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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News


DACA Recipients Deserve Aid

DACA Recipients Deserve Aid

Congress must reverse Betsy DeVos’s decision to ban DACA recipients from receiving financial aid during the pandemic.
Gabby Lozano, Deputy Opinion Editor April 28, 2020

Fearing deportation from federal agencies like the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement and failing to distribute protection to immigrant workers are just two of other examples...

NYC Public Schools Are Failing English Language Learners

NYC Public Schools Are Failing English Language Learners

As the New York City public school system has transitioned completely to remote learning, they have abandoned struggling English language learning students and immigrant families who lack digital literacy.
Asha Ramachandran, Deputy Opinion Editor April 23, 2020

In the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, New York City public schools have transitioned to remote learning for the duration of the school year. For many students who are immigrants...

Students Need Long-Term Reliable Internet Access

Students Need Long-Term Reliable Internet Access

While it is promising that many are working to make sure students have access to reliable internet during the pandemic, there needs to be a long-term solution to ensure that all students have reliable internet access moving forward.
Helen Wajda, Deputy Opinion Editor April 8, 2020

As the coronavirus pandemic has forced public and private schools across the country to move to remote learning, the number of students who don’t have reliable internet connections...

It’s Time for University-Wide Pass/Fail

It’s Time for University-Wide Pass/Fail

Continuing to use the letter grade system during a global crisis only places an undue burden on students.
Helen Wajda, Deputy Opinion Editor March 25, 2020

After University President Andy Hamilton announced that residence halls would be closed and students should move out, my sole focus was packing up my dorm room and finding safe...

The Rural Public School Crisis

The Rural Public School Crisis

With federal cuts to rural education, it’s time for the Department of Education to pay attention to rural public schools.
Helen Wajda, Deputy Opinion Editor March 2, 2020

In 2018, Keshia Speight, a third-grade teacher at a public school in rural North Carolina, reported that most years, she spends approximately $1,000 of her $37,000 annual salary...

The Inadequacy of Sex Ed

The Inadequacy of Sex Ed

Although there have been recent improvements to sex education in New York, there’s still a lot of work to be done to ensure that statewide sex education is inclusive and accurate.
Helen Wajda, Deputy Opinion Editor February 24, 2020

“Don’t have sex, because you will get pregnant and die.” So begins a well-known scene from 2004 teen comedy “Mean Girls,” where a coach lectures high school students...

Participating in the Classroom

Participating in the Classroom

Factoring how often students talk in class into grades favors extroverted students and can make introverted students feel anxious and alienated.
Helen Wajda, Deputy Opinion Editor February 14, 2020

Every time I write a weekly discussion post for my English class, I’m grateful that my professor understands that participation can be measured in ways other than simply talking...

NYU Exploits Academia’s Permanent Underclass

NYU Exploits Academia’s Permanent Underclass

The rapid rise of adjunct professors across the nation and at NYU during a hike of administrative salaries indicates their mass exploitation.
Emily Dai, Deputy Opinion Editor February 3, 2020

In 2013, Margaret Mary Vojtko, an adjunct French professor at Duquesne University, died from a heart attack at 83 years old after being laid off when the university refused to...

Master’s Students Need More Financial Aid

Master’s Students Need More Financial Aid

Having a master’s degree is increasingly becoming the standard for many jobs, but its steep cost deters students from attending.
Gabby Lozano, Staff Writer December 4, 2019

With the first semester of my sophomore year coming to a close, I am beginning to feel the pressure of endless postgraduate options. I could go straight into the workforce, take...

A Semester in Review: NYU Continues to Prioritize Itself Over Students

A Semester in Review: NYU Continues to Prioritize Itself Over Students

Our editorial board looks back at the most important issues of the semester. From protecting abusers to neglecting its dining facilities, our university continues to ignore key student concerns in favor of its own priorities.
WSN Editorial Board December 2, 2019

Throughout the semester, we’ve been trying to understand NYU’s treatment of its students — more specifically, whether NYU is implicitly pro- or anti-student. A pro-student...

Sugarcoating White Supremacy in US History Needs to Stop

Sugarcoating White Supremacy in US History Needs to Stop

American primary and secondary education curriculums heavily focus on Western European and U.S. achievements in history, yet fail to recognize the harmful effects that colonial triumphs have on minority communities in contemporary society.
Gabby Lozano, Staff Writer December 1, 2019

Growing up on the East Coast of the U.S., learning about Thanksgiving consisted of creating hand-turkeys, cutting out paper leaves in hues of red and orange and reenacting the...

Protect Black Girls Before It’s Too Late

Protect Black Girls Before It’s Too Late

Black girls and women are failed every day that society continues to neglect and ignore them.
Chinenye Onyeike, Staff Writer November 25, 2019

Samaya Dillard was a seven-year-old black girl from Sacramento. In December of 2013, Dillard’s second-grade teacher dragged her by her chair outside into the cold and made her...