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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News


Higher Education Needs Intervention From All Sides

Higher Education Needs Intervention From All Sides

NYU is lobbying the state government for tuition assistance — but what else can be done to aid students?
WSN Editorial Board February 25, 2019

Last week, WSN reported on NYU’s intentions to lobby for increased state funding for tuition. Considering the university’s infamously high tuition, the change would be a welcome...

Confessions of a Prelaw Student

Confessions of a Prelaw Student

Opinion Editor Melanie Pineda writes about why she wants to go to law school, and why she believes it will — hopefully — be worth it.
Melanie Pineda, Opinion Editor February 25, 2019

As a junior in NYU’s prelaw program, I have never faced anything quite as terrifying as the idea of law school. I’ve known I wanted to be a lawyer since I first interned in...

Refocusing the Conversation on Education Reform

Refocusing the Conversation on Education Reform

The focus on school choice is swaying the conversation around education reform away from what really matters — public school reform.
Nosheen Hossain, Contributing Writer February 20, 2019

Conversations surrounding education reform consistently center around the school choice debate. To summarize, politicians and reformers have been aggressively debating on whether...

STEM Students Need Seminars, Too

STEM Students Need Seminars, Too

STEM majors deserve to reap the collaborative benefits of a seminar-style education rather than earn a degree through repeated experiences of large, impersonal lecture-based courses.
Vivian Holland, Contributing Writer February 19, 2019

Every semester, thousands of aspiring doctors, engineers, surgeons and researchers square up against a common foe, one they must tackle before their days of hypothesizing and diagnosing...

When Your NYU Community Doesn’t Respect You

When Your NYU Community Doesn’t Respect You

An editor gives her insight into the viral tweet regarding a racist incident at NYU’s Silver School for Social Work.
Sarah John, Deputy Opinion Editor February 19, 2019

NYU is the first community I have truly chosen to be a part of. I love this community, and the people in it. I smile at people in my dorm’s elevator. When I share a table with...

The Changing Face of Journalism

The Changing Face of Journalism

What does it mean to major in journalism during times of massive job cuts and the death of print publications?
WSN Editorial Board February 4, 2019

Every outlet — from WSN’s editor-in-chief to the Washington Post— is talking about it. The so-called death of journalism as we know it is upon us. With major layoffs of talented...

The Contradictions of a Catholic Education

The Contradictions of a Catholic Education

Read one writer’s take on the Covington Catholic incident and what that says about the Catholic education and the Catholic Church as a whole.
Cole Stallone, Deputy Opinion Editor February 4, 2019

Like many, I was disgusted by the incident that occurred during the Indigenous People’s March just a few weeks ago; a group of Trump supporting teenagers surrounded and mocked...

Putting Geography Education on the Map

Putting Geography Education on the Map

Why geography education could be the answer to creating a generation of more informed citizens
Hanna Khosravi, Opinion Editor February 3, 2019

Back in high school, I had a substitute teacher that showed up relatively often to fill in for any history, science or math teacher. Or anyone, really, that was absent for a day...

Standing Up Against Secretary of Education’s New Regulations

Standing Up Against Secretary of Education’s New Regulations

Students for Sexual Respect, Contributing Writer December 5, 2018

On Nov. 16, 2018, under the leadership of Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos, the United States Department of Education revealed its newly proposed regulations regarding schools’...

NYU’s LA Campus: An Attempt to Rise up the Ranks

NYU’s LA Campus: An Attempt to Rise up the Ranks

NYU’s developments in LA are the latest in the university’s push to rise to the top.
WSN Editorial Board November 18, 2018
NYU’s developments in LA are the latest in the university’s push to rise to the top.
Diverse in Race, Diverse in Thought

Diverse in Race, Diverse in Thought

Colleges aren’t sacrificing intellectual diversity by focusing on racial diversity. They are helping to create it.
Sarah John, Contributing Writer October 31, 2018
Colleges aren’t sacrificing intellectual diversity by focusing on racial diversity. They are helping to create it.
Girls Who Code Isn't About Stealing Jobs From Men

Girls Who Code Isn’t About Stealing Jobs From Men

Serena Vanchiro, Columnist October 15, 2018
After a jarring conversation with a fellow Tandon student who invalidated the Girls Who Code movement, our columnist Serena aims to explain what the Girls Who Code movement is and what it isn't, while incorporating her own experience with the organization.