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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

Body Types Aren’t Fashion Trends

Body Types Aren’t Fashion Trends

Just because your body type isn’t currently the accepted trend doesn’t mean you should wait around until it is.
Kylie Smith, Columnist March 13, 2019

The first time I was told I had to change my body, I was 15. When I was 17, my best friend was so excited because thigh gaps were out and thigh brows were in, meaning her body...

Why I Love Muting People on Instagram

Why I Love Muting People on Instagram

One writer’s take on Instagram’s mute feature and the joys it brings.
Joel Lee, Under the Arch Deputy Editor March 8, 2019

There’s one power move I often pull —  and that move is muting people I follow on Instagram. As I mindlessly swipe through my Instagram, I often think: Why am I expending...

New Instagram page by crimelab class that has anonymous cases of discrimination at NYU. (Staff photo by Jorene He)

Accounts of Discrimination Shared Anonymously via Instagram

In light of Being@NYU, Justice Lab launched the Instagram account UnheardNYU this February to highlight students’ experiences with discrimination.
Bethany Allard, Staff Writer March 4, 2019

Anonymous experiences of discrimination have been shared on an Instagram account created in February as an experiment in social justice. The account, called UnheardNYU, has...

Tisch first-years Jeremy Herron, Hailey Irvin, Toby Romero, Sebastian Duran, Emilio Torres, Ryan Wise, Chandler Crump and Victoria Delvalle make up the team of creators for Ultrawave. (Photo by Emilio Torres)

Tisch First-Years Make Waves Outside of the Classroom

Catch the wave with a media collective that highlights up-and-coming artists.
Anna de la Rosa, Deputy Culture Editor March 4, 2019

It was like love at first sight. At 6 feet 2 inches tall, Toby Romero stood out to Emilio Miguel Torres even among the restless crowd whose jumping threatened to fracture the...

A student swipes through the IGTV home. (Photo Illustration by Alana Beyer)

Work for Instagram — In Class

Real World classes give students the opportunity to show their projects to companies like Instagram and Facebook.
Marie-Louise Onga Nana, Contributing Writer February 25, 2019

A course called Instagram Real World might be one of the most NYU things ever written into the course guide. But there may be more than meets the eye about the class that uses...

The author with Devon Lee Carlson.  (Courtesy of Bella Mae Gil)

What Would Devon Do?

Bella Mae Gil, Contributing Writer October 22, 2018

When I met Devon Lee Carlson outside of a concert a couple weeks ago, she talked to me as if we were best friends. We bonded over our outfits, phone cases and dogs. One thing...

A camp-style runway look from Gucci F/W 18, where a model carries a replica of her own head. (via

Camp Kicks Out Catholic Imagination in Met Costume Institute

Jorene Ho He, Contributing Writer October 22, 2018

“Camp taste is, above all, a mode of enjoyment, of appreciation — not judgment,” Susan Sontag writes in her 1964 essay, “Notes on Camp.’” As the Metropolitan Museum...

Some of Gallatin junior Mercer Malakoff’s succulents line her window at Broome Residence Hall. The googly eyes in the background come from Popup Florist, a flower and plant shop where Malakoff works.

Plant Parenthood: Starting a Green Family

You don't need a green thumb to be a plant parent.
Kaitlyn Wang, Editor-at-Large September 17, 2018
No pets allowed? No problem. More and more NYU students are becoming parents of plants.
A decorated dorm room.

Picking and Perfecting Your Dorm Aesthetic

For all you kids who didn't plan your dorm decorations a year in advance.
Tianne Johnson, Deputy Culture Editor September 11, 2018
Here's some decor inspiration based on your aesthetic (looking at you, minimalistic white-themed instagram girls).

Rise of the Mood Instagrams

Amanda Burkett, Beauty & Style Editor August 26, 2018
Mood Instagrams are on the rise. Here are some WSN picks for you to get your fix of aesthetic couture.
Tasty is a Buzzfeed brand known for fun, simple, and attractive recipe videos commonly seen on Facebook and Twitter.

Food Videos: Useful or Just Entertaining?

Celina Khorma, Staff Writer April 17, 2018
It's a known fact that college students have a rough time taking care of themselves. With the abundance of food videos on different social media platforms, are college students really learning how to cook through them?
Fryguys, a trendy East Village french fry shop.

Restaurants in the Age of Social Media

Scott Hogan, Staff Writer April 16, 2018
Many restaurants have found themselves at the mercy of food social media. The guys behind Fry Guys tell us how they were able to maneuver around that.