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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

A band performing on a stage with amps in Washington Square Park, with pastel colored guitars, a saxophone and a drum set. Two of the band members wear N.Y.U. merch, and the lead singer is wearing sunglasses. A brightly colored banner with a spiral design hangs behind them, and reads “Stolen Gin,” the name of the band.

Stolen Gin, the soundtrack to your spring 

Meet the NYU grads with an eclectic sound that is equal parts Grateful Dead and Daft Punk.
Natasha R. Roy, Contributing Writer May 3, 2023

If you ambled through Washington Square Park at any point on 4/20, chances are you caught the steadily growing crowd dancing to Stolen Gin’s jazzy performance. If you noticed...

An illustration of a man wearing a gray suit with a blue tie and a hat. The figure is against a purple background.

NYU chaplain travels to Turkey to support relief efforts

Following devastating earthquakes in Turkey and Syria, NYU chaplain Khalid Latif visited Turkey to provide humanitarian assistance.
Veronica Shirokova, Contributing Writer February 28, 2023

When imam and NYU chaplain Khalid Latif arrived at Gaziantep, a Turkish city affected by recent earthquakes, he said it was like walking through a warzone. He found residents in...

A portrait of Edoardo Marras with long wavy hair wearing a blue shirt and beige coat in front of the halal cart at Washington Square Park.

Eating around the world 

Sophomore Edoardo Marras is embarking on a journey to try cuisines from every country in the world.
Sydney Barragan, UTA Publishing Editor April 11, 2022

There are almost 200 countries in the world, and sophomore Edoardo Marras is determined to try food from each one. A benefit of living in a cultural hub like New York City is...

A portrait of Hesam Oveys wearing a black jacket layered over a beige hoodie and a red shirt. He is looking straight at the camera. Behind him is a brick building.

From “Mad Minute” to formulating magic and meaning in math

To NYU mathematics professor Hesam Oveys, teaching is like building a new home. 
Nandini Gupta, Features Staff April 4, 2022

Students trickle into a medium-sized, dimly lit classroom at 194 Mercer St. in Greenwich Village. Some confer with their peers to clarify last-minute doubts about Lagrange’s...

Sadie Jean's debut single "WYD Now?" was released on Dec. 10, 2021. (Photo by Sofia Ziman)

Sadie Jean on her debut single “WYD Now” and her music ambitions

Hailing from Orange County, California, Sadie Jean talks TikTok fame and launching a musical career in New York City.
Sydney Barragan, UTA Managing Editor December 10, 2021

Sadie Jean and I attended high school just 21 miles from each other, but it took going to a college 2,792 miles away from home for us to finally meet. Orange County, California...

As only a college student in her penultimate year of studies in Steinhardt's Music Business program, Piper Page has already released four songs and a music video. (Photo by Anna E. Henderson)

Taking a ‘Risk’: Piper Page breaks into the music scene

Steinhardt junior Piper Page talks singing, songwriting, moving from town to city and her plans for the future.
Sydney Barragan, UTA Managing Editor November 22, 2021

Piper Page emerges onscreen in a floor-length red dress that looks like it was plucked from a 1920s movie premiere. Her lips are painted a coordinated shade, her hair styled in...

Yoo's interest in aesthetic philosophy was a significant source of her inspiration in her crafts. (Photo courtesy of Sophia Somin Yoo)

Sophia Somin Yoo: A curator’s voice

The designer, ceramicist and art curator finds purpose in bringing new ideas into focus.
JP Pak, Film & TV Editor October 22, 2021

As the COVID-19 pandemic forced independent art galleries to consider closing their businesses, curator and ceramicist Sophia Somin Yoo saw an opportunity to begin something new. “It...

The promotional poster for Scharlin's upcoming interactive theatrical experience “Boohbah: The Rise and Fall of an Empire.” (Image courtesy of Molly Scharlin)

Molly Scharlin Ben-Hamoo embraces her inner weird

Senior dramatic writing major Molly Scharlin divulges about her upcoming multimedia extravaganza “Boohbah: The Rise and Fall of an Empire” and unconventional artistic process.
Isabella Armus, Deputy Arts Editor October 22, 2021

Editor’s Note: This conversation was condensed for length and clarity.  Airing from the years 2003 to 2006, the British children’s television series “Boohbah” and its...

Tunestack is a social media app built around sharing music with friends. The app was developed by Sam Winslow, a junior studying at Steinhardt. (Photo courtesy of Sam Winslow)

Student Takes Passion for Music and Launches It Into an App

Steinhardt junior Sam Winslow launched Tunestack in hopes of sharing a passion for music with friends and a community of like-minded listeners.
Kate Slate, Contributing Writer May 7, 2020

When you hear a song with a catchy beat or relatable lyrics, sometimes it's just too good to keep to yourself. Many of us feel the need to share these discoveries with our friends,...

Gallatin first-year Liv Solomon pursues several art forms in her free time. In addition to photography, she has also ventured into film, modeling, and drawing tattoos. (Staff Photo by Alexandra Chan)

This First Year Multidisciplinary Artist Does It All

Liv Solomon tattoos in her free time, along with photography, film, visual art and modeling.
Alex Christiano, Contributing Writer March 9, 2020

A quick glance at Gallatin first-year Liv Solomon’s Instagram tells you all you need to know about the depth of her artistic talent. Her pages, @livsolomon and @livmarked, are...

Nya-Simone Spann is a freshman at Stern who has her own jewelry business. Her brand is focused on creating pieces fit for a diverse range of customers.(Photo by Katherine Hollis)

First-Year’s Jewelry Business Encourages Inclusion

A Stern student uses her business mind and creativity to embolden women of color and promote diversity.
Nya Etienne, Staff Writer February 18, 2020

Stern first-year Nya-Simone Spann is the founder and CEO of the fashion-forward accessories brand Simone’s Pieces. Her warm personality and firm belief in her business is testimony...

Jackson Craig performs for Summer Love Fest at the World Cafe back in July, 2019. A year later, Jackson continued to experiment with developing a persona through his music. (Photo by Gabriela Mancini)

Clive First-Year Crushes Musical Conventionality with Charisma

Getting ready to mount his second concert in the city, Jackson Craig talks about his music and what it means to be a storyteller in today’s day and age.
Nicolas Pedrero-Setzer, Music Editor February 10, 2020

Sporting a puffy yellow jacket and an unguarded smile, Jackson Craig sits before me, ready to distill his knowledge of dad-rock and good vibes. Hot off the release of last year’s...