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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

Woman posing by leaning on a stack of books while standing in front of a shelf packed with books.

Food Studies professor wins University Distinguished Teaching Award

Steinhardt professor Amy Bentley makes the food studies department proud with achievement for outstanding student engagement in teaching.
Carina Christo, Contributing Writer May 3, 2024

The annual University Distinguished Teaching Award recognizes a few full-time faculty members for their commitment to engaging with and mentoring students in their respective fields....

Lexie Alford, the youngest person ever to visit every country, holds up a sign that reads "Country #111" in front of the The Forbidden City palace complex in Beijing, China.

Q&A: Guinness World Record holder Lexie Alford on traveling to every country

After studying away, we thought we were expert solo travelers — until we sat down with the youngest person ever to visit every single country.
Anthony Ferrara and Roshni Raj May 6, 2022

Last semester, we studied away at NYU Abu Dhabi and NYU London, where we fully immersed ourselves in the local cultures. Over 40% of NYU students study away for at least one 16-week...

An illustration of the homepage of Albert, NYU’s online class registration portal. A purple horizontal box with white text reading “NYU” is at the top. Under this it reads “Albert,” and there is a purple shopping cart to the right side of the illustration.

How to survive course registration season

A guide to not being miserable next semester if your dream class fills up or you simply forget to register for classes. 
Mayee Yeh, Identity & Equity Editor April 25, 2022

Stowed away in my Google Drive is a document titled “Life Plans.” While admittedly a bit dramatic for its contents, it used to contain four combinations of classes for four...

(Photo by Katie Peurrung, Design by Sophia Di Iorio)

Maame Boatemaa | The Solo Traveler

Sam Klein, Managing Editor March 14, 2019

Natasha Roy, the writer of this article, volunteers at New Horizon Special School, a school for special needs children and adults in Accra. Students have many options when it comes to interning or volunteering with an Accra-based organization. (Photo by Natasha Roy)

What NYU Should Tell Accra-Bound Students

Natasha Roy, Staff Writer November 26, 2018
NYU should lay out more explicit guidelines for students hoping to study in Accra.
Osu Castle was a major port for the Transatlantic Slave Trade. NYU Accra students had the opportunity to visit the castle, and several undergraduate students are taking a course on the Transatlantic Slave Trade as told from the African perspective.

A Day in the Life: Accra

Natasha Roy, Staff Writer October 23, 2018
A student describes her typical day at NYU Accra, the smallest NYU study abroad site with only eight undergraduate students.
SPS sophomore Arik Rosenstein goes to the synagogue every Friday and Saturday in Accra, Ghana as part of his religious practices.

Retaining Faith While Abroad

Natasha Roy, Editor-at-Large October 1, 2018
Learn more about how one Jewish student maintains his religious practices while studying abroad.
The Study Away Issue

The Study Away Issue

Hannah Treasure, Digital Director February 26, 2015

  With cuisine from nearly every country available on Seamless, cultural festivals with everything from the dragons of Chinese New Year to the blaring bagpipes...

[UPDATED] NYU postpones study abroad program in Accra

[UPDATED] NYU postpones study abroad program in Accra

John Ambrosio and Valentina Duque Bojanini August 7, 2014
The study abroad campus in Ghana will be closed during the Fall semester.
On the Wire: Global

On the Wire: Global

March 31, 2014
Check out what's going on at NYU's global sites.
On the Wire: Global

On the Wire: Global

February 25, 2014
Catch up with news going around at the different global sites.
On the Wire: Global

On the Wire: Global

February 18, 2014
Catch up on news from NYU's global sites.