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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

Nicole Chiarella

Nicole Chiarella, Copy Chief

Nicole Chiarella is a sophomore in CAS majoring in English and history, and minoring in Journalism. Fun fact: you can check previous versions of her bio to see all the different minors she said she was gonna do. Nicole was born and raised in Miami, though she considers herself an honorary New Yorker. She loves — LOVES — Saturday Night Live, and all things Broadway. When she’s not copy chiefing or rewatching SNL skits, you can find her wandering around Central Park (with her best friend of course) or taking her third nap of the day. Find her on her Instagram too @nickynix_521!

All content by Nicole Chiarella
A filled transparent condom dispenser against a pink wall located in the resource center of the Third North residence hall.

Student-led initiative expands dental dam access

Dental dams, which protect against sexually transmitted infections, will be more available in residence halls due to the advocacy of a group within NYU’s Amnesty International chapter.
Nicole Chiarella, Staff Writer March 2, 2022

Dental dams will become more available across campus and in residence halls in the coming weeks. The initiative was piloted by Amnesty International’s sexual reproductive rights...

NYU student to compete on college ‘Jeopardy!’ tonight

NYU student to compete on college ‘Jeopardy!’ tonight

Tisch student Jeric Brual will represent NYU and test his trivia skills in the “Jeopardy! National College Championship” at 8 p.m. on ABC.
Nicole Chiarella, Contributing Writer February 15, 2022

Tisch senior Jeric Brual is set to represent NYU in the “Jeopardy! National College Championship” at 8 p.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 15. The film and television student will compete...

The MTA is responsible for public transportation in the New York City metropolitan area. The NYU School of Global Public Health received a $4 million federal grant to study the impact of COVID-19 on transit workers. (Staff Photo by Ryan Walker)

NYU researchers win $4M grant to study COVID impact on transit workers

The five-year project launched in November will help develop preventative measures that protect frontline workers from this pandemic and future ones.
Nicole Chiarella, Contributing Writer December 9, 2021

When COVID-19 began to spread in New York City last March, the services of the Metropolitan Transportation Authority were deemed essential, and transit employees were required...

Three separate incidents of food poisoning have been reported at the Palladium dining hall. The dining hall failed a health inspection in fall 2019. (Staff Photo by Jake Capriotti)

Palladium dining hall food caused food poisoning, 3 students say

Three students have claimed that eating at the Palladium Hall NYU Eats location in unrelated incidents on separate days caused them to become ill.
Nicole Chiarella, Contributing Writer November 22, 2021

Cindy Edward, a CAS senior, said she felt ill and had to check herself into the emergency room after eating at the Palladium dining hall. She had eaten a salmon salad for lunch...

If NYU Can Punish Violaters of COVID-19 Policies, Why Not Sexual Assault Perpetrators?

If NYU Can Punish Violaters of COVID-19 Policies, Why Not Sexual Assault Perpetrators?

NYU’s recent suspension of students demonstrates its power to hold students accountable for their actions. This level of accountability must set the precedent for cases of sexual assault in order to create a true zero-tolerance policy, instead of upholding an illusory idea of campus safety.
Nicole Chiarella, Copy Chief September 18, 2020

Note: This article contains mentions of sexual assault which may be triggering to some readers. Please proceed with caution. On Sept. 6, NYU made national headlines after suspending...

An illustration of a megaphone with a red handle. Written in orange on the megaphone are the words “Staff Rants.”

Staff Rants: Back To School

From the big workload to Zoom complaints, our staff has a lot of feelings about the first week of classes.

On the Lack of Anonymity  Alexandria Johnson, Deputy Managing Editor  Maybe it's just me, but why do I need to put my camera on for every class? I'm in my senior year juggling...

An illustration of a megaphone with a red handle. Written in orange on the megaphone are the words “Staff Rants.”

Staff Rants: Coronavirus

From the loss of indoor seating to general annoyance, our staff has a lot to say about the coronavirus.

On The Loss of Public Seating  Helen Wajda, Opinion Editor One thing living through a pandemic has taught me is that I rely entirely too much on public seating to get me...

Staff Rants and Raves: The Last of the Semester

Staff Rants and Raves: The Last of the Semester

Here's our staff’s random thoughts before we finish the end of the semester.

Rants On Apartment Heating Abby Hofstetter, Managing Editor Contrary to popular belief, I’m generally an agreeable person. I don’t really complain when things aren’t...

Teachers Deserve Better Pay in Crisis

Teachers Deserve Better Pay in Crisis

The chaos of transitioning to online learning calls for state and federal governments to reevaluate — and subsequently raise — teachers’ salaries.
Nicole Chiarella, Deputy Copy Chief May 4, 2020

Since the onslaught of the coronavirus pandemic, many schools across the United States have responded by closing their doors for the remainder of the academic year. As a result,...

"The Moscow Rules" is a 2019 novel about the Cold War written by Antonio and Jonna Mendez, two of the most decorated CIA officers. Through their command of language and compelling narratives, Jonna and Tony Mendez capture the innovation of CIA operations that occurred at the core of America’s adversary. (Staff Photo by Nicole Chiarella)

‘The Moscow Rules’: A Subtle and Declassified Account of the CIA

Written by two decorated CIA officers, “The Moscow Rules” provides insight into the tactics carried out by the CIA during the Cold War.
Nicole Chiarella, Deputy Copy Chief April 22, 2020

Editor’s Note: The facts presented in “The Moscow Rules” were not independently verified by WSN. The following is a review of the book as it is presented. In the chaos...

Melissa Chiarella wears an old T-shirt that she repurposed into a face mask. As the scarcity of PPE persists, this quick craft could be a helpful addition to your list of quarantine activities. (Photo by Melissa Chiarella)

How to Make Face Masks Out of T-Shirts

To combat the national shortage of face masks, people got creative with making their own gear. After just a few steps, you’ll learn how to make a face mask from a t-shirt.
Nicole Chiarella, Deputy Copy Chief April 17, 2020

Before the COVID-19 pandemic, face masks carried a different meaning: when someone suggested making one, it was typically from dark chocolate or honey, not a t-shirt. However,...

A Toast to Teachers

A Toast to Teachers

Though it’s easy to see what teachers have done for us, it’s quite difficult to see what we’ve done in return. It’s time to put teachers in the spotlight.
Nicole Chiarella, Contributing Writer October 18, 2019

Once upon a time, in the mystical land of Fair Pay, teachers were paid a livable wage. They didn’t have to work three jobs to afford their studio apartments. Buying school supplies...

Redefining Environmental Activism

Redefining Environmental Activism

Environmental activism uses a broad definition of environmentalism that foregrounds those with privilege. By narrowing down this definition and making it more inclusive, the 21st century environmental movement can finally globalize.
Nicole Chiarella, Contributing Writer October 14, 2019

Environmental activism is not unique to the 21st century. For hundreds of years, countless individuals have fought for a cleaner and healthier Earth. The late 1890s experienced...