Student Bar Association disbands following pro-Palestine message from president
Following a message supporting Palestinian resistance by the president of the law school’s Student Bar Association, all remaining members stepped down from their positions.
Bruna Horvath, Deputy News Editor
• October 20, 2023

The Soapbox: Journalism crisis in the Middle East
The Soapbox is a weekly column by WSN covering major news developments at NYU’s campuses and study away sites abroad. Global consciousness for a global university.
Yezen Saadah, News Editor
• October 20, 2023

‘Democracy is under threat’: Demonstrators demand change in Israel
Protesters advocating for democracy in Israel gathered at Washington Square Park to condemn prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s proposed overhaul of the country’s court system on April 2.
Bruna Horvath, Deputy News Editor
• April 4, 2023

NYU grad student accused of antisemitism for writing on discarded mailbag
After a graduate student wrote on an Israeli mailbag that had already been thrown in the trash, NYU fired her from her on-campus job and charged her with counts of vandalism and antisemitism.
Yezen Saadah, Deputy News Editor
• February 1, 2023

Bitter dispute about Israel and Palestine divides NYU Law community
Some NYU School of Law students claim an open letter from the student group Law Students for Justice in Palestine used antisemitic tropes and defended the killings of Israeli civilians.
Nicole Lu, Staff Writer
• April 28, 2022

Opinion: NYU, be more vigilant against antisemitism
Following the news that another campus building was marred by a swastika, NYU and its students need to take a stand against antisemitism.
Alexandra Cohen, Deputy Opinion Editor
• February 24, 2022

Middle East Commons Participants Discuss Trump Peace Plan and Anti-Semitism at NYU
NYU community members gathered on Monday during the first session of a new monthly series to have a conversation about Trump’s new peace plan and anti-Semitism reports at NYU.
Franswa Zhang, Contributing Writer
• February 11, 2020

Realize Israel Hosts Annual Rave in the Park, Protestors Stage Die-In
As students danced at Realize Israel’s annual Rave in the Park, activists from Students for Justice in Palestine laid on the ground and held signs with the names of depopulated Palestinian villages to protest Israel’s expansion into the region.
Lachlan Hyatt, Staff Writer
• May 9, 2019

Department of Social and Cultural Analysis Pledges Noncooperation With NYU Tel Aviv
Citing entry restrictions imposed by the Israeli government, the SCA department voted to boycott NYU Tel Aviv on Thursday.
Meghna Maharishi and Victor Porcelli
• May 2, 2019

President Hamilton Didn’t Attend President’s Service Awards
In a deviation from previous years, President Hamilton did not attend the President’s Service Awards, where several students and groups, including SJP, were being honored.
Victor Porcelli, News Editor
• April 17, 2019

BDS Resolution Meets Resistance
Some students studying away at NYU Tel Aviv wrote a letter in response to a resolution that would have NYU sever ties with companies tied to Israel.
Victor Porcelli, Deputy News Editor
• December 3, 2018

Why NYU Must Support the Resolution on the Human Rights of Palestinians
Our tuition is funding human rights violations — we must hold NYU accountable and put an end to this practice.
Authors of BDS Resolution, Contributing Writers
• November 30, 2018

Yezen Saadah, Editor-in-Chief • March 27, 2025

Sidney Snider, Sports Editor • March 22, 2025

Kiran Komanduri, Photo Editor • March 22, 2025