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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

The "Shot by AR-15" campaign has been making waves in subway stations around the city.

Student ‘Shot by AR-15’ Subway Campaign Challenges Gun Violence

Natasha Roy, Managing Editor-at-Large April 16, 2018
School of Visual Arts seniors Ji Kim and Andy Koo raised awareness against gun violence with posters that played on Apple's “Shot on iPhone” ad.
A student led protest at the Wendy’s on Broadway.

On-Campus Club Protests Wendy’s Restaurant Chain Labor Practices

Natasha Roy, Managing Editor-at-Large April 6, 2018
NYU Peer Health Exchange helped lead a protest against Wendy's on Thursday night for the fast food company's refusal to join the Fair Food Agreement.
The Union Square Tech Hub at dusk.

Union Square Tech Hub Draws Controversy Over Rezoning

Sarah Jackson, Deputy News Editor March 20, 2018
Plans are being made for a tech hub between Palladium Residence Hall and University Residence Hall.

Felix Morelo

Jemima McEvoy, Managing Editor September 11, 2017
Felix Morelo, 'The Face Guy', is one of the infamous street artists frequenting Washington Square Park and Union Square. You've probably seen his 'Good Luck Spot' or even his 'Bad Luck Spot' around campus.
Fire officers work to control the fire next to the Strand bookstore, which broke out on 12th Street following an explosion this morning.

BREAKING: NYU Buildings Evacuated Due to Nearby Manhole Fires

Jemima McEvoy and Natasha Roy March 31, 2017
Several manhole fires have erupted on Broadway and 12th St. The Fire Department of New York and NYU's Public Safety are working on solving the problems.
Everyone Should Find Time to Play Chess

Everyone Should Find Time to Play Chess

Henry Cohen, Staff Writer February 28, 2017
There are so many great ways to unwind after a grueling day of classes. However, few distractions can prove as entertaining and mentally stimulating as chess.
Coral Tower, 129 3rd Ave

Coral Tower

Thomas Price, Opinion Editor February 23, 2017

Residency: Upperclassmen Estimated yearly cost: $13,048 – $18,494 Low-cost rooms available: Yes Commute to class: 15 minute walk to WSP, 25-30 minute subway ride to Tandon Nearby...

Carlyle Court

Carlyle Court

Katherine Platz, Copy Chief February 23, 2017

Residency: Upperclassmen Estimated yearly cost: $13,048 – $18,494 Low-cost rooms available: Yes Commute to class: 10 minute walk to WSP, 25-30 minute subway ride to Tandon Nearby...

Staff Rants: Nov 29-Dec 5

Staff Rants: Nov 29-Dec 5

WSN Staff December 6, 2016
As the semester draws to a close, our staff reflects on homesickness, elevator etiquette, Union Square, and produce.

Protesters Flood the Streets, Head to Trump Tower

Natasha Roy and Jemima McEvoy November 10, 2016
In a protest organized by Socialist Alternative, thousands of anti-Trumpers took to the streets, marching from Union Square to Trump Tower in midtown.
Because of the surrounding buildings, Washington Square Park feels like the center of NYU’s campus.

A Campus Is What You Make It

Taylor Nicole Rogers, Staff Writer April 25, 2016
NYU students discuss their understanding of our college's physical campus.
Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield introduce their new ice cream flavor, "Bernie's Yearning" to people in Washington Square Park.

NYU Students Feel the Bern, Not So Much ‘Bernie’s Yearning’

Sanya Sareen, Contributing Writer April 13, 2016
Ben and Jerry gave away their Bernie Sanders promotional ice cream in Union Square last week.