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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

Emily Mason

Emily Mason, News Editor

Emily is a junior majoring in Journalism and English, but mostly Journalism. Her favorite restaurant is the mochi refrigerator at the 7-Eleven on Bowery. She gets the mint chocolate chip. Catch her reading Victorian novels and drinking black tea with milk and honey in bed every Friday from 8-10 p.m. followed by a screening of the CW’s Sabrina the Teenage Witch. Also, follow her Twitter @emilymason00 for more thrilling content — probably from WSN.

All content by Emily Mason
Many universities have placed their campuses in NYC. College students from NYC schools recently spoke with local and state officials about various issues they currently face. (Staff Photo by Jake Capriotti)

Elected Officials Address NYC College Students’ Pandemic Concerns

Senator Robert Jackson, Assemblymember Deborah Glick and Assemblymember Harvey Epstein responded to COVID-19-related concerns from students representing universities and colleges across New York City.
Emily Mason, News Editor May 4, 2020

New York Elected Representatives and New York City college students discussed issues facing college students in the age of COVID-19. Student representatives from Young Invincibles...

A parent of a Tisch student is suing the university on the grounds that students are entitled to a refund for all in-person services which can no longer be provided by the university. (Photo by Katie Peurrung)

Tisch Parent Sues NYU for Tuition

NYU is the latest university in New York City to be sued for tuition money back.
Emily Mason, News Editor April 30, 2020

A Tisch School of the Arts parent has filed a lawsuit against NYU claiming the school has not maintained the quality of education which students paid for at the start of the semester,...

NYU’s Department of Social and Cultural Analysis + English have demands for NYU’s Graduate School for Arts and Science. They call for increased graduate funding in face of the hardships affecting graduate students during this pandemic. (Photo by Anna Letson)

Faculty Demand Support For Graduate Students

Faculty members in the Department of Social and Cultural Analysis and the Department of English have sent letters to the administration asking for extensions of graduate student funding.
Emily Mason, News Editor April 27, 2020

The Department of Social and Cultural Analysis and the Department of English both sent letters to university administration calling for extended funding for graduate students facing...

Tisch students have been advocating for tuition reimbursement since the transition to remote learning due to COVID-19. However, students are being offered small fee refunds instead. (Photo by Katie Peurrung)

Expecting Tuition Reimbursement, Tisch Students Receive Fee Refunds Instead

Some Tisch students received refunds as low as $35 for fees after the closure of campus.
Emily Mason, News Editor April 13, 2020

Eligible Tisch students received an email on Friday, April 10 stating that they had been awarded refunds, but upon closer examination, students discovered fee reimbursements as...

Since the COVID-19 pandemic, many student-led organizing groups such as the NYU Covid Coalition and Students Demanding Care have advocated for the university to equitably support the community. Various petitions and letters have garnered enthusiastic response from students, but not so much from administration. (Staff Photo by Chelsea Li)

Student-Led Coalition Lobbies for Greater University Support Amid COVID-19

The NYU COVID-19 Coalition is advocating for the university to better support students financially and academically as coronavirus continues to pose challenges to the community.
Emily Mason, News Editor April 13, 2020

The NYU COVID-19 Coalition — a student activist organization —  demanded a meeting with university officials in its most recent letter to NYU President Andrew Hamilton sent...

Carlyle Court is an NYU residence hall on 15th St and Union Square West. Carlyle and Third North are two dorm halls that will be turned over to assist in the COVID-19 health crisis. (Staff Photo by Alexandra Chan)

Two NYU Dorms Will Be Made Available to Medical Workers

Carlyle Court Residence Hall and Third Avenue North Residence Hall will be offered to NYU medical workers to provide extra space as New York hospitals face the peak of the coronavirus curve.
Emily Mason, News Editor April 7, 2020

Carlyle Court Residence Hall and Third Avenue North Residence Hall will likely be used as extra hospital spaces, according to an email sent out by NYU leadership on Saturday, April...

Personal protective equipment is vital in the fight against the coronavirus, and many cities are facing a lack of supplies. The NYU COVID-19 task force has begun making their own PPE. (Image courtesy of NYU COVID-19 Task Force)

NYU COVID-19 Task Force Supplies Face Shields to Medical Workers

The NYU COVID-19 Task Force, composed of faculty and teams from across NYU and NYC, is working to supply NYC hospitals with personal protective equipment.
Emily Mason, News Editor April 6, 2020

In the rush to prepare medical workers for the peak of the coronavirus curve, researchers on the NYU COVID-19 Task Force are working to design and supply face shields to medical...

NYU Langone's Tisch Hospital is where many pre-med students complete their residencies. NYU Grossman School of Medicine will be allowing medical students to graduate early in response to the COVID-19 crisis. (Staff Photo by Leo Sheingate)

Some NYU Medical Students Will Graduate Early to Fight Coronavirus

The NYU Grossman School of Medicine gave medical students the option to graduate early to assist in the fight against the coronavirus, the school announced on Wednesday.
Emily Mason, News Editor March 27, 2020

The NYU Grossman School of Medicine is allowing fourth-year students to graduate three months early to combat the coronavirus, the school announced on Wednesday, March 25.  69...

Due to the increase in the number of NYU COVID-19 cases, students recently received an email regarding their dorms and belongings. While those evicted found a home for themselves, those who moved out and left their possessions are unlikely to see them shipped anytime soon. (Staff Photo by Alexandra Chan)

University Announces More COVID-19 Cases, Delays in Returning Students’ Belongings

NYU announced two dozen cases of COVID-19 within the NYU community and that students who left items in their dorm room after an abrupt move-out notice should not expect their belongings to be shipped to them in the near future.
Lisa Cochran and Emily Mason March 25, 2020

There are approximately 24 cases of COVID-19 within the NYU community as of Tuesday, March 24 — doubling the number from nearly three days ago— according to a university-wide...

The COVID-19 crisis has left students wondering about the rest of their spring academic semester. Most NYU schools are currently offering students the option to request to pass/fail their classes up until May 12th. (Staff Photo by Alexandra Chan)

NYU Schools Update Pass/Fail Policies in Response to Coronavirus

Several NYU schools are offering expanded pass/fail options for students in response to concerns surrounding the transition to remote instruction.
Emily Mason, News Editor March 23, 2020

Some undergraduate students can now choose to pass/fail Spring 2020 courses and still count them towards degree requirements, as several school deans have announced in response...

A student packs up their belongings in Clark Hall, a residence hall in Brooklyn Heights. NYU dorm halls are reportedly to be used to remedy hospital bed shortages. (Staff Photo by Jake Capriotti)

NYU Dorms May House Coronavirus Patients

Vice President of Student Affairs Marc Wais sent an email on Tuesday, March 17 opening up the possibility of NYU’s residence halls being used as surplus hospital beds.
Emily Mason, News Editor March 18, 2020

Editor's Note, March 18: the number of hospital beds in New York City has been updated for specificity. They were counted using data from the New York State Department of Health...

Rubin Hall is a first-year residence hall that lies on 5th Avenue and 10th Street. President Hamilton sent out a memorandum Monday afternoon informing the NYU community that NYU was closing residence halls and dining halls, asking students to leave by latest March 22. (Staff Photo by Alexandra Chan)

Dorm Closures Leave Residents with Little Support

NYU hall residents react to New York dorm closures.
Emily Mason, News Editor March 17, 2020

NYU students have been left confused, surprised and scrambling following NYU President Andrew Hamilton’s announcement on Monday, March 16 that New York residence halls will close...

The Vanderbilt Hall on Washington Square S hosts the NYU Law School. An NYU Law student has tested positive for COVID-19 in an email sent by the Dean to students who were in class with the student.

NYU Law Student Tests Positive for Coronavirus

An email sent out to students at the NYU School of Law by Dean Trevor Morrison stated that a student tested positive for COVID-19, making it the second confirmed case of the virus in the NYU community.
Emily Mason, News Editor March 15, 2020

A student at the NYU School of Law has tested positive for the coronavirus, according to an email sent out by NYU School of Law Dean Trevor Morrison. The email, sent out Sunday,...

NYU students studying abroad in Europe have been told to return home. Trump announced a travel ban on European countries, yet leaves out the United Kingdom and makes an exemption for U.S. citizens. (Staff Photo by Alexandra Chan)

As President Trump Restricts Flights From Europe, NYU Calls for Students to Return Home

NYU is ushering students at European abroad sites to return home after Trump announced a new policy banning travel by non-American citizens from Europe to the United States.
Emily Mason, News Editor March 13, 2020

NYU is pushing for students studying abroad at European sites to return home following President Trump’s national address regarding Coronavirus on Wednesday, March 11. Two...

A beach lies at the waterfront of Tel Aviv, Israel, which was an NYU study abroad site. On Thursday evening, NYU Tel Aviv announced plans to go remote. (Photo by Julia McNeill)

NYU Tel Aviv Switches to Online Classes

Following orders from the Israeli government to close all universities in Israel amid the spread of COVID-19, NYU’s Tel Aviv campus has shifted to remote courses.
Emily Mason and Lisa Cochran March 13, 2020

Following NYU’s Washington Square and Europe campuses, NYU Tel Aviv will be switching to remote classes to combat the spread of the novel coronavirus, according to an email sent...

The first local case of COVID-19 has been confirmed by NYU administrators. An email sent to the NYU Law community late Tuesday night informed students that an NYU Law faculty member had tested positive for the coronavirus. (Photo by Nina Schifano)

Coronavirus Case Confirmed at NYU Law

The dean of NYU School of Law sent out an email on Tuesday March 10 announcing that a member of faculty has tested positive for COVID-19.
Emily Mason, News Editor March 11, 2020

This is a developing story. WSN will update this article as we learn more. An NYU School of Law faculty member has tested positive for the novel coronavirus, according to an...

NYU Closes European Academic Centers

NYU Closes European Academic Centers

The NYU Global Programs Office sent out an email on Tuesday, March 10 officially closing academic centers, canceling local trips, student activities and internships as the coronavirus rapidly increases.
Emily Mason, News Editor March 11, 2020

In the most recent step of the university's rapidly evolving response to coronavirus, NYU has closed academic centers across all European study abroad sites. Students currently...

The Government of the Community of Madrid has ordered a 15 day shut down of all schools in response to the coronavirus. NYU Madrid students were notified Monday half an hour after midnight local time, and were asked to contact Madrid Student Life on their plans. (Photo by Laurie Germain)

After WSP Campus Closure, NYU Madrid to Offer Classes Remotely

NYU Madrid is canceling in-person classes in favor of remote lectures in response to coronavirus for the next 15 days starting Wednesday.
Lisa Cochran and Emily Mason March 9, 2020

NYU Madrid will be following Washington Square Campus’ lead and switching to remote classes for a 15-day-period starting this Wednesday, according to an email from site director...

Some NYU students from abroad sites receive emails from the school regarding the Coronavirus situation. They were offered the option to go home and take online classes. (Staff photo by Alex Tran)

NYU Offers Students Abroad Remote Classes

NYU is providing the option for students studying abroad to return home and finish out the semester through online learning.
Emily Mason, News Editor March 4, 2020

NYU students currently studying abroad were offered the chance to return home and take classes remotely amid impending threats of the coronavirus at many NYU sites, according to...

Student loan applications are a common experience faced by many university students worrying about tuition costs.  A recent report comparing NYU, Howard University, and New Mexico State has shown that students attending predominantly black or hispanic-serving institutions face higher costs from private companies determining creditworthiness. (Staff Photo by Jake Capriotti)

Report Reveals Discriminatory Practices on Students’ Loans

Using NYU as one metric, the Student Borrower Protection Center report found that private companies’ use of educational data could negatively impact students’ loan rates at historically Black colleges or universities and Hispanic-serving institutions.
Emily Mason, News Editor March 2, 2020

Black and Latinx university students may receive worse rates on their loans due to the use of educational data by private companies to establish credit worthiness, according to...

Members from Share Meals present their application at the Town Hall. Downloading this app is an initiative you can take to improve food security at NYU. (Staff photo by Alex Tran)

SGA Chairperson Hosts Town Hall on Food Insecurity

Senator-at-Large for Students Experiencing Food Insecurity, Jakiyah Bradley, hosted a town hall on Tuesday, Feb. 25 to discuss the issue on NYU’s campus.
Emily Mason, News Editor February 26, 2020

Students gathered in Kimmel Center for University Life on Tuesday night to discuss food insecurity on NYU’s campus. The town hall was moderated by Jakiyah Bradley, the SGA...

Protests erupted in subway stations like Union Square following an increase in police officers and a fare hike (Staff Photo via Anna-Dmitry Muratova

NYU Professor Accused of Inciting City-Wide Subway Protests

An NYU professor is allegedly the organizer of the protests in the subways that caused $100,000 worth of damage in the last few months.
Emily Mason, News Editor February 24, 2020

Gallatin Adjunct Professor Amin Husain is the lead organizer of Decolonize This Place (DTP), the New York Post reports. DTP is an activist and artist collective which supports...

Masks are worn to prevent the spread of airborne diseases. In light of the recent coronavirus outbreak, many have taken heightened health measures. (Staff Illustration by Charlie Dodge)

Stigma Dominates Coronavirus Conversation in NYC

Media coverage, social media postings and institutional responses to coronavirus have inflamed anti-Asian sentiment in NYC and beyond.
Emily Mason, News Editor February 10, 2020

The coronavirus has consumed social media platforms recently, but the conversation and containment efforts surrounding the virus have inflamed years-old stigmas against Asians...

Located on West 4th Street, the Leonard N. Stern School of Business is the business school of New York University. Stern recently received a STEM designation to help out international MBA students.(Photo by Manasa Gudavalli)

Stern MBA Program is Designated STEM

NYU Stern’s MBA program has received a STEM designation, which will allow international students to work in the United States for longer after graduating.
Emily Mason, News Editor February 10, 2020

NYU Stern’s MBA program received a STEM designation, increasing the program’s appeal for international students by allowing them to work in the U.S. for more time after graduation. STEM...

A pile of trash was lit on fire across from the Tisch building on Broadway. (Staff Photo via Lisa Cochran)

Trash Fire Spotted Near Tisch Building

An NYU student spotted a man setting fire to a pile of trash across from the Tisch building on Broadway.
Emily Mason, News Editor February 7, 2020

McDonald’s workers extinguished a fire that broke out across from NYU’s Tisch building on Thursday night. No injuries have been reported thus far.  Global Liberal Studies...

Applications to NYU have increased for the 13th year in a row. (Photo by Justin Park)

NYU Class of 2024 Applications Exceed 85,000

Applications to NYU have increased for the 13th year in a row.
Lisa Cochran and Emily Mason February 6, 2020

NYU received over 85,000 applications for first-year admissions for the fall class of 2024, according to a press release from the university. This marks the 13th year that NYU’s...

2018 Stern graduate Bill Tsai who pleaded guilty to insider trading last year, was charged last week. (Staff Photo by Chelsea Li, Staff Illustration by Charlie Dodge)

Stern Alumnus Sentenced for Insider Trading — With Minimal Consequences

An NYU Stern alumnus, Bill Tsai, was charged this January for profiting nearly $100,000 after trading using secret information acquired through his role as a junior analyst at RBC Capital Markets.
Emily Mason, News Editor February 3, 2020

Stern alumnus Bill Tsai will spend 90 days in a community reentry center, be placed under five-year probation, fined $100 and forfeit his illicit earnings, according to court documents. Bill...

Steinhardt flags fly above its Washington Square East building. (Staff Photo by Alana Beyer)

NYU Steinhardt Graduate School Creates New Scholarships for Underrepresented Students

A new strategy for fostering a diverse student body at Steinhardt includes new scholarships at the graduate school.
Emily Mason, News Editor January 30, 2020

NYU Steinhardt's graduate school announced new scholarship categories earlier this month designed to support underrepresented communities.  The newly announced scholarships...

Securities and Exchange Commissioner Robert Jackson Jr. return to NYU Law after his time fighting for transparent trading policies and protecting every day investors. (Via Wikimedia)

SEC Commissioner Returns to NYU Law as a Professor

Prior to his appointment as SEC Commissioner and at NYU Law, Robert J. Jackson Jr. served as a professor at Columbia University School of Law as well as in the Treasury Department and at Bear Stearns.
Emily Mason, News Editor January 29, 2020

Securities and Exchange Commissioner Robert Jackson has spent the past two years lobbying for transparent trading policies and protecting everyday investors, but this year he is...

Students like Joshua Olujide have relied on donations to help pay for their tuition. (Image via GoFundMe)

NYU Students Turn to Crowdsourcing Tuition

NYU students are finding new ways to remedy high tuition costs, including sites like GoFundMe.
Emily Mason, News Editor January 28, 2020

LS sophomore Zoe Ozochiawaeze was ready to return to her life at NYU, filled with classes, extracurriculars and working as a marketing assistant and student office assistant for...

Students march outside Bobst Library in  response to the university's decision to keep on Professor Avital Ronell. (Photo by Mina Mohammadi)

NYU’s Title IX Complaints Come in Disproportionately Low in New Report

A composite report of Title IX complaints across New York State campuses reveals an epidemic of underreporting and the essential role of universities in supporting survivors.
Emily Mason, News Editor January 27, 2020

NYU appeared on the first composite data report of sexual assault complaints to Title IX offices across all New York college campuses released by the state. The data highlights...

Ahead of the Uber IPO,  rideshare workers protest for better working conditions (Emily Mason)

Photo: Uber and Lyft Drivers Strike Over Poor Working Conditions

Victor Porcelli, News Editor May 9, 2019

Ahead of the Uber IPO, rideshare workers protest for better working conditions (Emily Mason)

New York Times columnist Bret Stephens spoke on anti-semitism at an event co-hosted by TorchPAC and Realize Israel on Monday. (Photo by Emily Mason)

Controversial New York Times Columnist Discusses Rising Anti-Semitism

On a panel hosted by Realize Israel and TorchPAC, New York Times columnist Bret Stephens spoke about anti-Semitism across the political spectrum.
Emily Mason, Deputy News Editor May 1, 2019

Students crowded the auditorium at the Global Center for Academic and Spiritual Life to hear New York Times columnist Bret Stephens speak at an event co-hosted by TorchPAC and...

Basil plants given out at NYU's Earth day fair. (Emily Mason)

Green Fair Educates Students on Sustainability

EarthMatters hosted its annual street fair to encourage sustainability and environmental activism.
Emily Mason, Deputy News Editor April 29, 2019

Dozens of vendors and students stuck out torrential rain and lightning flashes at the annual EarthMatters green fair on Friday. EarthMatters, NYU’s longest-running environmental...

Students observe a moment of silence in honor of the victims of Sri Lankan bombings. (Alana Beyer)

Victims of Sri Lanka Bombings Honored at Vigil

A little more than a month after a vigil to honor victims of the New Zealand shootings, students once again gathered on Kimmel’s steps to memorialize victims of the recent bombings in Sri Lanka.
Emily Mason, Deputy News Editor April 24, 2019

A vigil to memorialize the victims of a series of bombings that occurred in Sri Lanka on Easter Sunday was held in the Kimmel Center for University Life on Tuesday. On Sunday,...

Commencement speaker's organization just made a donation towards NYU libraries. (Staff Photo by Jorene He)

Grant from Commencement Speaker’s Foundation Funds Library Preservation

The grant will fund preservation of scholarly works that contain media files like audio recordings and simulation.
Emily Mason, Deputy News Editor April 22, 2019

Music Professor Robert Rowe experienced every scholar’s nightmare when he tried to open the original digital version of his book, which was published in 1992. The old Microsoft...

Quotes from catcallers written in chalk remain from an event held by Catcalls of NYC for Anti street-harassment week. ( Photo by Alana Beyer)

Student Covers Washington Square Park With Catcalls

Owner of popular account catcallsofnyc hosted a chalking event at Washington Square Park for International Anti-Street Harassment Week.
Emily Mason, Deputy News Editor April 15, 2019

Colorful words littered the ground of Washington Square Park on Saturday, but the vibrant chalk letters didn’t convey messages as bright. CAS senior Sophie Sandberg is the...

Elementary school students participate in African dance class at The Learning Tree Cultural Preparatory School in the Bronx. (Courtesy of A’nisa Megginson)

Bronx Prep School Encourages Black Students to Excel

Gallatin senior A’nisa Megginson has been donating the proceeds of her Stay Woke & Meditate club to her former elementary school, The Learning Tree Cultural Preparatory School, which features a curriculum geared toward helping black students excel in any field.
Emily Mason, Deputy News Editor April 7, 2019

The sound of banging drums reverberates throughout the auditorium as lines of students in long-patterned skirts dance while stepping to the beat of their classmates’ rapid playing....

The logo of NYU's Student Government. (Courtesy of NYU Student Government)

Plaque Honoring Black and Brown Coalition to be Installed in CMEP Lounge

The SGA Diversity Committee has been working to put up a plaque in the CMEP lounge to honor the group that fought for its creation.
Emily Mason, Deputy News Editor April 3, 2019

In 2015, members of the Black and Brown Coalition worked to establish a lounge for students of color on the eighth floor of the Kimmel Center for University Life. About one year...

The “Carceral Crisis: Race, Class and Punishment in America” course in the Arthur L. Carter Journalism Institute focuses on providing students with an in-depth understanding of mass incarceration. (Photo by Victor Porcelli)

Journalism Class Invites Author Alex Vitale to Discuss the Impacts of Mass Incarceration

The class “Carceral Crisis: Race, Class and Punishment in America” invited author Alex Vitale to discuss the effects of mass incarceration on a local level.
Emily Mason, Staff Writer March 28, 2019

Students from NYU’s newest class on mass incarceration convened on the fourth floor of 20 Cooper Square on Wednesday to meet Alex Vitale, the author of their most recent in-class...

Chalk outlines on Washington Place memorialized the 108th anniversary of the Traingle Shirtwaist Factory fire on Monday. The fire was one of the deadliest industrial disasters in U.S. history. (Photo by Sam Klein)

New Yorkers Gather to Memorialize Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire Victims

Labor organizations and members of the Remember the Triangle Fire Coalition spoke about the reforms that the historic fire brought to workers' rights, and the need for that same awareness now.
Emily Mason, Staff Writer March 26, 2019

Around 300 people gathered to commemorate the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire’s 108th anniversary at NYU’s Brown Building on Monday. Labor groups spoke out about workers’...

The NYU Tandon Robotics Design Team at the Kennedy Space Centre (via NYU)

Robotics Competition Canceled After Government Shutdown

Tandon’s robotics team was preparing for NASA’s robotics competition, but the government shutdown resulted in its abrupt cancelation.
Emily Mason, Staff Writer March 4, 2019

Tandon School of Engineerings’ robotics team was brought back down to Earth after their NASA-hosted competition was canceled. NASA sent an email to the team informing them...

NYU’s Broome Residential College, where a student was locked in their laundry room overnight. (Julia Moses)

Student Trapped for Eight Hours in Broome Laundry Room

GLS sophomore Hunter Major found herself locked in Broome’s laundry room for eight hours due to the lockset failing.
Emily Mason, Staff Writer March 4, 2019

GLS sophomore Hunter Major hosted some friends in her Broome Street Residential College dorm on Thursday night. The group ordered pizza, danced and was together until about 1:00...

From left to right: A'Nisa Megginson, Harmony Hemmings-Pallay and Hunter Major, curators of the "I Too, Am Divine" exhibit. (Photo by Emily Mason)

New Space for Black Students Opens for the Spring Semester

“I, Too, Am Divine,” a semester-long exhibition meant to celebrate black spiritualism through art and discussion launched this Tuesday.
Emily Mason, Staff Writer February 21, 2019

Chatter fills the fourth floor of the Global Center for Academic and Spiritual Life as people settle on couches around a wooden structure covered in light pink plastic blossoms....

The Black Millennial Event (Photo by Emily Mason).

Weekly LS Panels Highlight Diverse Black Experiences

To kick off Black History Month, LS hosted a panel discussing the differing experiences within the black community.
Emily Mason, Staff Writer February 11, 2019

LS Clinical Assistant Professor Kaia Shivers read lines in the Yoruba language, with each sentence punctuated by a collective chant of “ashe,” the Yoruba word meaning “so...

A lounge at John F. Kennedy International Airport. (Staff Photo by Julia McNeill)

JFK May Get Worse Before It Gets Better

At an NYU Wagner symposium, professors and Port Authority executives discussed the future of JFK airport, including a $13 billion modernization plan.
Emily Mason, Staff Writer February 7, 2019

Anyone who has flown out of John F. Kennedy International Airport knows it can be a taxing experience. From the confusing and congested journey into the airport to the long waits...

Gallatin event hosts local politicians to discuss progressivism. (Photo by Emily Mason)

Progressive Politicians Plan to Mold New York City Into a Model for the Nation

Prominent New York City politicians and professors visited the Gallatin School of Individualized Study to discuss the impact of local progressivism in New York City and beyond.
Emily Mason, Staff Writer February 1, 2019

For the first time in a decade, democratic politicians have a majority in the New York State Senate, opening up the opportunity for more progressive policies. Powerhouses of the...

7 Downtown Bars to Keep You Busy All Week

7 Downtown Bars to Keep You Busy All Week

Mix up your nightlife with these 7 fun events.
Emily Mason, Contributing Writer October 9, 2018

New Yorkers love going out. Thursday through Saturday, the streets are flooded with drunk college students, young professionals, and even the occasional group of parents out on...

A visitor stands among the neon signs.

Satisfy Your Sensorium With Tea and Neon at New Pop-Up

Room For Tea combines art, education and food into this new pop-up exhibit.
Emily Mason, Contributing Writer September 24, 2018
Room For Tea combines art, education and food into this new pop-up exhibit.