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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

Members of the Tau Epsilon chapter of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. pose with their Sigma hand sign after co-hosting an event in Kimmel on Tuesday.

Sigma Gamma Rho Creates Space for Women of Color

Taylor Nicole Rogers, Editor-at-Large April 16, 2018
NYU’s only black sorority works to include black female students in student life.
Inside the Supreme Court of the United States.

NYU Takes Legal Action Against Trump Travel Ban

Alex Domb, Deputy News Editor April 9, 2018
On March 30, NYU lawyers filed an amicus curiae brief against the latest iteration of President Donald Trump’s “travel ban.”
March for Our Lives, Florence, Italy.

NYU’s Abroad Sites Join March for Our Lives Movement

Carine Zambrano, Abroad Editor April 2, 2018
NYU students reflect on striking moments at the March For Our Lives in Florence, Madrid and Paris.
Jèrôme Bel’s “Gala” made its NYC Premiere at Skirball from March 1-3.

Jérôme Bel’s ‘Gala’ Comes to Skirball

Devanshi Khepartal, Staff Writer March 5, 2018
Jèrôme Bel attempts to redefine our perception of dance, bodies and structure with the New York City premiere of "Gala."
Left to right: Whitney Tome, Myra Mathis, Ebony Martin, Pallavi Phartiyal and Anthony Tansimore. The Institute for Policy Integrity at NYU School of Law hosted an event in which panelists discussed how the environmental movement can encourage diversity.

Law Panels Shed Light on Need for Diversity in Environmentalism

Sunanda Gaskins, Contributing Writer February 13, 2018
NYU's School of Law hosted a panel last Tuesday to discuss the importance of diversity in environmentalism.
Syllabi Feature Cookie-Cutter Diversity

Syllabi Feature Cookie-Cutter Diversity

Diya Radhakrishna February 5, 2018
NYU Liberal Studies curriculum disproportionately focusses on Western society.
U.K.-based beauty blogger Amena Khan recently became the first hijab-wearing women to be given a major hair campaign. With the beauty industry's apparent rise in inclusive ad campaigns, skeptics wonder if companies are truly concerned about increasing diversity or are just using it as a advertising tactic.

Haircare For All — Hijabis Too

Thomas Chou, Beauty and Style Editor January 29, 2018
L'oreal takes a turn for the inclusive in it's newest announcements regarding a new shampoo advertisement.
The 2018 Grammy nominees are dominated by people of color, with artists like JAY-Z, Kendrick Lamar, Bruno Mars and SZA leading in most nominations.

Inclusivity at the 60th Grammys

Jendayi Omowale, Staff Writer January 18, 2018
Grammy Awards have been criticised and boycotted because of the lack of diversity they showed in the winners. This year seems to be more promising.
At NYU London, students of color may find it harder to feel at ease in a country where the population is predominantly white. NYU now offers diversity discussion panels at the abroad site.

London: It’s Even Harder to Be a Student of Color Abroad

Taylor Nicole Rogers, Abroad Editor November 17, 2017
Moving from NYU's diverse campus in New York to study abroad sites like NYU London can be disconcerting, especially when it comes to diversity.
Universities Should Do More to Integrate International Students

Universities Should Do More to Integrate International Students

WSN Editorial Board November 15, 2017
Now, more than ever, universities must make an effort to welcome and integrate its international students into the university’s community.
White Men Win Nobel Prize Again

White Men Win Nobel Prize Again

Tyler Crews, Deputy Sports Editor October 16, 2017
When I look at the list of 2017 laureates, I do not feel inspired. I, a woman, am less likely to be recognized for my efforts in academics than a man.
NYU is No Place for White Nationalists’ Propaganda

NYU is No Place for White Nationalists’ Propaganda

Kaitlynn Keller, Contributing Writer October 4, 2017
Students must fight to assure that NYU will continue to not tolerate white supremacy on campus or be a safe space for Nazis or white supremacists.