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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

NYU Puts Its Reputation Before Student Wellness

NYU Puts Its Reputation Before Student Wellness

Among other secretive measures, NYU does not track suicides. But what does the university have to gain from this?
Abby Hofstetter, Opinion Editor December 2, 2019

NYU has something of a reputation for being secretive with information — its fiscal 2020 budget, which was supposed to be released in June, has not yet been published; it has...

New York City Must Help Its Homeless Children

New York City Must Help Its Homeless Children

The number of New York City public school students experiencing homelessness has remained higher than the population of Albany for over a year. The failure of the city to significantly reduce this number shows the city needs to treat this issue like the crisis it is.
Cole Stallone, Opinion Editor November 4, 2019

Since last year, over 114,000 New York City public school students have continued to struggle with homelessness, and nearly 38,000 live in shelters. Recent reports by the Advocates...

High School Education Kills Shakespeare All Over Again

High School Education Kills Shakespeare All Over Again

High school analysis of Shakespeare both misses the point of his works and causes many people to dislike them — but this doesn’t have to be the case.
Neil Dittrich, Contributing Writer October 30, 2019

Even mentioning Shakespeare carries such negative connotations for college students that some readers may have already lost interest in this article. The idea of having to sit...

A Toast to Teachers

A Toast to Teachers

Though it’s easy to see what teachers have done for us, it’s quite difficult to see what we’ve done in return. It’s time to put teachers in the spotlight.
Nicole Chiarella, Contributing Writer October 18, 2019

Once upon a time, in the mystical land of Fair Pay, teachers were paid a livable wage. They didn’t have to work three jobs to afford their studio apartments. Buying school supplies...

PBS’s Point of View documentary series features “All the Difference,” a film that follows two Urban Prep high school students, on Monday, September 12.

PBS Documentary “All the Difference” Highlights Urban Education

Natalie Whalen, Contributing Writer September 12, 2016

PBS’s Point of View documentary series will feature the stirring “All the Difference” this Monday, Sept. 12. The film follows the respective paths of two Urban Prep high...

DKNY’s new creative directors, Dao-Yi Chow (left) and Maxwell Osborne (right).

Reviews smash DKNY, question bland future

Mikaella Evaristo, Contributing Writer September 29, 2015
Has Donna Karan taken with her the fashion revolution she inspired by stepping down from globally recognized Donna Karan International? Though the major fashion icon remains an adviser to her own company, she has bequeathed the original New York style brand to Public School duo Maxwell Osborne and Dao-Yi Chow, the new creative directors of the brand.
Fellowship to foster public school teachers

Fellowship to foster public school teachers

September 13, 2013
A new Steinhardt School of Culture, Education and Human development aims to recognize public school teachers working in science education.

Students First or ‘politics first’?

September 11, 2012
U.S. policymakers may be approaching the education issue from the wrong direction.