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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

A long, empty stark white office is pictured with little saturation. The only distinct feature is the neon red EXIT sign.

The Night Shift

An adrenaline junkie meets a new friend and faces their fears in a corporate janitorial gig.
Poe Rosenberg, Contributing Writer December 11, 2022

A dark-haired man with yellow highlights wearing a white shirt and a small, gold dangling earring with a red gem looks off into the distance while sitting to eat food at a diner with another dark-haired man.

Men Like Us

Set in 1980s New York City, “Men Like Us” tells the story of a man who has everything except the ability to be himself.
Catherine Kenny, Contributing Writer December 11, 2022

A storefront, viewed from the street outside, with harsh white lighting, and rows of colorful cannabis products displayed inside. A man wearing a red hoodie and black vest stands outside.

Unlicensed weed stores pose as legitimate dispensaries, enticing NYU buyers

The slow rollout of cannabis vendor licenses in New York has led unlicensed sellers with legitimate-looking storefronts to dominate the market.
Yezen Saadah, Deputy News Editor December 9, 2022

Washington Square Park, the geographic and social center of NYU’s Manhattan campus, is infamous for its weed vendors. But since former Governor Andrew Cuomo signed a bill to...

A portrait of Eric Adams wearing a gray suit, white collared shirt and navy blue printed tie. He stands in front of a royal blue background and an American flag on a floor stand.

Mayor Adams wages war against rats

Mayor Eric Adams passed the Rat Action Plan last month to combat the skyrocketing number of rodents scurrying across the city. This week, he contested a fine for his failure to fend them off in his own home.
Adrianna Nehme and Kayla Hardersen December 8, 2022

Mayor Eric Adams contested a health inspector’s $300 fine for failing to get rid of rats that were infesting his Brooklyn property at a virtual court hearing on Dec. 6. He said...

A black facade that reads “Carbone” in white font. Inside, there is dim red lighting. A female is visible sitting down alone at a table in the restaurant.

Carbone alone: The subtle beauty of solo dining

Dining alone is the best way to beat long reservation lists and recharge.
Valentina Plevisani, Staff Writer December 8, 2022

Many say New York City is the place for people who aren't afraid to do things on their own, and my social anxiety of being alone has significantly subsided since moving here. I...

Two silver M.T.A. Metrocard vending machines with red, yellow, blue and green panels sit against a white-tiled wall.

Opinion: New York, don’t get rid of the MetroCard

The city plans to phase out the classic MetroCard in 2023 and fully replace it with OMNY. But it shouldn’t.
James Bisceglia, Contributing Writer December 6, 2022

As we begin to close the book on 2022, there’s only one thing that has been top of mind for me: 2023 will be our last year with the MetroCard, and quite frankly, I’m devastated. The...

A cart wrapped around by plastic bags and an opened pink suitcase with clothes lays on a sidewalk under scaffolding.

Guest Essay: Mayor Adams’ new policy for the unhoused is dangerous for New York

Mayor Eric Adams’ latest policy is the tipping point of his year-long fight to remove houseless people from subway stations against their will without meaningfully addressing the issues they face.
Leann Beard, Guest Contributor December 5, 2022

Last Tuesday, Mayor Eric Adams unveiled his new policy initiative, the crown jewel of his policies attempting to reduce visible poverty, while doing nothing to address the issue...

An illustration of the Washington Square Arch. Behind the arch sits gray and brown alternating high-rises. On the top right are the words “The Daybook” in an arched shape.

What to do this week: The Washington Square Christmas tree and holiday cabaret

The Daybook is WSN’s weekly column listing in-person and online events at NYU and across New York City. This week: Dec. 5-Dec. 11.
Yezen Saadah, Deputy News Editor December 4, 2022

Take a writing class with an award-winning playwright 5 p.m. on Zoom Participate in a virtual writing workshop with American playwright Suzan-Lori Parks, who is well-known...

Colin Huggins wearing all black playing a grand piano in the middle of a park. The piano’s paint is worn off on the edges and text “this machine kills fascists” is etched onto the paint in all caps.

Washington Square Park piano man may leave NYC 

After 20 years of street performances, the Washington Square Park classical pianist, who became houseless earlier this year, faces uncertainty regarding his future in the city as winter approaches.
Adrita Talukder, Deputy Culture Editor December 1, 2022

While walking through Washington Square Park, you’ll be greeted with a symphony of sounds. The ubiquitous chatter of voices, the falling cascade of the fountain, and of course,...

A person holding a sign that reads “不自由 毋宁死 (Give me freedom or give me death).” In the background is the Washington Square Arch lit up by lights.

At Washington Square, dissidents support historic protests across China

Hundreds of protesters challenged the Chinese government’s strict COVID-19 lockdown policies during a protest in Washington Square Park, joining a global wave of demonstrations.
Tori Morales, Deputy News Editor November 29, 2022

Read this article in Simplified Chinese or in Traditional Chinese. 点击此处阅读简体中文版 | 點擊此處閱讀繁體中文版 Hundreds of NYU students and local...

A person holding a sign that reads “不自由 毋宁死 (Give me freedom or give me death).” In the background is the Washington Square Arch lit up by lights.


Tori Morales, Deputy News Editor November 29, 2022

當地時間11月27日星期日,紐約大學學生及當地居民聚集在華盛頓廣場公園抗議中國政府的新冠防疫政策。此次抗議聲援中國國內的抗議者們。他們在近幾天罕見地走上街頭悼念在烏魯木齊居民樓火災中喪生的10名同胞,並表達對防疫亂象的不滿。許多人質疑當地的封控措施延誤了消防部門的救援,因此導致了原本可以避免的傷亡。 星期日的抗議吸引了約200名參與者,其中有很多人都是中國公民。一名匿名的活動組織者表示此次罕見的抗議行動不僅是關於防疫措施:「這些年來針對人民的不人道管理措施終於到達了爆發點。我從沒想過我們有這樣反抗的能力。」 中國的「動態清零」政策所導致的嚴苛封控措施和負面經濟影響已經招致了國內外的不滿。根據事發時的政策,在發現陽性病例後,當地政府及社區必須進行封控措施,居民居家或集中隔離、商店停業、學校轉為網課。封控措施往往會持續幾週甚至數月,直到新增病例清零。 此次抗議與當地時間下午4:30開始,參與者圍繞LED蠟燭燈站成一圈,悼念在新疆居民樓火災的10名遇難者。隨著活動的進行,抗議人群從開始時的幾個人逐漸增多。他們有些人手持空白的A4紙,還有人用攜帶的音箱播放國歌《義勇軍進行曲》和《Do...

Five men stand in front of a background of city lights. They are wearing dark-colored shirts and are looking straight into the camera.

‘Meet Me in the Bathroom’ is a love letter to rock, New York City and the early 2000s

The documentary premiered at the IFC Center on Nov. 3 and will be available to stream on Showtime on Nov. 29.
Ferris Elaraby, Contributing Writer November 29, 2022

New York City has been home to some of the most influential bands of the 20th century, including The Velvet Underground, The Ramones and Blondie. At the turn of the 21st century,...