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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

Professor Samuel Berger routes a path through Washington Square Park using quantum computing.

HUMOR: Cutting Through Washington Square Only ‘Sometimes’ Faster, Experts Say

Ben Eisenberg, Contributing Writer October 24, 2017
It just depends on where you're going really.
Ai Weiwei’s new installation artwork “Good Fences Make Good Neighbors” under the Washington Square Arch comments on the increasing hostility towards immigrants and the rise of nationalism.

Ai Weiwei Challenges Trump’s Wall, DACA Repeal

Ryan Mikel, Entertainment Editor October 23, 2017
You might have noticed Ai Weiwei's installation underneath the Arch in WSP. "Good Fences Make Good Neighbors" was created in order to draw attention to the rising levels of nationalism and animosity towards immigrants around the world.
MacDougal Street is a great assembly point with colorful buildings and delicious food from all over the world.

NYU Instagram Hotspots

Tyler Crews, Contributing Writer September 27, 2017
Need to up your Insta game? Look no further.
On Sept. 8, upwards of 40 people ran through the Washington Square Arch like anime character Naruto. CAS Sophomore Iffat Nur organized the viral event.

Students Run Wild for Naruto

Nicole Rosenthal, Contributing Writer September 25, 2017
CAS sophomore Iffat Nur's Run Through Washington Square Arch Naruto Style and Scream Like Goku In Front of Washington Square Arch events have garnered national interest and spawned copycat events throughout the country.
HUMOR: Pigeon Man Grants Final Wish Before Flying South For Winter

HUMOR: Pigeon Man Grants Final Wish Before Flying South For Winter

Louis Rodriguez, Humor Editor September 18, 2017
One of Washington Square Park's most notable figures is getting ready to fly south for the winter.
A man slowly walks past Stonewall Inn, examining its front.

Welcome to the Gayborhood

Amelia McBain, Contributing Writer September 18, 2017
Welcome to the gayest neighborhood in New York City.

Kyler James

Natasha Roy, Assistant Managing Editor September 11, 2017
Kyler the Wizard is one of the locals of Washington Square Park. He's the go-to-guy for all fortune telling and general wizardry.

Felix Morelo

Jemima McEvoy, Managing Editor September 11, 2017
Felix Morelo, 'The Face Guy', is one of the infamous street artists frequenting Washington Square Park and Union Square. You've probably seen his 'Good Luck Spot' or even his 'Bad Luck Spot' around campus.
Brandon Stanton, the man behind the portraits on Humans of New York, is setting his sights on turning HONY into a docuseries.

‘Humans of New York’ in Motion

Ryan Mikel, Entertainment Editor September 5, 2017
The Humans of New York Instagram page is known around the world -- now, Brandon Stanton is taking his concept to a docuseries, premiering on Sept. 5 on Watch on Facebook.

Ice cream trucks can be found on any side of Washington Square Park on any day that the weather isn’t gloomy.

I Tried… Ice Cream Trucks of Washington Square Park

Yasmin Gulec, Dining Editor September 5, 2017
As an ice-cream lover, our dining editor tries the ice cream trucks around Washington Square Park.
Cornbread, a famous Washington Square Park chess player, has been playing chess for 20 years in the park.

Anybody for Chess?

Imani Johnson, Contributing Writer April 24, 2017
Of all of Washington Square Park's beloved features — from the fountain to the dog park — there is nothing quite like Cornbread, a 20-year veteran of the park's chess scene.
Sometimes tears are unavoidable. Luckily, the best spots for a good cry are right around campus.

Best Places to Cry at NYU

Alyssa Kelly, Contributing Writer March 20, 2017
We've all had those kind of days that have made us want to cry on the spot.But in a city as crowded as New York, it can be difficult to find a good place to do so. Here's a list of the best places on campus to get your cry on.