New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

NYU Divest members sit in on the 12th floor of Bobst Library waiting to confront university administrators in 2015. (Photo by Lexi Faunce)

Opinion: NYU investors must commit to sustainability

From divesting to uplifting clean energy initiatives, NYU’s board of trustees must increase the sustainability and transparency of their investment decisions.
Clara Scholl, Contributing Writer February 2, 2022

In 2015, NYU’s student body led an “NYU Divest” campaign urging the administration and board of trustees to stop investing the university’s endowment in fossil fuels. Prompted...

An illustration of a wooden box in a park. A pair of legs with blue jeans and black Converse sneakers stands on top of the box. The box reads “WSN.”

The Soapbox: Poland, Ethiopia, COP26 climate summit

The Soapbox is a weekly column by WSN’s news desk examining the major developments in world news and rounding up the stories we think are worth the read this week. Global consciousness for a global university.
Suhail Gharaibeh, Deputy News Editor November 12, 2021

In Poland, nationalist Independence Day marchers salute the border Right-wing nationalists took to the streets of cities across Poland on Thursday, celebrating the country’s...

The UN has done more than most realize to curb the effects of climate change. The organization is set to commence the Climate Change Conference on Oct. 31. (Photo by Camila Ceballos)

Opinion: The UN is taking substantial action against climate change

Despite climate defeatism and cynicism surrounding the U.N., the organization is making a difference in the fight for a greener future.
Camila Ceballos, Staff Writer October 25, 2021

As the United Nations prepares for this year's Climate Change Conference, starting on Oct. 31 in the United Kingdom, the efficacy of past efforts regarding climate change...

Jamie Margolin, an NYU sophomore, launches a high school scholarship that aims to push the discussion of climate justice. Applicants are asked to think about steps to take for climate justice. (Image courtesy of Jamie Margolin)

‘A Costco food sample of climate justice’: Tisch sophomore Jamie Margolin launches scholarship

The Climate Justice Scholarship will be awarded to one high school, university or trade school student who is passionate about combating the climate crisis.
Laura Beard, Contributing Writer September 21, 2021

Tisch sophomore Jamie Margolin knows that $1,000 will not solve the global issues many students are passionate about. But Margolin, 19, is hoping that her new Climate Justice Scholarship...

On Sept. 1, Hurricane Ida brought unprecedented amounts of rain to New York City and caused alarming floods. The damage has prompted more scrutiny on the citys future environmental agenda. (Staff Photo by Shaina Ahmed)

Opinion: Hurricane Ida highlights need for a more comprehensive climate strategy

The historic devastation Hurricane Ida wrought upon New York underscores the urgency of investing in climate infrastructure. Eric Adams’ climate plans, which remain vague, must prioritize climate resiliency and corporate accountability.
Michelle Han, Deputy Opinion Editor September 13, 2021

Hurricane Ida dumped record levels of rain across New York City on Sept. 1, shutting down packed streets and highways and flooding subway stations. Damage and tragedy overwhelmed...

NYU climate action must prioritize Indigenous knowledge

NYU climate action must prioritize Indigenous knowledge

In order to combat this climate crisis, we must rework spaces of environmental action to prioritize Indigenous knowledge.
Michelle Han, Contributing Writer March 24, 2021

Though discussions around the climate crisis have taken a back seat to COVID-19, the pandemic has reinforced the speed with which natural disasters can break down our understanding...

Students from NYU Divest called for the university to become carbon neutral at protests on campus last year. (Photo by Tony Wu)

Decarbonization Resolution Passes University Senate

After months of collaboration between activists and the university administration, the decarbonization resolution passed the University Senate.
Meghna Maharishi, News Editor April 25, 2019

A resolution to decarbonize the university passed at a University Senate meeting on Thursday with 47 votes in favor of the resolution and 40 votes against. Decarbonization calls...