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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

NYU law students sent a letter to their former classmate, Jared Kushner, to remind him of the power he has to change the country for the better.

NYU Law Classmates Appeal to Alum Jared Kushner

Arushi Sahay, Contributing Writer February 6, 2017
Presidential Senior Advisor and NYU alumnus Jared Kushner's law classmates wrote a letter to him about his responsibility to make a positive impact on the country.
NYU Law students are now able to apply for a new IDLO internship program

New Program Promotes Global Law Experience

Coco Wang, Staff Writer December 7, 2016
NYU Shanghai, NYU law and IDLO plan cooperation to promote rule of law.
Professor Barry Friedman founded the Policing Project in an effort to bring democratic engagement to policing within the community.

NYU Professor Helping to Combat Police Brutality

Jemima McEvoy, Deputy News Editor November 6, 2016
Q&A with NYU Professor and founder of the Policing Project collaboration with NYU Law.
NYU School of Law Dean Trevor Morrison debated about whether the Supreme Court attacks the very principles of the American Democracy.

NYU Law Dean Debates Whether Supreme Court Undermines American Democracy

Jake Steel, Contributing Writer March 30, 2016
The NYU Law Dean debated if the Supreme Court contradicts the American Democracy.

Changing Majors: Ashley Chung Ah Ko

Lingyi Hou, Staff Writer November 24, 2015
A continuation of the Changing Majors Series
Decorations that some students claim are offensive raise concerns at this year's Fall Ball.

Offensive images at Fall Ball prompt law student backlash

Alice Zhang, Contributing Writer November 2, 2015
The NYU School of Law's Fall Ball displayed questionable decorations such as a video projection of a silhouetted man dying by suicide.

Panel explores women in academia

Ilana Berger, Contributing Writer October 7, 2014
NYU Law hosted a panel to discuss the role of women in academia.
Felipe De La Hoz/WSN

Carr Center hosts first conference

April 2, 2014
NYU's School of Law held the first conference for the Carr Center for Reproductive Justice with keynote speaker Carol Gilligan.

Law school hones in on national security

November 20, 2013
The NSA's deputy director and the assistant to the president for homeland security and counterterrorism discussed issues of surveillance at the law school last night.
Jonathan Tan/WSN

Law school hosts lecture on race, slavery, freedom

November 7, 2013
William M. Carter, Jr. spoke at the NYU School of Law on Nov. 6.