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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

Broadway musical finishes on sour note

Broadway musical finishes on sour note

April 9, 2014
"If/Then" appeals to audiences mostly through Menzel's stardom, which is not quite enough to make the show memorable.

Budget changes afford theater companies more opportunities

April 8, 2014
The budget for 2015 includes tax incentives for theater production companies outside of New York City.
Tisch freshman Nichols presents original work at Third North

Tisch freshman Nichols presents original work at Third North

April 8, 2014
"Shadows in the Streets," funded by the Tisch Profunds Project, discusses the problem of homelessness in New York.
courtesy of Richard Termine via

Ives’ ‘Heir Apparent’ succeeds beyond obvious laughs

Clio McConnell April 8, 2014
David Ives' hilarious adaptation of this 1705 French farce is pulled off by a highly capable cast.

‘Porgy and Bess’ star Norm Lewis to don Phantom’s mask

April 2, 2014
Norm Lewis will be the first black actor to take on the iconic role in the history of this show's 25-year-long run.
courtesy of Wee Man Productions

Off Broadway production lacks realism, execution

April 2, 2014
Wee Man Productions' inaugural production morphs from a clichéd family drama into a melodramatic mess.
One revival more  for ‘Les Misérables’

One revival more for ‘Les Misérables’

March 26, 2014
With its second Broadway revival in less than a decade, this musical is taking its place as a modern classic.
courtesy of 59E59 Theaters

59E59’s “Day of the Dog” lacks bite

March 25, 2014
Daniel Damiano's play is intense and well-acted, yet does not make much of a lasting impression.

Play proves American Dream to be unrealistic

March 13, 2014
"Take Me Back" is a heart-breaking and well-acted examination of a ex-convict and his struggles to overcome his demons.
courtesy of Playwrights Horizons

Playwrights Horizons presents theatrical satire in ‘Stage Kiss’

March 12, 2014
Pulitzer Prize-nominated playwright Sarah Ruhl returns to Playwrights Horizons with this play, running through Aprli 6.
courtesy of Pearl Acting Company

Pearl Theatre Company mounts faithful production of ‘No Exit’

Clio McConnell March 11, 2014
Jean-Paul Sartre's 1944 play about Hell loses some of its existential effect in this presentation.

‘All the Way’ leaves audiences wanting more substance, less history

March 11, 2014
Bryan Cranston of "Breaking Bad" makes his Broadway debut in this play about Lyndon B. Johnson's first year in office.