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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

There's a giant box filled with condoms at every NYU residence hall. This article will help you find the perfect one in this mountain of options. (Staff Photo and Illustration by Alex Tran)

Ranked: NYU dorm condoms

The writer of this article does not want her mom to know she wrote about condoms and would like to remain anonymous.
The Culture Desk September 20, 2021

Listen, it's college. Some people have sex and some people don’t. But if you are going to take part in sexual activity — especially if it involves a penis — it’s important...

404 Fitness serves as the popular gym for NYU students. With gyms still closed, students have become more creative with exercise routines during COVID-19. (Staff Photo by Alexandra Chan)

The student experience with exercise during COVID-19

Since NYU gyms are closed due to COVID-19 restrictions, students are getting creative with their exercise routines to maintain their physical fitness and mental health.
Sabiq Shahidullah, Staff Writer April 14, 2021

When most gyms were closed, and people were stuck at home, the sedentary lifestyle had never been more prevalent. Since the start of the pandemic, 42% of American adults experienced...

Dining Editor Gabby made some dal last week. Midterms are a stressful time for students, but meals should not be skipped. (Staff Photo by Gabby Lozano)

Midterms aren’t an excuse to skip meals

The stress from midterms can sometimes cause us to prioritize our work over our health.
Gabby Lozano, Dining Editor March 26, 2021

We’ve all been there. It’s 9 a.m. and you have an eight-page paper due in the afternoon. You haven’t started yet, but it’s okay. The time crunch gives you the rush of adrenaline...

NYU students go through mandatory COVID-19 testing at the testing site on Gould Plaza prior to the start of classes. New York Governor Cuomo unveils new policy that would mandate two weeks remote learning for any university reporting 100 COVID-19  cases or a number of COVID-19  cases exceeding 5% of the student population. (Staff Photo by Alexandra Chan)

NY State Says One-Hundred COVID-19 Cases Means Remote Learning for NYU

Here’s what NYU is doing to prevent that.
Trace Miller, Deputy News Editor August 31, 2020

If 100 or more members of the NYU campus community test positive for COVID-19, the entire university will have to transition to remote learning for at least two weeks; Gov. Andrew...

From left to right, Dr. Melody Goodman, Dr. Emanuel Peprah, and Congresswoman Alma Adams spoke during a webinar hosted by NYU School of Global Public Health. The panel addressed how minority groups, especially the African American community, were especially affected by the current health crisis. (Via NYU, Staff Illustration by Chelsea Li)

Panelists Say COVID-19 Has Disproportionate Effects on African American Communities

GPH and NYU’s John Brademas Center organized a webinar discussing the discriminating impact of pandemics on vulnerable communities.
Aarushi Sharma, Staff Writer April 20, 2020

COVID-19 has taken a disproportionate toll on the African-American community, according to experts who spoke at a webinar on Friday, April 17.  The panel — held via Zoom...

NYU’s School of Global Public Health aims to expand across several buildings by 2021. The school has drawn up initial blueprints but have not been able to make progress since the COVID-19 health crisis.
(Staff Illustration by Chelsea Li)

NYU School of Global Public Health Plans to Expand in 2021

The School has begun construction to expand its facilities on 708 Broadway by 2021 to accommodate its growing student body and staff.
Aarushi Sharma, Staff Writer April 17, 2020

NYU will expand the School of Global Public Health across adjoining historical buildings — a project that is planned to be completed by January 2021. The new expansion will...

Stop Celebrating Disordered Eating Habits

Stop Celebrating Disordered Eating Habits

While there is a distinction between disordered eating and eating disorders, disordered eating is still incredibly toxic, and celebrating it only wreaks havoc on one’s health.
Helen Wajda, Deputy Opinion Editor March 9, 2020

Content warning: this article discusses eating disorders. Over the past year, Adele’s dramatic weight loss has sparked headlines. As more photos of the singer have emerged,...

The WHO’s Emergency Notification System is Behind the Times

The WHO’s Emergency Notification System is Behind the Times

Bincheng Mao, Contributing Writer March 9, 2020

On Thursday, Jan. 31, the World Health Organization declared a Public Health Emergency of International Concern over the COVID-19 outbreak, reversing the decision it had made just...

The lights of the Apple Store illuminate 5th Avenue. The trillion-dollar company is being sued by an NYU Langone Cardiologist. (Staff Photo by Jake Capriotti)

NYU Cardiologist Sues Apple Over Patent Infringement

NYU cardiologist Dr. Joseph Wiesel is suing Apple for incorporating his patented irregular heartbeat detection technology into the Apple Watch.
Yi Yang, Contributing Writer February 13, 2020

Dr. Joseph Wiesel — an NYU Langone cardiologist — is suing Apple, claiming that the Apple Watch uses technology that he patented. Wiesel’s invention notifies users when...

Don’t Fixate on Calories

Don’t Fixate on Calories

Our society-perpetuated obsession with counting calories overlooks our unique nutritional needs and the different ways our bodies function and process food.
Helen Wajda, Deputy Opinion Editor February 3, 2020

In between classes yesterday, I grabbed a granola bar to hold me over until my next meal. I usually try to avoid scrutinizing nutrition labels too closely, but this time something...

Matcha Lattes - wonder for health or well-designed marketing scam? (Photo by Stefanie Chan)

Superfood or Super Fake?

Are your matcha latte and customized acai bowl saving you from cancer or turning manufacturers into multi-billionaires?
Yaprak Ugurses, Contributing Writer January 29, 2020

Wellness blogs, gourmet grocery stores and health food cafes are abundant with so-called superfoods. Goji berries allegedly protect your body from cancer as well as relieve symptoms...

Members of the NYU hockey team are growing out their mustaches for Movember. (Photos Courtesy of NYU Hockey)

Mustaches for a Cause: NYU Hockey Joins Movember Movement

The men’s hockey team is growing out their mustaches to raise awareness for men’s testicular and prostate cancer and suicide awareness.
Bin Cho, Staff Writer November 18, 2019

This November, members of the NYU men’s hockey team are growing out their mustaches in support of Movember, a global charity dedicated to raising awareness about men’s physical...