New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

A graphic of a purple pie chart on a black background. At the top a title that reads “S.G.A.’s Violet 100 budget allocation.” The category “Violet Ball” takes up more than half of the pie chart, with “Violet 100 Concert” the next-largest, though less than half the size. Most of the remaining space is budgeted toward “All-University Games” and “Merchandise, Giveaways and Tabling.” The “Violet 100 Service Events” category is so small the text doesn’t fit.

SGA increases Violet 100 budget to $335,000

NYU’s Student Government Assembly raised its operating budget for the spring spirit week event Violet 100 by around $37,000 this year. The event will use up most of the student government’s $500,000 budget.
Dharma Niles, Deputy News Editor February 26, 2024

The Student Government Assembly increased its Violet 100 budget by around $37,000 this year, raising funds spent on the spirit week to around $335,000. More than half of the...

Opinion: The student government should spend its money better

Opinion: The student government should spend its money better

Last year’s student government spending shows a misunderstanding of student needs. There are better uses for our tuition dollars.
Naisha Roy, Deputy Managing Editor November 30, 2023

For an organization that is unfamiliar to much of the student body, our student government gets a lot of money — last year, the Student Government Assembly had an operating...

An illustration of a person wearing a white sweater, looking at a painting of a city skyline against a red background. A ray of light shines on the painting, and there are other frames hanging on the wall next to the painting.

Experiencing art in NYC: A guide for students on a budget

Sightseeing in New York City can be expensive, but being a student has its perks.
Lea Filidore, Staff Writer February 15, 2023

If I had a dollar for every time I heard the phrase “the city is our campus,” I could probably pay for one of my overpriced and underused textbooks. Still, how many students...

An illustration of the landing page of Reddit. The logo and the name “Reddit” is on the left.. Underneath that, it says “New York University.” Beneath this, there are multiple threads, including titles like “Best Freshman Advice” and other N.Y.U. related forums.

The most helpful posts on r/nyu

The NYU subreddit offers a look into university student life, along with some great advice.
Griffin Eckstein, Contributing Writer November 3, 2022

The NYU subreddit, an online forum of students and community members, can be a great place to learn helpful tips from upperclassmen, find new spots around campus and bond with...

The facade of the City of New York graduate building, as seen from the corner diagonally across the street. On the left side of the building, a row of nine flags hangs above the entrance.

Opinion: New York, invest in CUNY

As New York state lawmakers finalize budgeting for the 2023 fiscal year, we must urge them to increase support for the City University of New York system.
Srishti Bungle, Opinion Editor March 30, 2022

The City University of New York public university system desperately needs more funding. It currently offers an amazing education — whether it be through their four-year bachelor’s...

An illustration of a cell phone showcasing on the screen a Tik Tok app video, with a sign that reads “Shein Haul”. Under this, a girl with brown hair and a yellow sweater holding 5 plastic packages.

Slow down and resist fast fashion

TikTok keeps telling me to buy more clothes. The planet is begging me to stop.
Mika Chipana, Contributing Writer March 3, 2022

As an infrequent user of social media, I dedicate one evening a week to a guilty pleasure: mindlessly scrolling through TikTok. Recently, a video claiming to predict spring and...

The Washington Square Arch lies at the end of Fifth Avenue. President Andy Hamilton recently sent out an update email to the NYU community. (Staff Photo by Alexandra Chan)

University-Wide Email Leaves Students With More Questions Than Answers

In another community-wide email, university administrators detailed costs faced during the pandemic as well as how the university plans to proceed at this time.
Abby Hofstetter, Managing Editor April 28, 2020

Three NYU administrators sent a university-wide email on Monday, April 27 detailing the university’s net losses due to the coronavirus and its assumed next steps for the coming...

A Semester in Review: NYU Continues to Prioritize Itself Over Students

A Semester in Review: NYU Continues to Prioritize Itself Over Students

Our editorial board looks back at the most important issues of the semester. From protecting abusers to neglecting its dining facilities, our university continues to ignore key student concerns in favor of its own priorities.
WSN Editorial Board December 2, 2019

Throughout the semester, we’ve been trying to understand NYU’s treatment of its students — more specifically, whether NYU is implicitly pro- or anti-student. A pro-student...

Good for Business Isn’t Good Enough

Good for Business Isn’t Good Enough

As the university continues to make strides towards sustainability, it must also do what’s right, not just what makes money.
Cole Stallone, Opinion Editor December 2, 2019

NYU’s Chief Sustainability Officer Cecil Scheib recently outlined the reality of achieving sustainability goals at NYU: in order for them to be accepted, they must be good for...

How NYU Wellness Sees Itself — and Why That Image Is Wrong

How NYU Wellness Sees Itself — and Why That Image Is Wrong

After recently promoting a questionably-sourced article on the Student Health Center, NPR has misrepresented NYU’s wellness resources, failing to recognize student voices.
WSN Editorial Board November 25, 2019

On Thursday, NPR tweeted out an article by WGBH News, a Boston-based radio station, calling NYU’s wellness services “a national model.” The article, the final part of a four-part...

Courtesy Meals Shouldn’t Come at a Price

Courtesy Meals Shouldn’t Come at a Price

Students were outraged after their financial aid was used for Courtesy Meals, which were initially promoted as free. Despite NYU's claim it has corrected the issue, the quiet charges are telling of how the university treats lower-income students.
WSN Editorial Board November 11, 2019

Students recently reported having financial aid, previously awarded for scholarships or work-study, be redistributed to pay for usage of the Courtesy Meals Program — which provides...

Will NYU Improve the SHC Now?

Will NYU Improve the SHC Now?

NYU’s department of Counseling and Wellness Services has officially fallen below the national standard. Will this finally be the impetus for NYU to improve its mental health facilities?
Abby Hofstetter, Opinion Editor November 6, 2019

I felt pretty hopeless at the end of last semester. WSN reported in May that the wait times between appointments from NYU’s Counseling and Wellness Services are dangerously above...