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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

NYU is No Place for White Nationalists’ Propaganda

NYU is No Place for White Nationalists’ Propaganda

Kaitlynn Keller, Contributing Writer October 4, 2017
Students must fight to assure that NYU will continue to not tolerate white supremacy on campus or be a safe space for Nazis or white supremacists.
This summer, the Center for Student Life opened the International Student Center, where international students can meet, connect and learn about new resources.

International Safe Space Opens in Kimmel

Adriana Tapia, Deputy News Editor September 5, 2017
A space for the NYU international community just opened in Kimmel.
The Community Service Issue

The Community Service Issue

Veronica Liow, Multimedia Editor April 24, 2017

Before I came to NYU, I remember hearing about students and alumni and their achievements. One Tisch alum wins an Oscar. A Gallatin student has a published book and is working...

For those who do not have the time  to play on varsity, the women’s club lacrosse team is an excellent alternative. It allows women to play lacrosse while simultaneously having time to relax.

Lacrosse Is Committed but Lax

Nika Woodfill, Deputy Sports Editor April 24, 2017
NYU is home to many club sports in addition to its myriad of NCAA DIII contingents. Here is a look at the women's club lacrosse team.
iGrade is an online service developed to guide students and their families on personal and college-related finances. NYU’s Affordability Steering Committee announced a partnership with the service on March 29.

Affordability Steering Committee Partners With iGrad

Lorenzo Gazzola, Contributing Writer April 5, 2017
NYU's Affordability Steering Committee announced that NYU will be partnering with iGrad, an online service that educates its users on managing their personal and college-related finances.
Senior Editor Rachel Ruecker reflects on how popular culture revolves around community.

The World According to Rachel: On Community

Rachel Ruecker, Senior Editor March 9, 2017
Senior editor Rachel Ruecker discusses the complexities of finding community while studying in New York.
The Mental Health Issue

The Mental Health Issue

Alex Bazeley, Editor-in-Chief November 14, 2016

It's no secret that college students face stress on a near-daily basis. The pressures to succeed can sometime be too much of a weight to bear, pushing some students to a breaking...

Friends work on schoolwork in Brittany Residence Hall, allowing them to be productive while getting to know each other.

Making Friends in Lonely New York City

Alice Li, Staff Writer November 8, 2016
Students discuss the trials and tribulations of finding friends at NYU.

Students Find Community at Flurry

Faith Gates, Staff Writer November 7, 2016
On one night each year, NYU students unite in their shared love for free ice skating.
Sports and theater may seem as though they are on opposite ends of the spectrum, but actually have a lot in common.

Sports vs. Theater: Working Toward a Common Cause

Rachel Ruecker, Sports Editor September 30, 2016
Sports Editor and Tischie Rachel Ruecker takes us through why maybe sports and theater aren't so different after all.
Because of the surrounding buildings, Washington Square Park feels like the center of NYU’s campus.

A Campus Is What You Make It

Taylor Nicole Rogers, Staff Writer April 25, 2016
NYU students discuss their understanding of our college's physical campus.
Assistant Director of the NYU Student Resource Center, Rollie Carencia, introduces everyone to the Veteran's Ball.

Inaugural Vet Ball Honors Those at NYU Who Have Served

Anne Cruz, News Editor April 11, 2016
The NYU Military Alliance hosted their Inaugural Veterans Ball on April 11 in celebration of NYU's diverse military community.