New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

Seven students wear masks while sitting at their desks in an NYU classroom. A professor sitting on a table listens to a student.

Opinion: Recitations shouldn’t be mandatory

NYU should allow students to take ownership of their learning.
Molly Koch, Deputy Opinion Editor April 4, 2023

NYU is a large university, with over 50,000 enrolled students, which means class sizes are not always going to be small. Unless you are like me and lucked out with small discussion-based...

Three gala attendees in blazers and turtlenecks chatting under the purple lights of the V100 Gala event.

V100 is a better spirit week than your high school’s

If you didn’t know what V100 was before, here’s your quick guide to NYU’s spirit week events.
Mayee Yeh, Identity & Equity Editor April 18, 2022

I’ve never had school pride. My high school’s name was synonymous with its top Science Olympiad team, much like NYU is known for its Sternies and Tischies. Never falling into...

Participating in the Classroom

Participating in the Classroom

Factoring how often students talk in class into grades favors extroverted students and can make introverted students feel anxious and alienated.
Helen Wajda, Deputy Opinion Editor February 14, 2020

Every time I write a weekly discussion post for my English class, I’m grateful that my professor understands that participation can be measured in ways other than simply talking...