Letter to the Editor: The NYU YDSA tuition strike laid the foundation for future organizing
Despite the obstacles to organizing at a school like NYU, YDSA’s tuition strike proved that students are willing to take action to demand the university they deserve. A response to “NYU YDSA strikes out,” Nov. 12.
Jake Colosa, Contributing Writer
• November 19, 2021

Opinion: NYU YDSA strikes out
In the past, students have been willing to risk their degrees, lives and limbs for what they believe in. The NYU YDSA strike did not demonstrate that same resolve or organization.
Zach Banks, Staff Writer
• November 12, 2021

NYU YDSA cancels tuition strike after failing to garner student interest
Organizers called off a tuition strike intended to pressure the university into yielding to student demands for increased affordability and transparency. The strike failed to achieve its goal of mobilizing 5,000 students.
Jessie Hinson, Contributing Writer
• November 10, 2021

NYU increases tuition by 3%, COVID-19 grants will continue in the fall
As tuition continues to rise, some students believe NYU has become increasingly unaffordable. The university will continue to disburse COVID-19 Relief Grants, though, as students continue to face pandemic-related financial burdens.
Nina Huang, Staff Writer
• May 6, 2021

NYU YDSA announces tuition strike starting today
The university’s chapter of the Young Democratic Socialists of America is asking undergraduate students to stop paying tuition to NYU and to never donate to the university in the future.
Trace Miller, News Editor
• April 30, 2021

Opinion: NYU Student Tuition Strike: Stronger Together
An open letter to the NYU community from Jake Colosa, NYU Young Democratic Socialists of America co-chair, on behalf of NYU YDSA.
Jake Colosa, Contributing Writer
• April 30, 2021

Yezen Saadah, Editor-in-Chief • March 27, 2025

Sidney Snider, Sports Editor • March 22, 2025

Kiran Komanduri, Photo Editor • March 22, 2025