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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News


College of Dentistry professor, team research HIV-1 cell reproduction

September 24, 2013
Professor David Levy and his research team have discovered a way HIV-1 reproduces itself.
Lauren Kim for WSN

Space Priorities Group holds second Town Hall

September 24, 2013
Greenwich Village residents continue to voice their concerns over the university's planned expansion.

Law School hosts humane education conference

September 23, 2013
On UN World Peace Day, the NYU School of Law invited experts and scholars to discuss humane education.
Jonathan Tan/WSN

Residence halls show spirit in Torch Day festivities

Emily Bell September 23, 2013
Residence halls participated in Torch Day, which is an on-campus leadership retreat, to begin the year's IRHC general assembly.

NYU Divest kicks off year with first meeting, other schools taking notice

September 19, 2013
NYU Divests plans to demand that the University divest from fossil fuel companies.
Courtesy of Yann LeCun

Courant professor to receive award in Beijing

September 18, 2013
Courant professor Yann LeCun will receive the Neural Networks Pioneer Award in Beijing next July.
Felipe De La Hoz/WSN

NYU, USC study finds potential cancer treatment

September 18, 2013
An NYU and USC research team released their findings that could help stop tumor growth.
Felipe De La Hoz/WSN

SLAM delivers letter to university

September 18, 2013
NYU's Student Labor and Action Movement met in Bobst to protest the university's continued support of sweatshops.
Darya Soroko for WSN

Student Activities Board announces new club application

September 17, 2013
The New Club Development Program requires students to plan expected events with a predicted budget and compile 100 signatures in support of the club.

TEDStudies series presents views of the Western diet

September 17, 2013
Food studies professor Amy Bentley and four 2013 NYU graduates created the TEDStudies lecture series "Sustainable Consumption: Reworking the Western Diet."
Hannah Cohen/WSN

LGBTQ Center hosts annual drag competition

September 16, 2013
The annual NY(DRAG)U competition was held in Kimmel on Friday.
Maddie Freeman for WSN

Small businesses in Village cannot withstand rent increases

September 16, 2013
University Restaurant, and other locations in Greenwich Village, are forced to close after rent increases.