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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

Natasha Roy, Managing Editor-at-Large

Natasha is a CAS sophomore studying journalism and public policy, and she’s an editor-at-large at WSN this semester. Originally from a small town outside Dallas, Texas, she moved to an even smaller town outside Atlanta, Georgia when she was nine (and she’ll absolutely force country music on you if you give her an inch). She’s loved writing ever since she got her first My Password Journal — no promises that her skills have developed since then — and she’s loved journalism ever since she accidentally signed up for newspaper in high school. In her free time, Natasha enjoys deleting Oxford commas, listening to My Favorite Murder and hanging out at the Hudson River. Ask her about her dog, and hit her up on Twitter!
All content by Natasha Roy

Paige Alenick

The Toothbrush Fairy
Natasha Roy, News Editor March 23, 2017

Swish, rinse, repeat. It all started while 15-year-old Paige Alenick was brushing her teeth. A thought suddenly popped into her mind — not everyone in the world owns a toothbrush....

The Palladium Hall elevators being cleaned after water started leaking from the ceilings on Tuesday. The maintenance work has inconvenienced residents who have been forced to use the stairs to navigate the 16 floor building.

Palladium Leaks

Natasha Roy, News Editor March 22, 2017
The main elevators in Palladium Residence Hall were closed Tuesday night after they all sprung water leaks.

Cultivating Entrepreneurship in eLab

Polina Buchak and Natasha Roy March 20, 2017

The Mark and Debra Leslie Entrepreneurs Lab, commonly known as the Leslie eLab, is an NYU space, where students and faculty can meet to develop their entrepreneurial skills and...

NYU Tandon School of Engineering is holding a makeup day for classes missed on the Feb. 9 university-wide snow day. Some students feel it is unnecessary.

Saturday School: Tandon to Compensate for Snow Day

Natasha Roy, News Editor March 7, 2017
Tandon School of Engineering students received an email earlier today saying they must make up the snow day from February on a Saturday. Students on the Washington Square campus have not been informed about a makeup day yet.
Started at the Top, Now You’re Not

Started at the Top, Now You’re Not

Natasha Roy, News Editor March 6, 2017

Going to college is often seen as a far-off, much awaited goal. But once teenagers graduate high school, the uncertainty of an upcoming freshman year may seem daunting to incoming...

Since the walkout in November with NYU student speakers like GLS sophomore Felipe Gomes, more people have joined the fight to make NYU a sanctuary campus.  NYU alumni began a petition to send to NYU President Andrew Hamilton once it receives 1,000 signatures.

NYU Alumni Advocate for Sanctuary Campus Status

Natasha Roy, News Editor March 1, 2017
NYU alumni are leading the charge to make NYU a sanctuary campus. Gallatin alumni Carly Krakow and Bailey Theado brought the movement to NYU and are now convincing faculty to join the cause.
Mental Health As the Child of Immigrants

Mental Health As the Child of Immigrants

Natasha Roy, News Editor February 27, 2017

I first noticed my symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder at 11 years old, and I silently hoped the intrusive thoughts would stop taking over my mind as quickly as they had...

A NYU public safety car. There is some confusion around campus concerning public safety’s protocol for sexual assault notification.

Students Not Alerted on All Instances of Sexual Assault

Natasha Roy, News Editor February 24, 2017
The number of alerts NYU students receive about sexual assaults that occur on or near campus in no way reflects the number of sexual assaults that actually occur. However, some students believe this is for the best.
Stuyvesant Town

Stuyvesant Town

Natasha Roy, News Editor February 23, 2017

Residency: Graduate Low-cost rooms available: No Commute to class: 20 minute walk to WSP, 15 minute subway ride to Tandon Nearby subways: A, C, F, L, R, 4 Shuttle: Yes Graduate...

Rubin's second floor study lounge where students have the option to stay tonight.

Rubin Hall

Natasha Roy, News Editor February 23, 2017

Residency: Freshmen Estimated yearly cost: $7,922 - $14,040 Low-cost rooms available: Yes Commute to class: 10 minute walk to WSP, 25-30 minute subway ride to Tandon Nearby...

A sanctuary campus protest occurred in Washington Square Park, Jan. 25 2017. Since the election of Donald Trump in November, the NYU community has pressured  administration to declare NYU a sanctuary campus.

NYU Organizations Offer Safe Spaces for Students Affected by Travel Ban

Natasha Roy, News Editor February 23, 2017
To compensate for the fact that NYU is not a sanctuary campus, several NYU organizations have been taking steps to protect students affected by President Donald Trump's travel ban.
Adjunct professors voted overwhelmingly in favor of a strike. They are demanding health benefits, annuity benefits and course cancellation fees, among other desires.

Adjunct Professors in Favor of Strike

Natasha Roy, News Editor February 21, 2017
Adjunct professors have voted in favor of going on strike to fight for more benefits from NYU.
The NYU administration postponed Lucian Wintrich's appearance in order to prepare for expected disruption and harassment.  Lucian Winterish is a White House press correspondent for the Gateway Pundit.

Administration Postpones NYUCR’s Guest Speaker Lucian Wintrich Due to Security Concerns

Jemima McEvoy and Natasha Roy February 15, 2017
NYU College Republicans learned that their event with guest speaker Lucian Wintrich would be postponed due to security concerns, which left some NYUCR members frustrated and annoyed. 
NYUSJP gets an anonymous letter threatening to disclose club members’ personal information to American and Israeli federal agencies.

Anonymous Letter Threatens NYUSJP Members

Jemima McEvoy and Natasha Roy February 10, 2017
NYU Students for Justice in Palestine received an anonymous letter threatening members of the clubs and their families.

Youth Political Influence Is an Uphill Battle

Natasha Roy, News Editor February 9, 2017
Members of different political clubs at NYU weighed in on young people's influence in their respective parties.
On Friday, Feb. 3 the FDNY was called to Tandon's Rogers Hall  after a fire started because of demolition work taking place on the building.

Photo: This is Not a Drill: Fire Breaks Out at Tandon

Jemima McEvoy and Natasha Roy, News Editors February 3, 2017

On Friday, Feb. 3 the FDNY was called to Tandon's Rogers Hall after a fire started because of demolition work taking place on the building.

Protests and Attacks Cut Gavin McInnes's Speech Short

Protests and Attacks Cut Gavin McInnes’s Speech Short

Violence broke out at the Kimmel Center for University Life as Gavin McInnes spoke to the NYU College Republicans.
Ta-Nehisi Coates, esteemed journalist and author of “Between the World and Me,” is expected to join the NYU faculty starting September 2017.

Ta-Nehisi Coates to Teach at NYU

Natasha Roy and Diamond Naga Siu January 31, 2017
Acclaimed author Ta-Nehisi Coates will be joining NYU's Arthur L. Carter Journalism school as a Professor.
Crime Log: Jan. 20-27

Crime Log: Jan. 20-27

Jemima McEvoy and Natasha Roy January 30, 2017
A look at the crimes from the week of Jan. 20-27.
Despite the large walkout in Washington Square Park in November, NYU is still not officially a sanctuary campus.

NYU Still Not a Sanctuary Campus

Natasha Roy, News Editor January 30, 2017
Despite President Andrew Hamilton's letter after the sanctuary campus walkout in November, NYU has not been declared an official sanctuary campus. NYU Sanctuary, a coalition of students and faculty, is working to change that.
A minor oil spill caused some worry among the Third North residents.

Accidental Oil Spill at Third North Residence Hall

Jemima McEvoy and Natasha Roy January 24, 2017
An oil spill occurred in the North Tower of Third North.
NYU commuters are moving into residence halls for the spring semester to save themselves time and stress.

Former Commuters Are Adjusting to Dorm Life This Spring

Natasha Roy, News Editor January 24, 2017
A large number of students who previously commuted to NYU are moving into university housing.
Skirball has put on many performances that send a bold message. The provocative production of "Apollon" by Choreographer Florentina Holzinger ran Feb. 22-23. (Photo by Julia Saliba)

Tisch New Theatre Runs Into Drama

Natasha Roy, News Editor January 23, 2017
The Tisch New Theatre was suspended this past fall, but the news was quietly announced in a single email. Here's the details of the whole story.
Crime Log: Dec. 5 to Jan. 19

Crime Log: Dec. 5 to Jan. 19

Jemima McEvoy and Natasha Roy January 23, 2017
A look at the crimes from winter break.
NYU students added their voices to the protests against the Dakota Access Pipeline last month.

Talking With an NYU Student Who Went to Standing Rock

Natasha Roy, Deputy News Editor December 7, 2016
WSN does a Q&A with Taylor Norman about her experience supporting #noDAPL at Standing Rock.
After nationwide support for the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, the US Army Corps of Engineers have rerouted the Dakota Access Pipeline around the reservation.

DAPL Reroute: Divest Wants More

Natasha Roy, Deputy News Editor December 5, 2016
NYU students went to North Dakota to protest along with the #NoDAPL movement.
Crime Log: Nov. 26-Dec. 4

Crime Log: Nov. 26-Dec. 4

Natasha Roy, Sayer Devlin and Jemima McEvoy December 5, 2016
A look at the week's crimes.
Though there were numerous protests in the weeks following the election, demonstrations have since have abated.

Protests Begin to Slow Down Post-Thanksgiving

Sayer Devlin and Natasha Roy December 2, 2016
A spate of protests followed the election of Donald Trump, but demonstrations have died down recently.
The Black and Brown Coalition is still not satisfied with what NYU has done in terms of making NYU a more equitable university.

Black and Brown Coalition Takes Stock of Progress on Diversity at NYU

Natasha Roy, Deputy News Editor November 29, 2016
Members of the Black and Brown Coalition discuss the progress the university administration has made on their list of demands issued last year.
Jill Stein, Green Party’s presidential candidate, has called for a recount of the votes in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Michigan. NYU reacts.

Students Torn on Election Recount

Natasha Roy, Deputy News Editor November 28, 2016
Politically minded NYU weigh on Jill Stein's recount petition for the Presidential election.
Crime Log: Nov. 19-23

Crime Log: Nov. 19-23

Jemima McEvoy and Natasha Roy November 28, 2016
A look at the last week's crimes.
Realize Israel acts to facilitate conversation about the State of Israel, and provide a means to support Israel.

NYU Students Realize Israel

Natasha Roy, Deputy News Editor November 21, 2016
Realize Israel is a club at NYU that educates students about Israeli culture.
Crime Log: Nov. 13-17

Crime Log: Nov. 13-17

Jemima McEvoy, Sayer Devlin and Natasha Roy November 21, 2016
A look at the past week's crimes.
Hundreds of Students Stage Walkout to Declare NYU a 'Sanctuary Campus'

Hundreds of Students Stage Walkout to Declare NYU a ‘Sanctuary Campus’

Natasha Roy, Deputy News Editor November 16, 2016
NYU students walked out of their classes on Wednesday in support of the nationwide #SanctuaryCampus movement.

Video: Fight Against Islamophobia Continues at Tandon Rally

Jemima McEvoy and Natasha Roy November 16, 2016
The Muslim Student Association held another rally in response to the vandalism at the Tandon campus.
After the result of the election, a number of rallies and protests have taken place all over New York City, from Washington Square Park and Union Square, to outside of Trump Tower.

NYU Student Organizes Love Rally in the Park

Jemima McEvoy and Natasha Roy November 14, 2016
An NYU sophomore organized a love rally in Washington Square Park to bring people together after Donald Trump's victory.
Crime Log: Oct. 20-Nov. 13

Crime Log: Oct. 20-Nov. 13

Natasha Roy and Jemima McEvoy November 14, 2016
A look at the campus crimes from the past 3 weeks.
NYU provides a space for students to share their affordability ideas.

What Happened to NYU’s Affordability Ideas Website?

Natasha Roy, Deputy News Editor November 11, 2016
NYU's affordability steering committee has a public forum in which students, faculty and staff can pitch ideas to make NYU more affordable.

Protesters Flood the Streets, Head to Trump Tower

Natasha Roy and Jemima McEvoy November 10, 2016
In a protest organized by Socialist Alternative, thousands of anti-Trumpers took to the streets, marching from Union Square to Trump Tower in midtown.
A Trump/Pence sign outside of the Hilton being waved on Election Night

Against the Not-So-Grand Old Party

Natasha Roy, Deputy News Editor November 9, 2016

In most presidential elections, citizens vote for a nominee simply because of the party they align with. This year, however, many Republicans could not bring themselves to vote...

Madonna Affirms That #ShesWithHer at WSP Rally

Sayer Devlin and Natasha Roy November 8, 2016
Madonna performed at an impromptu rally in the fountain of Washington Square Park on the eve of election day.
Student protesters called for gun reform at Columbus Circle.

Student Fights Police Brutality With NO TOLERANCE Movement

Natasha Roy, Deputy News Editor November 7, 2016
NYU students led a peaceful protest that advocated for gun control and against police brutality at Columbus Circle on Saturday.
Michelle Alexander speaking at the Miller Center Forum on Dec. 3, 2011. Alexander, the author of "The New Jim Crow," gave the 21st Annual Derrick Bell Lecture on Race in American Society at NYU Law on Thursday.

Michelle Alexander Headlines 21st Annual Derrick Bell Lecture

Sayer Devlin and Natasha Roy November 4, 2016
Michelle Alexander, author of The New Jim Crow, spoke at 21st Annual Derrick Bell Lecture on Race in American Society.
Close to the centre of campus and part of a freshman dorm, Lipton Dining Hall is a go-to place for many students. How are they reacting to the news that it could become exclusively plant-based?

NYU Reacts: Vegan Dining at Lipton

Natasha Roy, Deputy News Editor October 31, 2016
Animal Welfare Collective is pushing to make Lipton 100% vegan.

Animal Welfare Collective

Natasha Roy, Deputy News Editor October 24, 2016

The Animal Welfare Collective aims to bring animal rights to the concrete jungle of NYU. The club mainly focuses on farm animal rights, and hosts events such as tabling at different...

Crime Log: Oct. 6-18

Crime Log: Oct. 6-18

Sayer Devlin, Jemima McEvoy and Natasha Roy October 24, 2016
Campus crimes from the past 2 weeks.
Cornell Brooks, President of NAACP, spoke about civil rights and education as a part of NYU Steinhardt's Education Solutions Initiative.

NAACP President Discusses Student Roles in Civil Rights and Education

Natasha Roy, Deputy News Editor October 20, 2016
The NAACP President Cornell Brooks came to NYU to discuss the current state civil rights and education.
Jessamine Irwin was preparing to be late to teaching her French class last Thursday because of the trains. Then she took a slight detour.

Video: We Talked to the Professor Who Saved Someone’s Life Last Week

Natasha Roy, Deputy News Editor October 18, 2016
WSN catches up with French professor who saved a young boy from a subway attack.
Studio 21 North includes both a Live Room and a Control Room, allowing students to apply the skills they learned in the Clive Davis Institute for Recorded Music.

Two Music Schools, a Million Paths

Natasha Roy, Deputy News Editor October 17, 2016
Steinhardt's music business program and Tisch's Clive Davis Institute for Recorded Music were both listed on Billboard's top 12 music business schools.
NYU Reacts: Second Presidential Debate

NYU Reacts: Second Presidential Debate

NYU students weigh in on last night's presidential debate.
Students think NYU’s refusal to divest from fossil fuels contradicts its sustainability efforts, even though the university focuses on other efforts such as water, power and waste.

Is Divesting the Key to Sustainability?

Natasha Roy, Deputy News Editor October 5, 2016
NYU claims to be environmentally friendly, but student groups don't think the university can be sustainable without divesting from fossil fuels.
NYU Shanghai introduced a new higher education model within China, but its success is yet to be determined.

Service Initiatives Abroad Offer NYU Students Chance to Make an Impact

Natasha Roy, Contributing Writer September 30, 2016

NYU encourages students to serve their communities from the start of their university careers by offering many programs to provide students exactly what they are looking for when...

NYU is one of several Universities to offer free tampons to its students.

Students Push to Make Women’s Health at NYU a Priority

Natasha Roy, Contributing Writer September 21, 2016
After New York recently lifting the sales taxes on feminine hygiene products, some students are calling on NYU to begin supplying tampons and pads.
The bias response hotline is now available as a resource for marginalized students to feel safer on campus.

Bias Hotline Fights Discrimination

Natasha Roy, Contributing Writer September 19, 2016
NYU has taken measures to make sure students of all backgrounds feel safer on campus with the new Bias Response Line, which lets students report incidents of marginalization via an online form or telephone.