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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

Three people wearing purple graduation gowns and black graduation caps are standing raising diplomas. To the left is former N.Y.U. president standing behind a purple-and-white N.Y.U. sign.

Opinion: No longer behind bars, but not truly free

Without support systems in place, many formerly incarcerated individuals in New York risk falling into a cycle of poverty and criminalization.
Steven Wang, Staff Writer December 3, 2024

The United States has the highest incarceration rate of any country in the world, keeping about 2 million people behind bars at any given time and costing an absurd $182 billion...

Yevgenia Albats shown on the left and David Hoffman shown on the right both watching a video of Washington Post reporter Evan Gershkovich locked in a glass cell in a Moscow court.

Russian journalist Yevgenia Albats discusses journalists incarcerated in Moscow

Yevgenia Albats, NYU’s Distinguished Journalist in Residence and Russian journalist, hosted David Hoffman on April 18 to speak about the Moscow incarceration of two journalists.
Alina Hollister, Staff Writer April 20, 2023

Two journalists who formerly worked out of Russia, David Hoffman and Yevgenia Albats, condemned the recent incarceration of two journalists in Moscow at a Thursday afternoon talk...

An illustration of pages of a legal document in the foreground and a blurred image of an N.Y.U Campus Safety badge in the background.

Man convicted of murder sues NYU after being denied Campus Safety job

A man who applied for a Campus Safety officer position at NYU is suing the university after he was not hired due to a nearly 50-year old murder conviction.
Tori Morales, Deputy News Editor December 2, 2022

A rejected applicant for a job with NYU’s Campus Safety Department is suing the university for allegedly violating human rights laws in New York by not hiring him due to his...


Demonstrators boycott Chinatown museum to protest new mega jail

Protesters picketed outside of the Museum of Chinese in America to rally behind MOCA 8 — a group who was ticketed for noise violations — on Sunday, Oct. 2.
Michaela Seah, Contributing Writer October 4, 2022

Dozens of protesters picketed in front of the Museum of Chinese in America in Chinatown on Sunday, Oct. 2, in support of the MOCA 8, a group of protesters who have been given...

An illustration of the Washington Square Arch. Behind the arch sits gray and brown alternating high-rises. On the top right are the words “The Daybook” in an arched shape.

What to do this week: An Earth Day festival and more

The Daybook is WSN’s weekly column listing in-person and online events at NYU and across New York City. This week: April 18 to April 24.
The News Desk April 18, 2022

A writer symposium with distinguished authors 6-7:30 p.m. on Zoom Free registration, restricted to the NYU community Join writing professor Tim Tomlinson for a discussion...

José Diaz and Raechel Bosch discuss the  challenges that remain for released inmates, including a lack of resources post-incarceration and discrimination. (Staff Photo by Shy Mitchell)

NYU Prison Education Program Graduate Urges Visibility for Formerly Incarcerated

NYU PEP graduate José Diaz and faculty member Raechel Bosch spoke to the NYU community about lingering stigma toward the formerly incarcerated.
Cristiano Rotolo, Staff Writer February 21, 2020

Stern’s Political Economy Exchange invited José Diaz — a graduate of NYU’s Prison Education Program — and Raechel Bosch, a faculty member of NYU’s Prison Education Program,...

Eni Owoeye Makes Environmental Education Approachable

Eni Owoeye Makes Environmental Education Approachable

College of Arts and Science sophomore Eni Owoeye fosters change and environmental stewardship by making environmental education accessible for all.
Anna-Dmitry Muratova, Senior Reporter December 5, 2019

Eni Owoeye and I met last spring semester when we both ended up in Professor Robin Nagle’s Environment & Society class, one of the introductory courses for the environmental...

The False Promise of Closing Rikers Island

The False Promise of Closing Rikers Island

The city’s so-called proposal to close the jail and build four new ones only guarantees the creation of the newer jails. Rikers’ closure, set for 2026, is not guaranteed to happen.
Asha Ramachandran, Contributing Writer October 27, 2019

The New York City Council overwhelmingly voted earlier this month to close the notorious Rikers Island jail complex. The $8 billion resolution will replace Rikers by building,...

These pieces are part of an art exhibit on formerly incarcerated individuals curated by NYU doctoral student Michelle Jones. (Photo by Emily Dicks)

Multimedia Project Has You See, Hear and Watch Formerly Incarcerated People to Confront Stereotypes

Michelle Jones, a well-known advocate for the formerly incarcerated (and formerly incarcerated person herself) presented her new project located in Gallatin Galleries on Thursday.
Emily Dicks, Contributing Writer September 27, 2019

NYU doctoral student Michelle Jones unveiled a project on Thursday that incorporates different forms of media in an attempt to humanize formerly incarcerated people, who are often...

NYU Hosts Discussion on the Trauma of Having an Incarcerated Parent

NYU Hosts Discussion on the Trauma of Having an Incarcerated Parent

How does having an incarcerated parent change a child's life? The Silver School of Social Work explored this question on Tuesday.
Bella Gil, Contributing Writer September 27, 2018
How does having an incarcerated parent change a child's life? The Silver School of Social Work explored this question on Tuesday.
An IEC protestor's sign in the Kimmel Center for University Life on Wednesday.

With Its Contract Expiring, Student Activists Advocate for End to Aramark

Victor Porcelli, Deputy News Editor September 26, 2018
On Wednesday, student activists from the Incarceration to Education Coalition were protesting NYU’s involvement with Aramark on the steps of the Kimmel.
Jose Diaz is a junior in CAS and the organizer of the Fatherhood Afterward Incarceration panel that occurred on Mar. 29.

Leaving the Bars Behind and Starting Anew

Yasmin Gulec, Features Editor April 9, 2018
The US prison system is one of separation for families with incarcerated members.