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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

383 Lafayette St. houses the Office of the Bursar which deals with student financial aid. When it comes to financial aid allocation, transfer students are at a great disadvantage. (Staff Photo by Alex Tran)

Opinion: NYU should expand institutional financial aid for transfer students

NYU remains one of the most expensive universities in the United States. Despite its overwhelming financial resources, its financial aid options for transfer students are inexcusably paltry.
Morgan Caramello, Staff Writer October 4, 2021

It is a university’s responsibility to care for its students, but transfer students at NYU are often left with their financial needs unmet. NYU, which boasts a whopping $4.7...

NYU is increasing undergraduate tuition for the upcoming 2021-22 academic year by $1,620, from $54,880 to $56,500. However, the university announced plans to continue disbursing COVID-19 relief grants — accessible through Albert — throughout the next semester. (Staff Photo by Manasa Gudavalli)

NYU increases tuition by 3%, COVID-19 grants will continue in the fall

As tuition continues to rise, some students believe NYU has become increasingly unaffordable. The university will continue to disburse COVID-19 Relief Grants, though, as students continue to face pandemic-related financial burdens.
Nina Huang, Staff Writer May 6, 2021

NYU is increasing undergraduate tuition for the upcoming 2021-22 academic year by $1,620, from $54,880 to $56,500. This figure does not include additional expenses such as housing,...

NYU Steinhardt building is located at 82 Washington Square E. In an attempt to fight against tuition increases, Steinhardt’s Undergraduate Student Government’s advocacy committee is writing a letter to the state legislature asking for the state of New York to increase its financial aid. (Photo by Mathilde Van Tulder)

Resolution addressing tuition increases and financial aid heads to the University Senate

The resolution demands that NYU freeze tuition increases for students facing financial difficulties and raise tuition and student financial aid packages proportionally for all other students.
Rachel Cohen, Staff Writer March 25, 2021

A resolution addressing the financial burdens of NYU students due to the COVID-19 pandemic is heading to the University Senate today, March 25, after passing through the Student...

NYU’s Bursar Office dealing with financial-aid issues is located in the StudentLink Center at 383 Lafayette. Some NYU students have received identical financial aid awards to last year, despite an increase in tuition. (Staff Photo by Alex Tran)

NYU Raising Tuition Amid COVID-19 Pandemic

NYU will be raising undergraduate tuition by over $700 for the fall semester, despite historic rates of joblessness due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Matthew Fischetti, Deputy News Editor June 26, 2020

While the possibility of a fully remote semester looms as COVID-19 cases continue to increase across the United States, NYU has decided to raise tuition rates for the upcoming...

DACA Recipients Deserve Aid

DACA Recipients Deserve Aid

Congress must reverse Betsy DeVos’s decision to ban DACA recipients from receiving financial aid during the pandemic.
Gabby Lozano, Deputy Opinion Editor April 29, 2020

Fearing deportation from federal agencies like the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement and failing to distribute protection to immigrant workers are just two of other examples...

The Washington Square Arch lies at the end of Fifth Avenue. President Andy Hamilton recently sent out an update email to the NYU community. (Staff Photo by Alexandra Chan)

University-Wide Email Leaves Students With More Questions Than Answers

In another community-wide email, university administrators detailed costs faced during the pandemic as well as how the university plans to proceed at this time.
Abby Hofstetter, Managing Editor April 28, 2020

Three NYU administrators sent a university-wide email on Monday, April 27 detailing the university’s net losses due to the coronavirus and its assumed next steps for the coming...

NYU Will Never be Prestigious Without Better Financial Aid

NYU Will Never be Prestigious Without Better Financial Aid

Each year, NYU embarks on an ambitious mission to better its reputation and world-standing, yet does nothing about its infamously poor financial aid offers.
Emily Dai, Deputy Opinion Editor April 6, 2020

Just days ago, NYU announced its annual admittance of the “most selective class” in its history. The acceptance rate for the Class of 2024 fell to 15%, more than halving its...

NYU’s Facade of Financial Support

NYU’s Facade of Financial Support

Despite promoting socio-cultural diversity, NYU continually sabotages and fails to accommodate lower-income students.
Emily Dai, Deputy Opinion Editor February 10, 2020

When Joshua Jackson applied to NYU, he didn’t expect to get full exposure to its financial classism. Jackson, a senior at Brown University, wrote to request an application fee...

A Semester in Review: NYU Continues to Prioritize Itself Over Students

A Semester in Review: NYU Continues to Prioritize Itself Over Students

Our editorial board looks back at the most important issues of the semester. From protecting abusers to neglecting its dining facilities, our university continues to ignore key student concerns in favor of its own priorities.
WSN Editorial Board December 2, 2019

Throughout the semester, we’ve been trying to understand NYU’s treatment of its students — more specifically, whether NYU is implicitly pro- or anti-student. A pro-student...

President Andrew Hamilton has officially decided to end his affordability initiative. (Staff illustration by Chelsea Li)

Off-Third: Hamilton Ends Affordability Initiatives, Bans ‘Broke B-tches’ From Attending

After significant efforts by the administration and student body to lower NYU’s tuition, the university has officially been deemed affordable.
Abby Hofstetter, Opinion Editor November 20, 2019

Off-Third is WSN’s satire section. NYU President Andrew Hamilton has decided to end his affordability initiative, saying that the student body has “too many broke b-tches.”...

Courtesy Meals Shouldn’t Come at a Price

Courtesy Meals Shouldn’t Come at a Price

Students were outraged after their financial aid was used for Courtesy Meals, which were initially promoted as free. Despite NYU's claim it has corrected the issue, the quiet charges are telling of how the university treats lower-income students.
WSN Editorial Board November 11, 2019

Students recently reported having financial aid, previously awarded for scholarships or work-study, be redistributed to pay for usage of the Courtesy Meals Program — which provides...

Students eat dinner at Kimmel Center Market Place. At a Wednesday town hall, students voiced complaints about high prices for meal plans. (Photo by Alexanda Chan)

Remember Students’ Request for Affordable Meal Plans? They Still Want Them, Students Say at Town Hall

Meal plans, housing, financial aid and more were discussed at a town hall event on Wednesday hosted by the financial committee and student government representatives.
Ronni Husmann, Deputy News Editor November 8, 2019

Students came up with ideas for how NYU’s high cost of attendance could be alleviated — even if by small increments, like cheaper meal plans or subsidized MetroCards for students...