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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

A group of protesters stand inside the fountain at Washington Square Park holding signs that read “Free China” and “COVID is not an excuse to kill more Uyghur lives.” Some are holding Kökbayraq flags and a Tibetan flag.

Chinese students, diaspora rally in solidarity as protests in China broaden in scope

As protesters in China grow increasingly critical of the government, satellite protests around the world, including those in New York City, follow suit.
Mayee Yeh and Tori Morales December 5, 2022

Read this article in Simplified Chinese or in Traditional Chinese. 点击此处阅读简体中文版 | 點擊此處閱讀繁體中文版 Hundreds of protesters flooded...

A group of protesters, mostly masked — raise their phones with the flashlights on — surrounding an arrangement of candles and flowers.

Hundreds protest China’s zero-COVID policy, gov’t at consulate

Participants called for the easing of the Chinese government’s strict COVID-19 policies and a change in leadership at the Consulate General of the People’s Republic of China in New York on Tuesday, Nov. 29.
Mayee Yeh, Deputy Managing Editor December 1, 2022

Read this article in Simplified Chinese or in Traditional Chinese. 点击此处阅读简体中文版 | 點擊此處閱讀繁體中文版 Hundreds gathered outside...

A group of protesters, mostly masked — raise their phones with the flashlights on — surrounding an arrangement of candles and flowers.


Mayee Yeh, Deputy Managing Editor December 1, 2022

在这个礼拜二,数百名聚集在中华人民共和国驻纽约领事馆前抗议中国严谨的封控政策。抗议人数最高近一千人。对许多纽约大学的国际学生来说,中国严苛的新冠政策复杂化了返国程序,同时也严重影响这些学生家庭的生计。 依据以往政策,就算只是零星的确诊数也需要实施整体静默。封控政策倒置中小企业勒令停业、居民被锁在家中长达数月、学校关闭实体教学课程。封控政策回持续到确诊数清零,实施时间往往长达数月。在领事馆的抗议者有四大诉求:允许公开悼念、结束清零政策、释放维权同胞、保障人民权利。 “中国人已经活在共产党清零政策的暴政之下三年了,”一张在抗议现场传发的传单上指出。...

A group of protesters, mostly masked — raise their phones with the flashlights on — surrounding an arrangement of candles and flowers.


Mayee Yeh, Deputy Managing Editor December 1, 2022

在這個禮拜二,數百名聚集在中華人民共和國駐紐約領事館前抗議中國嚴謹的封控政策。抗議人數最高近一千人。對許多紐約大學的國際學生來說,中國嚴謹的新冠政策複雜化了返國程序,同時也嚴重影響這些學生家庭的生計。 依據以往政策,就算只是零星的確診數也需要實施整體靜默。封控政策倒置中小企業勒令停業、居民被鎖在家中長達數月、學校關閉實體教學課程。封控政策回持續到確診數清零,實施時間往往長達數月。在領事館的抗議者有四大訴求:允許公開悼念、結束清零政策、釋放維權同胞、保障人民權利。 「中國人已經活在共產黨清零政策的暴政之下三年了,」一張在抗議現場傳發的傳單上指出。「今天我們聚集在這悼念因為新冠打壓失去性命的同胞並要求中國政府負起責任!」 召集者請參與者攜帶蠟燭、看板和花束。許多抗議者帶了空白或寫著抗議字樣的看板。內容包括:「共產黨下台!」、「我想要回家」、「不能不明白」。參與者齊聲合唱了出自於音樂劇《悲慘人生》的《Do...

"Mulan," recently released on Disney+, is the company's newest live-action remake in 2020. Attracting worldwide controversy with the crew's political stance as well as poor ratings, the movie remains a disappointing watch. (Staff Illustration by Chelsea Li)

‘Mulan’ Fails To Break Barriers Amidst Clouds of Controversy

Subject to negative reviews and organized counteraction, “Mulan” runs the risk of being forgotten in the annals of Disney+’s digital library.
Quan Zhang, Contributing Writer September 21, 2020

Several of the top eight reviews on “Mulan’s” Letterboxd are related to money, rather than the film itself, but the $30 Disney+ demands on top of its pricey subscription...

The Human Rights Catastrophe in China That We Should Be Talking About

The Human Rights Catastrophe in China That We Should Be Talking About

As an ethnic and religious minority is subjected to surveillance and torture in western China, our recognition and responsibility of the Uighur people are of paramount importance.
Hanna Khosravi, Opinion Editor April 10, 2019

In the media, commentary surrounding China and its political sphere is usually dominated by clips regarding the economic value of U.S.-Chinese relations (you can hear the president...