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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

Blueprinted Memories: An NYU Floor Plan

Blueprinted Memories: An NYU Floor Plan

A prose collection of our staff writers’ current or past experiences living in NYU Housing.

Third Avenue North Residence Hall, Room 506, North Tower By Jessica Fiorella, Voices Editor In my first year, Friday nights were always spent in the same place: my common...

“Portrait of a Lady on Fire” is now playing in cinemas. The film explores the blossoming relationship between two women in the 18th century. (Staff Photo by Kaylee DeFreitas)

‘Portrait of a Lady on Fire’: A Masterful Exploration of Love

The Cannes Film Festival Award for Best Screenplay Winner is a stunning portrayal of love through the gaze of an artist.
Kaylee DeFreitas, Arts Editor February 18, 2020

The Cannes Film Festival Award for Best Screenplay Winner is a stunning portrayal of love through the gaze of an artist. A group of women hum different notes around a fire....

Half of the critically acclaimed French Film "I Lost My Body" follows the misadventures of a disembodied hand, as told through animation. The film is one of several Netflix films nominated for Academy Awards this year. (Staff Photo by Fareid El Gafy)

‘I Lost My Body’: A Hand’s Odyssey

The French Oscar nominee for Best Animated Film combines traditional animation, a surrealist adventure story starring a disembodied hand and a young man’s search for love in a world of tragedy. And it’s beautiful.
Ben Linder, Contributing Writer February 14, 2020

Content warning: this article contains spoilers Why can’t French films ever just be normal? Just once. Must everything be beautiful and profound, not just in spite of, but...

Primarily set in an opera house, “Varda by Agnès,” is the renowned documentarian’s posthumous film that beautifully accounts – and transcends – her life and her career. (Photo Courtesy of Mk2 Films)

‘Varda by Agnès’: a Revolutionary Retrospective

Agnès Varda’s posthumous swan song is an inspirational love letter to the cinematic arts.
Nicolas Pedrero-Setzer, Contributing Writer November 11, 2019

Whether you remember her as a fierce documentarian, French New Wave pioneer, fervid feminist, installation-piece wizard or potato-lover, there’s no doubt AgnèsmVarda has etched...

Fringe Fall 2019

Fringe Fall 2019

November 7, 2019

Sarah Teed and David Leeper in "Where Do All the Ghosts Go?" The new play, running at Theater for the New City, follows the ghosts of five historical figures who haunt a soon-to-be-demolished building. (Photo by Joe Bly)

Ghosts Face Gentrification in ‘Where Do All the Ghosts Go?’

In Barbara’s Kahn’s dark comedy, an eclectic group of ghosts who call the St. Denis building home must team up with a young lesbian couple to find new dwellings to haunt before the historic building is demolished.
Julie Goldberg, Staff Writer April 15, 2019

In a historic building just south of Union Square, modernist artist Marcel Duchamp (David Leeper) and Wild West showman Buffalo Bill (Christopher Lowe) play a game of invisible...

"The Night Eats the World" follows one man's story after an outbreak of flesh-eating zombies.

Tribeca 2018: ‘The Night Eats the World’ Is A Great Zombie Movie

Alex Cullina, Staff Writer April 27, 2018
“The Night Eats the World" follows one man's journey after an outbreak of flesh-eating zombies.
The River Seine.

Day in the Life: Paris

Kaity Berg, Contributing Writer April 13, 2018
Did you ever wonder what is it like spending a semester at NYU Paris? Find out about a typical day at the abroad site.
Second Language Proficiency Must Be Required

Second Language Proficiency Must Be Required

Jan Alex, Contributing Writer September 20, 2017
In order for American students to remain cultured in an increasingly interconnected world, the U.S. needs to take pro-active measures to increase the foreign language literacy of students. If we do not act fast, we will simply be left behind.
Matiere S/S 2018

Matiere S/S 2018

Thomas Chou, Deputy Features Editor July 13, 2017

Matiere – it always sounds better in French, doesn’t it? Matiere, meaning “matter” in English, presented a minimal and modern Spring/Summer 2018 collection featuring...

“Cezanne et Moi” is a film about the friendship between painter Paul Cezanne and author Emile Zola that arises when Cezanne challenges Zola about his recent work. The film will open on April 7 with a national rollout to follow.

‘Cezanne et Moi’ Brings to Life the Friendship of Two Great Artists

Tristen Calderon, Staff Writer April 3, 2017
A new French film follows the sometimes volatile relationship between the Impressionist painter Paul Cézanne and novelist Émile Zola.
"The Death of King Louis XIV," directed by Albert Serra, portrays the death of the Sun God and how that led to the slow demise of the French monarchy.

Quiet and Contemplative, ‘Death of King Louis XIV’ Captures a Great Figure on Screen

Carter Glace, Staff Writer March 27, 2017
Albert Serra takes on the legacy of one of the loudest, most pompous kings in French history in new film "The Death of King Louis XIV" and makes it into a marvelously slow and quiet affair.