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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

NYU's Martin Luther King, Jr. celebration week takes place from February 1 to 6.

Meditation, Ballet and Theater at MLK Week

Raven Quesenberry, Contributing Writer February 1, 2016
Overview of upcoming events on campus in honor of Martin Luther King week.
Divest speak-out relates race and climate

Divest speak-out relates race and climate

Raven Quesenberry, Contributing Writer December 8, 2015
NYU Divest hosted a discussion on how climate change contributes to racism and violence on Monday.
Q&A: Black and Brown Coalition

Q&A: Black and Brown Coalition

Alex Bazeley, News Editor December 7, 2015
A Q&A with Juan Manuel Calero Canaval of the Black and Brown Coalition.
The university seems to be taking the issue of diversity more seriously, but some students still think this action is not enough.

NYU administration reveals more plans to broaden inclusion on campus

Alex Bazeley, News Editor November 30, 2015
The NYU administration continues to address student diversity concerns on campus.
Controversy continues about whether the Union of White NYU Students Facebook page is run by an NYU student.

White Student Union creator refutes claims of hoax

Justine Morris, Deputy News Editor November 30, 2015
The NYU White Students Union continues to fight to establish a presence on campus while facing backlash from numerous student groups.
The creation of the NYU White Student Union Facebook page has sparked debate on whether “a community for NYU students of European descent” should exist.

[UPDATE] NYU White Student Union page spurs outrage

Alex Bazeley, News Editor November 23, 2015
A NYU White Student Union Facebook page has stirred controversy among NYU students.
ohn Sexton gave an opening speech for the University-wide conversation on issues of race and diversity on campus in the Coles Sports and Recreation Center on November 18, 2015.

Talks on diversity receive mixed feedback from students

Lexi Faunce and Christine Wang November 23, 2015
NYU students have mixed feelings about the university's actions in the wake of last Wednesday's forum on race and inclusion.
The diversity conversation was sparked in a big way last fall with a Diversity and Inclusion Forum in Coles.

NYU addresses concerns about the inclusion of students of color

Alex Bazeley, News Editor November 19, 2015
An email sent to the NYU community on Thursday announced plans to expand CMEP and improve the diversity training program.
Universities around the country have shown support for the students at Missouri.

Mizzou protests find support at NYU

Carmen Russo, Staff Writer November 16, 2015
NYU students, and others across the country, are standing in solidarity with the students at Mizzou, Yale and Ithaca.
Rachael Metcalf and Mariana Villanueva discuss how race plays a role in politics in a discussion held on November 3, 2015 in CMEP.

Students host discussion on white privilege

Kati Garrity, Staff Writer November 3, 2015
NYU Center for Multicultural Education and Programs host "Unpacking Whitness" in an attempt to address white privilege in American politics.
Runners looking determined in the TCS New York City Marathon on the 1st of November, 2015.

Marathon runners take NYC

Justine Morris, Deputy News Editor November 2, 2015
The New York City marathon happened over the weekend.

‘White Only’ and ‘Black Only’ signs spark controversy

Daria Butler, Contributing Writer October 22, 2015
Student hangs controversial signs around Buffalo college.