternative to Alternative Breaks

We Need an Alternative to Alternative Breaks

Shiva Darshan, Staff Writer March 7, 2017
Alternative Breaks are notable for sending undergraduate students all over the world to participate in volunteer activities. However, it's debatable if Alternative Breaks provides a glorified form of volunteer tourism or if the program actually benefits communities in need.
The Wasserman Center for Career Development in Palladium, NYU’s main resource for career guidance for students. WSN has compiled advice from current students to help you in your internship search.

Photo: How to Land Your Dream Summer Internship

March 2, 2017

The Wasserman Center for Career Development in Palladium, NYU’s main resource for career guidance for students. WSN has compiled advice from current students to help you in your...

Liberals Must Focus on Civil Discourse

Liberals Must Focus on Civil Discourse

Shiva Darshan, Staff Writer February 27, 2017
The conflict between NYU Anti-fascists and the NYU College Republicans has shown that there is an immense divide between left- and right-leaning political groups on campus. However, both sides of the political spectrum need to become more open to differing opinions and promote civil discourse.
Stuy Town_Shiva Darshan_4

Photo: Stuyvesant Town

February 23, 2017

Stuyvesant Town, a popular location for student living off campus.

Photo: When You Live in Housing — and an Apartment

October 2, 2018

Stuyvesant Town, a popular location for student living off campus.

Student athletes often have a hard time juggling their academics with their respective sports as traveling to and from practices and games can take more time than expected.  These two fencing students wait patiently for their bus to the Stevens Institute of Technology for a meet.

Photo: How Athletes Cope With Travel Time

Marshall Winfield, Contributing Writer February 22, 2017

Student athletes often have a hard time juggling their academics with their respective sports as traveling to and from practices and games can take more time than expected. These...

People gather on the Kimmel Staircase to watch the Rise Above Hate Rally

Photo: MSA Fights Bigotry with #NotOnOurCampus

Jemima McEvoy, Deputy News Editor November 11, 2016

People watching the live stream of the Rise Above Hate Rally from the Kimmel Commuter Lounge

Junior Naomi Markman balances her Gallatin studies with shifts at the Trader Joe’s by Palladium, which happens to be the busiest in the country.

Photo: On the Job: Eight-Hour Shift at Trader Joe's

October 24, 2016

Junior Naomi Markman balances her Gallatin studies with shifts at the Trader Joe’s by Palladium, which happens to be the busiest in the country.

The Long Island Rail Road service resumed on Monday after a crash that injured over 30 people.

Photo: Commuter Students Talk NYC Transit Safety

October 13, 2016

The Long Island Rail Road service resumed on Monday after a crash that injured over 30 people.

Publicly Available Tax Returns Mean More Transparency

Publicly Available Tax Returns Mean More Transparency

Shiva Darshan, Staff Writer October 11, 2016
Publicly available tax returns would keep those in power in check through the looming threat of their unethical dealings being made public.
One of many New York City rats in action.

Photo: Mischiefs of Rats Live in New York City

October 3, 2016

One of many New York City rats in action.

WEA System Highlights Underlying Racist Attitudes

WEA System Highlights Underlying Racist Attitudes

Shiva Darshan, Staff Writer September 21, 2016
The limited technical capabilities of the WEA system make using it in manhunt like this one incredibly risky.
Solitary Confinement Reform a Time-Sensitive Issue

Solitary Confinement Reform a Time-Sensitive Issue

Shiva Darshan, Staff Writer September 7, 2016
Over a year and a half after punitive segregation reforms were implemented, the Department of Corrections has yet to put them in place.
Many stores like Whole Foods are flooded into affluent neighborhoods, but remain hard to reach in minority demographics.

How Affluence Affects What Stores Carry Organics

Shiva Darshan, Staff Writer April 25, 2016
NYU Food Studies professor Carolyn Dimitri published a study in the Journal of Food Products Marketing to determine what makes food truly "organic."
End Gender Barriers for Male Teachers

End Gender Barriers for Male Teachers

Shiva Darshan, Staff Writer April 20, 2016
Fighting the outmoded stereotypes about male teachers will improve education for all students.
Discrimination in Tech Hampers Real Innovation

Discrimination in Tech Hampers Real Innovation

Shiva Darshan, Staff Writer April 14, 2016
Non-white, non-male entrepreneurs still struggle to get any attention from investors, and unless the government can step in, this inequality threatens to stifle some of the most innovative participants in the tech scene today.
In an effort to support women in STEM majors, Tandon has created a club called WESTM.

Tandon Continues to Take Stab at Combatting Gender Inequality in STEM

Shiva Darshan, Contributing Writer April 12, 2016
A Tandon initiative aims to keep women from abandoning STEM majors.
Women’s Soccer Demands Equal Pay for Superior Work

Women’s Soccer Demands Equal Pay for Superior Work

Shiva Darshan, Staff Writer April 4, 2016
Our women’s soccer team should be an inspiration for the next generation of female athletes. But we as a society fail in giving young girls incentive to pursue soccer when they earn for their excellence only a fraction of what their male counterparts make for mediocrity.
Chris Christie Poisons New Jersey with Lead, Self

Chris Christie Poisons New Jersey with Lead, Self

Shiva Darshan, Staff Writer March 28, 2016

Failed presidential candidate and reviled governor Chris Christie made an inglorious return to New Jersey without a single delegate in favor of his campaign. Back in the Garden...

NYU offers the Petey Greene Club which allows students to tutor high school students and students in prison.

Rejuvenate Your Resume and Community by Volunteering

Shiva Darshan, Staff Writer March 9, 2016
Give back to the community with these volunteer opportunities.
Even New Jersey Is Too Good for Chris Christie

Even New Jersey Is Too Good for Chris Christie

Shiva Darshan, Staff Writer March 7, 2016
Governor Chris Christie's neglect of his home-state constituents has gone on long enough.
Food Stamps Aren't Enough for SNAP Beneficiaries

Food Stamps Aren’t Enough for SNAP Beneficiaries

Shiva Darshan, Staff Writer March 3, 2016
This upcoming deadline for SNAP benefits is just another indignity forced upon people who need public assistance.
The fifth annual Zine Fest was held at Barnard College on Sunday afternoon as part of its 2016 Feminist Weekend where zine makers shared their feminist-focused works.

Barnard Hosts Feminist Zine Fest

Shiva Darshan, Contributing Writer February 29, 2016

Barnard College put on its fifth annual Feminist Zine Fest on Sunday afternoon as part of its 2016 Feminist Weekend. The array of zine makers shared their feminist-focused work...

Anti-Semitic remarks made by Elmer Bobst have prompted calls for the renaming of NYU’s library.

The Names Behind NYU’s Buildings

Shiva Darshan, Staff Writer February 29, 2016
A look at the namesakes behind some of NYU's most well-known buildings and programs.
Elizabeth Fisher started a mentoring program through the College of Arts and Science's Women in Science initiative.

Women In Science Pilots Mentor Program for Freshman Entering STEM Fields

Shiva Darshan, Staff Writer February 23, 2016
A new effort from CAS aims to keep women from dropping out of science and technology majors.
The Perils of Technological Gentrification

The Perils of Technological Gentrification

Shiva Darshan, Staff Writer February 23, 2016
Irresponsible expansion of the tech community has the potential to make the city unlivable for thousands, particularly if both the natives and the transplants establish lives entirely disconnected from one another.
Employees Get the Short End of the Share Economy

Employees Get the Short End of the Share Economy

Shiva Darshan, Staff Writer February 16, 2016
Yet for workers at these companies the end results are not as idyllic. In the share economy, workers often bear costs which more traditional businesses normally would.
A vegetable-only diet can help an individual lose weight and feel healthier.

Strive for Health, Not Quick Fixes

Shiva Darshan, Contributing Writer February 8, 2016
What is the real secret to losing weight? Examining whether there is really any scientific proof behind today's fad diets.
NYC Area Median Income Figures Must Discount Suburbs

NYC Area Median Income Figures Must Discount Suburbs

Shiva Darshan, Staff Writer February 8, 2016
A proper city-wide Area Median Income would be relevant and useful figure for evaluating and not just a guise for gentrification.
Presidential Debates Favor Squabbles over Substance

Presidential Debates Favor Squabbles over Substance

Shiva Darshan, Staff Writer February 2, 2016
Only through vigorous and substantive debate can we gain the information necessary to make informed decisions. However, the excessive showmanship in the debates have forced policy discussions to take a back seat as candidates try to throw the best zinger against one another.
Christie Cold-Shoulders Constituency During Winter Storm Jonas

Christie Cold-Shoulders Constituency During Winter Storm Jonas

Shiva Darshan, Staff Writer January 29, 2016
Even as the snowstorm raged, governor Chris Christie used his bully pulpit to campaign for president continuing a long pattern of him put his presidential aspiration ahead of New Jersey.
Modern families need a push for paternity leave

Modern families need a push for paternity leave

Shiva Darshan, Staff Writer November 29, 2015
True gender equality is unattainable until the stigma against men taking on traditionally feminine roles stops.
Criminal record is not the end of the world

Criminal record is not the end of the world

Shiva Darshan, Staff Writer October 26, 2015
Someone's criminal record should not derail their entire life.
NYU should divest from private prisons

NYU should divest from private prisons

Shiva Darshan, Staff Writer October 19, 2015
NYU must follow Columbia's lead and divest from private prison corporations. Between their abysmal human rights records and their effect in exacerbating the prison state, private prisons are ethically indefensible.
Biden shouldn’t run for president

Biden shouldn’t run for president

Shiva Darshan, Contributing Writer October 13, 2015
The call for Biden to run for POTUS in 2016 is heartening, but is he different enough from Clinton?
Recent prescription drug price hike isn't new, but still must end

Recent prescription drug price hike isn’t new, but still must end

Shiva Darshan, Contributing Writer September 30, 2015
Without policy measures that regulate how much drug companies can charge for their drugs or stricter patent laws that prevent companies from re-copyrighting old drugs, there is little to avert drug price hikes.