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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

Students change their majors.

Changing Majors: Naomi Catherine Gheorghe

Lingyi Hou, Staff Writer November 17, 2015
Changing majors is a series in which people discuss the conflicts they faced when switching majors.
The NYU Coles sports center before the construction.

Coles closing date finally announced

Lexi Faunce, Deputy News Editor November 17, 2015
Friday, January 22, has been announced as the final closure date for the Jerome S. Coles Sports Center.
An NYU class found that the New York Department of Design and Construction should have known that there were bodies buried at the site of construction.

Burial vault oversight revealed by professor, LS freshmen

Alex Bazeley, News Editor November 16, 2015
An NYU professor and their class discoverd that the DDC knew they would run into a burial vault — and dug anyway.
Changing Majors: Daniel Cheng and Ardi Khalafi

Changing Majors: Daniel Cheng and Ardi Khalafi

Lingyi Hou, Staff Writer November 12, 2015
The first in a weekly series about NYU students and their experiences with their changing majors.
Remains found in a burial vault near Washington Square Park are believed to date back to the 19th century.

More coffins found in Washington Square construction site

Lexi Faunce, Deputy News Editor November 9, 2015
Archaeologists uncover a second burial tomb in Washington Square Park.
Decorations that some students claim are offensive raise concerns at this year's Fall Ball.

Offensive images at Fall Ball prompt law student backlash

Alice Zhang, Contributing Writer November 2, 2015
The NYU School of Law's Fall Ball displayed questionable decorations such as a video projection of a silhouetted man dying by suicide.
Colleges Against Cancer at NYU launches Paint the Campus Purple week today, to commemorate those who have lost their lives in the battle against cancer and continue to fight against the disease.

Relay for Life to paint Violets purple

Lexi Faunce, Deputy News Editor November 2, 2015
Colleges Against Cancer at NYU is fundraising for Relay for Life by "painting the campus purple."
After a $100 million dollar donation, NYU Tandon continues to receive more funding.

After Tandon donation, money continues to roll in

Greta Chevance, Staff Writer October 27, 2015
After NYU Tandon School of Engineering received a $100 million donation, the university has seen an influx of money come in.
Protesters against police brutality show their angst and anger in Washington Square Park before their march.

#RiseUpOctober marches from Washington Square Park

Carmen Russo, Staff Writer October 26, 2015
#RiseUpOctober continued on Saturday, Oct. 24 with a rally in Washington Square Park demanding to put an end to police terror.
Haley Quinn, Vishnu Bachani, and Aaron Petykowski (from left to right) of NYU’s Student Labor Action Movement (SLAM) protest in front of the NYU Welcome Center on Friday, Oct. 9, 2015, advocating a raise in student worker pay to $15 an hour.

NYU addresses payroll backlog, student workers still unsatisfied

Thomas Peracchio, Contributing Writer October 22, 2015
A follow-up on the ongoing undergraduate student-worker wage backlog.
On October 23rd, Stern’s Big Data Conference will explore how mobile technologies and connected smart devices affect advertising, promotions, marketing ROI, and omni-channel targeting effectiveness.

Stern hosts annual Big Data Conference

Ludovica Grieco, Contributing Writer October 22, 2015
NYU's Stern School of Business is holding the Big Data Conference of 2015.

Crime Log: Oct. 5 to 12

Justine Morris, Deputy News Editor October 13, 2015
An update on recent campus crime.