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New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

New York University's independent student newspaper, established in 1973.

Washington Square News

Admitted Tandon students will get to tour Mars through virtual reality goggles.

Tandon Sees 2020 With VR Goggles

Kate Howard, Contributing Writer April 18, 2016
NYU Tandon's Class of 2020 will receive a Virtual Reality gadget along with their acceptance packages.
Kingsley Rowe is an administrator for the NYU Prison Education Program.

This NYU Admin Was Incarcerated at 17, Now He Wants the University to Ban the Box

Greta Chevance, Deputy News Editor April 15, 2016
NYU Re-entry Program Administrator Kingsley Rowe BS '02 MSW '06 discussed his opinions on the 'Ban the Box' movement during an interview with WSN.
Syrian Refugee Awareness Week provides the opportunity for students to raise awareness of refugee crises in Syria.

Tackling the Syrian Refugee Crisis

Olivia Roos, Contributing Writer April 11, 2016
Continuing NYU's initiatives from last semester, Syrian Refugee Awareness Week is April 11 - 15.
Researchers at NYU Langone have published a study going into depth about the ways in which a cancer cell can survive.

Tandon Develops Hybrid Molecule for Breast Cancer Treatment

Kyle Sturmann, Contributing Writer April 8, 2016
NYU Tandon created a hybrid molecule to help treat breast cancer.
Five students came together to create a film for the HeForShe campaign in hopes to showcase NYU as a place for gender equality.

HeForShe Student Film Encourages Discussion Around Gender Equality Movement

Lexi Faunce, News Editor April 8, 2016
NYU filmmakers highlights NYU's involvement in gender equality movements in the HeForShe film.
President Hamilton hosted an affordability talk on Wednesday, however, turnout was minimal.

Scarce Student Turnout at Hamilton’s Public Affordability Discussion

Carlos Michael Rodriguez, Contributing Writer April 8, 2016
President Hamilton's affordability talk received little reaction from students.
Students for Liberty, an international not for profit Libertarian organization, put on a Tech Freedom Conference to discuss a whole array of topics.

NYU Libertarians Talk Freedom in Tech

Steve Malko, Contributing Writer April 4, 2016
Part of the SFL Focus Series, the Tech Freedom Conference on April 2 discussed technological, philosophical and economic ideas in the world.
Tech@NYU will host events and speakers as a part of Startup Week from April 4-9.

Startup Week to Pair Students With Tech Entrepreneurs

Rebecca Oh, Contributing Writer April 4, 2016
Tech@NYU is hosting Startup Week from April 4 through April 9.

Pillow Fight Ruffles Feathers in WSP

Rebecca Oh, Contributing Writer April 4, 2016
A city-wide pillow fight took place under the Washington Square Park arch on Saturday, April 2.
After receiving a donation of $30 million, the College of Nursing will be renamed after Rose Mary “Rory” Meyers and her husband Howard. A majority of the funds will aid nursing students in need.

NYU to Rename Nursing School After $30 Million Donation

Lexi Faunce and Anne Cruz April 4, 2016
Howard and Rory Meyers donated $30 million to NYU's College of Nursing to be used for scholarships and support.
The water dispensers in the NYU Kimmel dining hall sucks.

BREAKING: 69 Hour Protest to Fix Kimmel Water Dispensers Ends

Zach Martin, Arts Editor April 1, 2016
NYU students take issue with the faulty water dispenser in the Kimmel Center.
Even babies find our jokes funny.

A Guide to Hot Jokes by Hot Sauce

Hot Sauce, Senior Jokester April 1, 2016
Here's a guide to the best jokes to tell!