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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

When You’re About to Label Someone As “Fascist,” Tread Carefully

When You’re About to Label Someone As “Fascist,” Tread Carefully

Broadly labeling any conservative as fascist waters down the term’s meaning.
Mert Erenel, Contributing Writer November 20, 2018
Broadly labeling any conservative as fascist waters down the term’s meaning.
Students in the Liberal Studies class in which Milo Yiannopolous was slated to speak said they were upset to hear about his visit. (Photo by Sam Klein)

Rectenwald’s Students Share Perspectives on Postponed Yiannopoulos Talk

Yiannopoulos was scheduled to speak for a class of LS students, but the event was postponed one day before.
Anna de la Rosa, Staff Writer November 9, 2018
Yiannopoulos was scheduled to speak for a class of LS students.
“Vote Here” signs in multiple languages outside the polling center in University Hall. (Photo by Alina Patrick)

Midterm Results Signal a New Wave of Progressive Policies for New York

Featuring momentous local and national results, the 2018 midterm elections are poised to have a tangible effect on NYU, New York and the nation as a whole.
Alex Domb, News Editor November 8, 2018
Featuring momentous local and national results, the 2018 midterm elections are poised to have a tangible effect on NYU, New York and the nation as a whole.
Shiv Soin, a first-year CAS student who works with the NY State Democratic Party.

From the Books to the Polls, NYU Students Ace the Midterms

Two students speak about working on midterm campaigns.
Mansee Khurana, Staff Writer November 6, 2018
Two students speak about working on midterm campaigns.
Conservative commentator Milo Yiannopoulos is scheduled to speak at a class taught by self-proclaimed “deplorable” NYU professor Michael Rectenwald on Wednesday. (Image via; illustration by Katie Peurrung)

‘Alt-Right’ Leader Slated to Speak at NYU

The conservative pundit Milo Yiannopoulos will speak on issues like cultural appropriation in a class taught by “deplorable” professor Michael Rectenwald.
Sarah Jackson, News Editor October 28, 2018
The conservative pundit Milo Yiannopoulos will speak on issues like cultural appropriation in a class taught by “deplorable” professor Michael Rectenwald.
A reminder for students to vote in the midterm written on a whiteboard at the RC in Weinstein. (Photo by Alana Beyer)

University Urges Students to Vote

Meghna Maharishi, Deputy News Editor October 22, 2018
NYU's concern over decreasing voting rates and below average turnout has compelled the university to increase their voting initiatives.
Welcome to Femland

Welcome to Femland

Natasha Jokic, Staff Writer October 22, 2018
Welcome to Femland, where women are treated the same way they are in the United States: unfairly.
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi addresses NYU students and community members at the Skirball Center on Monday. She spoke about the presence of women in politics, particularly young women. (Photo by Sam Klein)

Nancy Pelosi Discusses Female Empowerment at NYU

Mansee Khurana, Staff Writer October 17, 2018
NYU Skirball hosts Minority House Leader Nancy Pelosi and other political pundits to discuss the role of women's leadership in politics before the upcoming midterm elections.
Former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger will be speaking at the Stern School of Business on Oct. 16 at 5 p.m. (Collage by Katie Peurrung; photos via and Jake Quan)

Students Condemn ‘War Criminal’ Kissinger

Kissinger is slated to speak at the Stern School of Business on Tuesday.
Victor Porcelli, Deputy News Editor October 15, 2018
Stern will host controversial figure and former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, to the displeasure of many student activist groups who consider him a war criminal.
How NYU Can Include Everyone in the Classroom

How NYU Can Include Everyone in the Classroom

Sarah John, Contributing Writer October 10, 2018
To expand on her last piece, this writer explores the importance of free speech at NYU and the need for the student body to be patient with overall political correctness.
Brett Kavanaugh Thinks His Confirmation Hearings Will Discourage Public Service. That’s Nonsense

Brett Kavanaugh Thinks His Confirmation Hearings Will Discourage Public Service. That’s Nonsense

Judge Brett Kavanaugh grossly underestimated the passion people have for public service in his opening statement last Thursday.
Mickey Desruisseaux, Columnist October 2, 2018
Judge Brett Kavanaugh grossly underestimated the passion people have for public service in his opening statement last Thursday.
Why Does NYU Lack a Space for Non-Partisan Discussions?

Why Does NYU Lack a Space for Non-Partisan Discussions?

Nosheen Hossain, Contributing Writer October 2, 2018
To her dismay, our writer couldn't find a club that provides space for nonpartisan political discussion. Those kind of conversations, though, are the answer to bridging the deep political divide.