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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

Hannah Luu/WSN

Panel gives immigration reform LGBTQ spin

Casey Dalrymple February 12, 2014
The panelists emphasized the idea that marriage equality is not the same as immigration reform.
Denise Fabella for WSN

Sexton, students converse at town hall

February 12, 2014
The discussion touched on the Global Network University, NYU 2031 and other topics.
Christina's Corner: Men must join fight against sexual assault

Christina’s Corner: Men must join fight against sexual assault

Christina Coleburn, Deputy Opinion Editor February 9, 2014
The bystander intervention aims to include men in sexual assault prevention.
via flickr

MSNBC host visits NYU, talks racial, economic inequality

February 8, 2014
Melissa Harris-Perry joins NYU President John Sexton to discuss racial inequality and NYU's ethnic majority for MLK week.
On the Wire

On the Wire

February 7, 2014
Catch up with some important news with On the Wire.

NYU, Columbia sponsor symposium on brain activity

February 7, 2014
Students join neuroscientists and professors in a two-day symposium that explores research on brain activity.
Felipe De La Hoz/WSN

On coping: Floormates reflect on Titan Lee-Hai

Kavish Harjai, News Editor February 7, 2014
News Editor Kavish Harjai's personal account of the week after the tragedy at Third North.
Lawrence Wu/WSN

University members discuss usual topics at senate meeting

February 7, 2014
The University Senate met to discuss NYU concerns such as student debt.
Felipe De La Hoz/WSN

Math employed in climate research

February 6, 2014
Student researchers are using mathematics to study the effects of climate change.
via Facebook

Strive for College reaches out to high school students

Bryna Shuman, Features Editor February 3, 2014
The national organization, which pairs low-income high school mentees with university students to guide them through the college application process, recently launched at NYU.
via flickr

Summer camp to shed light on STEM subjects at NYU this year

February 3, 2014
NYU will get crash courses in science, technology, engineering and mathematic subjects with Digital Media Academy, a summer camp that promotes STEM courses for all ages.
Scott Mullen

Robot cuts ribbon, Poly merger official

January 31, 2014
Members of all areas of NYU celebrated the merger of NYU and the school of engineering.