Students call on Mills to publicly address Palestinian deaths in Israel-Hamas conflict
On-campus student groups wrote a letter in response to NYU president Linda Mills’ recent universitywide statement on the Israel-Hamas conflict, saying it neglected Palestinian students.
Yezen Saadah, News Editor
• October 16, 2023

New vending machines to provide emergency contraceptives on campus
Students can now access emergency contraceptives at vending machines for $15 at five locations on campus.
Bruna Horvath, Deputy News Editor
• September 5, 2023

At NYU, 70 walk out of class in support of reproductive rights
Members of NYU YDSA and the NYU Reproductive Health Action Network called on the university to fully cover abortions at a walkout held in Washington Square Park on Thursday, Oct. 6.
Mia Madonna, Contributing Writer
• October 7, 2022

Adjunct faculty begin negotiations for new union contract
Supporters marched in solidarity with ACT-UAW Local 7902, the union representing adjunct faculty at NYU, as they begin negotiations with the university over their next contract.
Gillian Blum, Copy Chief
• April 19, 2022

NYU YDSA leaders reflect on tuition strike failures
In interviews with WSN, NYU YDSA leaders said the failure of their tuition strike effort resulted from inexperienced leadership taking on a project that was far too ambitious.
Jessie Hinson, Contributing Writer
• November 19, 2021

Letter to the Editor: The NYU YDSA tuition strike laid the foundation for future organizing
Despite the obstacles to organizing at a school like NYU, YDSA’s tuition strike proved that students are willing to take action to demand the university they deserve. A response to “NYU YDSA strikes out,” Nov. 12.
Jake Colosa, Contributing Writer
• November 19, 2021

NYU YDSA cancels tuition strike after failing to garner student interest
Organizers called off a tuition strike intended to pressure the university into yielding to student demands for increased affordability and transparency. The strike failed to achieve its goal of mobilizing 5,000 students.
Jessie Hinson, Contributing Writer
• November 10, 2021

NYC taxi workers strike deal, end hunger strike
Taxi workers of New York City and their supporters ended a two-week hunger strike after negotiating a debt relief agreement with the city and a private equity firm.
Abby Wilson, Staff Writer
• November 8, 2021

NYU student hunger strikes for 52 hours in solidarity with taxi drivers
Karishma Chari, who ended her fast on Tuesday morning, participated in the New York Taxi Workers Alliance’s hunger strike alongside taxi drivers campaigning for debt relief and workers’ rights.
Abby Wilson, Staff Writer
• November 3, 2021

Sunrise NYU revives university divestment campaign
The campaign urges the university to divest from fossil fuels and private prisons. Organizers held the first rally of the semester on Oct. 15.
Rachel Fadem, Deputy News Editor
• October 18, 2021

NYU YDSA halts fall 2021 tuition strike, plans instead for Spring 2022
After calling off its original fall 2021 tuition strike, the NYU chapter of the Young Democratic Socialists of America is encouraging students to stop paying tuition for the spring 2022 semester.
Rachel Cohen, Deputy News Editor
• September 3, 2021

NYU YDSA announces tuition strike starting today
The university’s chapter of the Young Democratic Socialists of America is asking undergraduate students to stop paying tuition to NYU and to never donate to the university in the future.
Trace Miller, News Editor
• April 30, 2021

Yezen Saadah, Editor-in-Chief • March 27, 2025

Sidney Snider, Sports Editor • March 22, 2025

Kiran Komanduri, Photo Editor • March 22, 2025